Prop 8, DOMA & Domestic Partners


Pleas don't pray for those bills!

laika's picture

If you're gonna pray, pray the surpreme court decides those 3 bills restricting LGBT rights are
Constitutionally unviable. Although I think that's what you meant. But just my luck I'd be like
a Florida senior citizen in the voting booth, with my chads all a-rumple, accidently praying
the opposite of what I meant, and that would be the one that God answers...
~~just my opinion, Veronica

What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.

This is nice and all,

and I do hope that the Supreme Court decides to take on these issues, BUT... once again Trans folks are being left by the wayside, as one of the commenters stated. We seem to be the last in line for any considerations, always being told, "We need to leave the T part out of this suit so it'll be more likely to pass, but we'll be back for you. We're always covering the troops retreats, but never actually getting into the fights.

Yes, I know that for those who have managed to get their Birth Certificates changed, these rulings may make their lives a lot better. For those of us who reside in states who require GRS proof before changing the Birth Certificates it's just more of the same.

Sigh. Oh well. My very best wishes to those to whom these bills affect. As for us "po' old trannies, well I guess we'll just hafta wait til Massa decides we's worth botherin' with.


As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg