Politics / Politicians / Legislation / Elections

More on the Moore/Burchill controversy

The Guardian/Observer has, in a somewhat mealy-mouthed manner withdrawn Burchill's bigoted rant from their website. However, they haven't written a single word of criticism about Burchill, so expect her bigotry to shine forth in her future writings.

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Media viewpoints

We've had an interesting week in the UK news. On Thursday, the left-wing Guardian commentator Suzanne Moore demonstrated she didn't understand transsexuals. On Sunday, the even more left-wing Guardian commentator Julie Burchill demonstrated (yet again) she is a bigoted transphobe

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Cuba elects an openly tg person to local government.

This article is on the Guardian website and in the newspaper, the comments are interesting too, according to one commenter transsexuals just can't cope with reality - I was pleased to see they got shot down rather quickly.


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This is important

Please view the videos and help to discourage big government from doing the wrong thing. I know this isn't TG, but it is important. This farm is only fifty miles from where I live and the video tells everything you need to know about the area. Best to all, Arecee

Video produced by Friends of Drakes Bay Oyster [18 min]: http://vimeo.com/52331881

Video produced by KimSteele.com [3 min]: http://vimeo.com/53088980

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Scottish Independence?

Today, David Cameron and Alex Salmon signed a contract to hold a referendum in Scotland to determine if it should remain as part of the United Kingdom, become a separate country, or, perhaps, chose some status incorporating features of both. This referendum is scheduled for 2014, so there will be plenty of time to discuss the pros and cons, coming to a consensus.

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Interesting error...

This week I received a letter from my local council containing a rather dry consultation on how to negotiate a cut imposed on them from on high.

However, there was a rather interesting error (corrected in another letter the following day) on their equality questionnaire...

First version

(Helpful hint: look at the first question)

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Pussy Riot

Few can be unaware of the events in Russia where a trio of young women have been arrested and tried for the most specious of charges. They have acknowledged and apologised to those who were offended by their demonstration in the cathedral which upset the primate of the Russian Orthodox church so much, but I suspect not because of what they did but because they dared to do it at all.

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Feminism Ally

Hi everyone,
today while I surfed around on the net I found this site: http://playerversusfrustration.wordpress.com/2012/01/12/comp...

It's about a guy who wants to be a feminism ally and has suggestions for other "dudes" who also want to be a feminism ally.
First I thought it was Satire, but apparently he was serious.

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Marital Equity

Conservative Right get something correct, for once.

Suze Orman Is a economic expert from Chicago and one of her expertises is women and their money.

Suze Orman show today on CNBC News channel, had a long feature on the Money worries of gay and to a lesser extent "other" marriages. I think if you are going to have a life partner type of relationship or have one, you need to see this...

(Maybe some thing for USA only but good advice for most)

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Ontario Human Rights

Since no one seems to have blogged about it yet I thought I'd mention some tidbit of good news out of my home province of Ontario. It seems that all three parties (seriously, even including the Conservatives) unanimously voted to adjust the Ontario Human Rights Code to prohibit discrimination against transgender people.

It's a first for any Canadian province but I do believe it won't be the last. Hopefully other provinces will follow suit in time. :)


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SRS funding re-instated in Alberta

Although I do not follow politics... a friend of mine does, and just mentioned to me something I thought I would pass on. Especially to Dorothy Colleen... and anyone else in Alberta.

The new Premier of Alberta seems to have broken with tradition in a big way, by re-instating funding for SRS patients in the province (up to 25 per year) -- without waiting to be forced into it by the legal actions still winding their ways through the courts.

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Denmark allows gay marriages... in church!

Spotted on Google+, shared by a prominent Googler (Kristoffer Sorensen):

The Danish Folketing has voted overwhelmingly in favour of a full ecclesiastical marriage service in the national Evangelical-Lutheran church for homosexual couples, to be instituted as a full, official marriage equal to that of heterosexual couples.

After a lengthy and sometimes heated debate, which ran some three hours over its expected time, 85 members voted in favour of the law, 24 against and with two abstentions.

Source: Politiken.dk

Apparently, the reason the Folketing can rule in this way is that the Protestant Church in Denmark is a State Church.

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ZW politician blames women for HIV

You might want to move your keyboard out of the way so you can bang your head against your desk in desperation at this...

It's about what you'd expect from many African politicians - effectively putting the onus of the blame for the spread of HIV onto women (presumably under the impression that it's completely impossible for their menfolk to control their philandering ways).

The synopsis of what this latest politican to make a completely bonkers statement on the issue can be neatly summed up in this tweet:

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A scholar posts his take on homosexuality and the bible

http://religion.blogs.cnn.com/2012/05/15/my-take-what-the-bi ble-really-says-about-homosexuality/?hpt=hp_c1

The fella in the post above seems to have a pretty good handle on the bible, and what it says and doesn't say. Not sure if it will make any difference in the current politcal bull crap though.

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Transgender A.U. student leader finds acceptance

Sarah McBride says she loves politics and loves her home state of Delaware.

A native of Wilmington, McBride, 21, has been active in Delaware politics since the age of 13 and worked on the 2008 election campaign of Gov. Jack Markell (D). When Markell won the Democratic primary in September 2008, he and his wife Carla invited McBride to introduce the future governor on the stage where he delivered his victory speech.

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Feminism and the Transgendered

I posted quite a long comment on the 'Out of Canada' blog today, but it was about something that deserves a wider discussion. I came across rather a good link which sympathetically addresses the issues involved, and gives quite a lot of detail and history.

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MP spouts nonsense on gay marriage

Just in case those of you in the US thought your politicians had cornered the market in spouting nonsense in their campaigning against gay marriage, one of ours has apparently decided that it opens the door to bigamy and child marriage...

Ho hum.

The story's featured in the Huffington Post.

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Good news out of Canada.

There seems to be a lot of "negative" news stories coming out of my country lately. The transgender beauty contestant or the gender not matching appearance on a passport as prominent examples...

Well, here's something that provides a little hope. Ontario looks like it's poised to take a step forward in transgender rights: changing gender without SRS.


Although I'm sure the comments will be a mixed...

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frustrated with the local election

Well, things could get very dicey here after the election. One of the candidates of the party most likely to win is on record as saying gays and lesbians will burn in hell. Now, he's trying to say he said that as a pastor, not as a politician, but the party is also on record as saying it will allow marriage commissioners to not recognize a gay couple that comes in to get married, even though gay marriage is perfectly legal here.


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Everyone's button count has been removed. We aren't ready to release the new "product" yet and we said this could and would happen. In fact I want to let everyone know that it WILL happen again, when the system goes live, in order for everyone to start on an even footing.

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Jenna Talackova on ABC news show 20/20 tonight

Jenna Talackova the Canadian Miss Universe contestant that was disqualified, then allowed to complete is on 20/20 tonight;


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Jen Xing's journey and triumph


A story on this amazing person will be on The Rock Center at 10 (East) 9 (central). It should be about 15 minutes long. In a country like China who still value boys over girls, her father's attitude is perceptive and loving. Even the Chinese government values her, and so does her husband who happens to be German.


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U.N. Secretary on LGBT

This is a video from the United Nations Secretary on his views about LGBT issues. It is positive and worth taking a look.

U.N. Secretary Ban Ki-moon: The Time Has Come For LGBT People

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