
Aunt Adele's Niece -- Part 2

Aunt Adele's Niece -- Part 2

By Katherine Day


(Copyright 2011)

(An orphaned 12-year-old boy moves to live with his aunt and finds his true self as he is accepted as a girl in an all-girl dance group. The group is preparing for a big performance, as the new girl finds boys interested in her.)

Pigtails Are for Girls -- Part 6

Pigtails Are For Girls — Part 06
Chapters 13-14
By Katherine Day
Full of fear, Jarod enters the large urban middle school, seeking to fit in as a boy;
he struggles to succeed, keeping his femininity in the background.
Yet, it is ever dominating as he can only find comfort in being a girl. It causes him and his mother both sadness and joy.

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