
The Mysterious Cabinet Chap. 12

Rose wakes up the next morning feeling tired. Last night she had gathered some evidence that she needs to show Sasha and hopefully, she’ll be able to read the faded writing on the pieces of wood she bagged and brought back with her. However, right now she needs to open her garage and take care of business.

Chasing Tales Chapter 4

Chasing Tales

Chapter 4

Twin Time

My dream remained on my mind all day. I wondered why I had that type of dream now? I decided to talk to Jenny about that time and why she took my ring. It is faster to fly so I let my wings out and took off for the Palace. Flying always calmed my nerves so I was very calm when I got to the Great Hall.

The QT Diaries -- The Lab Rats

The Lab Rats

The QT Diaries

The Lab Rats

by Janet Nolan Miles

There is sabotage on the Space Patrol Research Ship Ponce de Leon and the targets are a pair of researchers. Who is trying to stop research into the Quantum Transformation Syndrome? Is it possible to live forever?

The Center: Weight Problem


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The Center: Weight Problem



Steven and Stephanie Martelli were twins but couldn't be more opposite. When they discover they are different from other teens their age, the two of them have to put aside their differences and figure out what's going on. To complicate matters, someone is chasing them and no matter what, they can't be stopped.

Fool Me Once

At eleven-years-old, Zoe is fed up with being played a fool by her fraternal twin Zack. Not only did Zack force her to share a womb, but he's aways arranged for her to be blamed for his lifelong efforts to become a girl like her. An unusual story, told from a sister's perspective, with an unusual twist. After all, this is a DeWinter tale. Thanks to Princess Chelsea and Geoff for enthusiasm and editing.

Fool me Once
Dawn DeWinter

“My Life” by Zoá« Enderson —

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