Janet Nolan Miles

Ex-gay? No way!

The post the other day about the Anglicans putting 'ex-gay' ads on the buses made me react when I saw this news item this morning.

Turns out that the, um, individual that wrote a key article supporting ex-gay therapy is now admitting he was wrong. Not in so many words, but it's a step back in the correct direction.

Funny how these so-called 'objective experts' find them selves tied up in knots trying to justify their own bigotry.

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The QT Diaries -- The Lab Rats

The Lab Rats

The QT Diaries

The Lab Rats

by Janet Nolan Miles

There is sabotage on the Space Patrol Research Ship Ponce de Leon and the targets are a pair of researchers. Who is trying to stop research into the Quantum Transformation Syndrome? Is it possible to live forever?

Request for thoughts

I am working on a story that is set in Denise's QT Diaries universe. It is the back story for a couple of characters that will appear in her next story release (Ep. V).

This involves an extremely rare case of twin QTs. The two are not originally even related, but are genetically 'merged' in the transformation.

One of the gained characteristics is 'twin speak', the non-verbal communication that twins use. I am thinking of portraying it as a limited form of telepathy, but am open to suggestions.

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"Officially" retired

It's perhaps a bit early, but I just received confirmation from Social Security that I will be receiving retirement benefits starting next month. Actually, this month, but they won't actually pay me until April.

It's kind of a bittersweet situation. Those with whom I've shared know that I have been out of work and looking for about three years now. It's frustrating for someone with my experience to be passed over. My resume (CV) is impressive, perhaps too much so.

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The Outstretched Hand

This was written at three in the morning in about twenty minutes. I hadn't thought about posting this as it is not really about anything specifically TG. Still with all of the discussions about depression and feelings of helplessness, I thought it would be a good idea to post.

Please read this in the light of finding your own higher power and not as a plug for any given religion. This is not about my wanting to foist something upon you, but invite you to find your own way to faith.

Gmail account hacked

Some time early Sunday morning someone managed to get into my Gmail account and spam everybody in my (somewhat extensive) contacts list. If you got one, please delete it.

I discovered it this morning when I could not get into my account. They had changed the password. I went through the password recovery and got control of the account back.

When I was able to get back into the account there was a message from Google that the account had been accessed from China and if it wasn't me that I should change my password.

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BC Manual of style???

With the advent of the first BC V-1 a thought occurs. Recently, I have been working with an author on a re-write and an issue arose regarding comma use.

I had recommended the grammatical use of the comma in a specific application. The author used the comma as a pause indicator in dialog. When I responded to the author, I brought out the issue, but left the final decision on usage to him.

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"Forced" Transformation Stories

I tend to like stories that have some sort of transformation in them. Seeing how people cope and adapt in unusual or changing situations is very interesting.

One thing that bothers me about this sort of story is that usually the changed character comes to terms with their changes. This is a wonderful thing, but it leaves me with a problem... I couldn't do it.

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POV -- My First Contribution as an Author


What do you see?
Is it what I see?

We look at the same thing
So why is it so different for me?

I wish you could use my eyes
and I yours.

But would that be enough?
We see not with our eyes.

How do we share our hearts?
How do we share our minds?
How do we share our souls?

Are we truly islands,
An endless archipelago of lonely beings?

Or is there a path to mutual understanding -
A place where we can share as equals

Someplace where we can see
And know our vision is one.

(C) Copyright 2007 Janet L. Nolan

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