A bit of a follow up on my previous blog and an explantion to why it's weird.
The doctor's visit is going to happen next week (received a letter from the outsource heealth service to that effect today). He or she is GP (don't know if they use that in the US ) so he or she can't overrule my shrink. Worst case scenario, retirement at age of 34 (meaning somewhere this summer) when in fact I'm perfectly capable of doing a job. Okay, I got a slight disabilty, mmzz to be honest several of them when I count the phsysicall parts, but only one that's 'bad' enough to have it recognised and that ones mental (ASD). And it's the last part that makes me a 'difficult' employee (lolz and I never had a negative evalutaion, even had a FUTO a few years back >think employee of the year kind of thing<).
I've asked permission to change the venue to the office of the GP for various reasons. But still waiting on permissio from my employer to do that. Wondering if they'll give it.
>sight< really thinking about hitting the road (preferably due east)and life all those problems behind. But that's so pricey on so manny levels (family, cats, job although there isn't mutch left of that one, ...
Union is talking about harassements claims and stuff but I don't know >end of the rope kind of thing< ...
No one can force you to retire
Even if you reach retirement age, you can't be forced to retire, and I certainly wouldn't recommend it at your age. I was made redundant in my early 50s and was offered early retirement, which I took, but by then I had a full index linked Final Salary pension.
Don't really understand about changing venue, but Let's face it, it's difficult getting a new job at the moment even if you're the perfect candidate, so I would take your union's advice.
Heading East? You mean Essex? It's your choice but I would guess wherever you are, you're probably in a much more fortunate position than anywhere to the east.
retirement and other stuff
Keep the job, if you can, unless you want to retire
May Your Light Forever Shine
Charlotte and Stan
Civil Service é, they'll retire you when they want you to and it will even have a gouvernemental (one of those politician type signs the paper that says so). I can appeal it if the grounds aren't sound (in this case medical)but during that appeal I'm officially retired. And'cause of my age I can't even get a bridging pension meaning I would only have the minimum (which is less then my mortgage).
It's an effort of my employer to get rid of a 'difficult' employe 'cause they can't fire my (happy dance for the civil service). Another motive is budgetcuts on personel ... (they only want the perfect little employe saying "yes mem sahib"preferably with a higher learning degree, all those secundairy education types they say are mostly a waste of space and money. Only the kitchen/cleaning staff/drivers are excempt from that but not the clerks(heck they are level D which is the lowest level with no degree required and lowest benifts/pay and Clerks are level C which require a secundairy school degree. Just so theydon't need to do the menial jobsthemselves)
East meaning far east although I got a few friends saying I need to head west (1 in Montana, another in Arizona).
Normal the checking happens at the employees home, which is somewhat difficult with me probalby going to get emotional and having a very large dog (german shepard/rottweiler mix) that I can't confine outside (lolz she' pretty good at opening door of even running through them to get to me). So I asked permission to change the venue to the GP's office which is easier for both of us.
I'm keeping it with everything I got but it is getting pretty hard to. Retirement is not an option (or they need to pay me the full package so I can manage with my commitmens (morgage and stuff) <- cynical part of me.
This situation is going on for more then2 years now so I'm really, really getting tired of it :(:(especially when there isn't light at the end of the tunnel (hence the cynical part).
Best Exotic Marigold Hotel?
OK, I've seen the film, and maybe it would work in real life, and maybe not. If you have a reasonable income then I guess it will buy more in the far east than here, but if it's low now, it's only going to get lower with time. The far east is not the kind of place where you want to be destitute, not even able to afford the fare home. Poverty there is like no one in the UK can imagine. (BTW, I was joking about Essex - no one could be that desperate! Oops, sorry to all my Essex readers.)
I belonged to a union all my working life and on just a two occasions not too dissimilar to yours they were worth gold-dust in providing support when my employer was trying to kick me. I would listen very carefully to what they recommend. Is there any chance you can claim discrimination based on sexuality?
Remember, your employer is trying to wear you down, so come back out of your corner fighting - but let your union do it for you. They'll take the emotion out of it and present a much better case.
Good luck, and don't let the bastards get you down!
far east
I'd still have my pension so not without money ;d although I (and the bank still have my house to sell even if I'm still in the middle of grand scale renovations)
And no, at least not at this time, basis for a claim on discriminaton on basis of gender/sexuality/disability grounds. Only one workable seems to be the harassement claim.
Union isn't that 'active'. They don't want to rock the boat to hard for only one in about 35000 employees. And if they do take steps it's deffinetly going to rock the boat all the way up to my Secretary-General. And it's also election year so ... They are very reluctant to burn bridges.
O yeah, was getting ready to leave, had asked my shrink to be able to receive a phonecall, got transport to get to th GP's office ... and the moved the appointemet to tommorrow morning in Hasselt at the main office of the external health service. And me with my sleeping problems .. -> need to get up at 5 in the morning to get there on time (and I'll be even arriving way to early about 50min before the appointement). grrrr one of those times I regret not having a driverslicense /car.