
To Sonja Henie, With Love


Peter learns about his Norwegian heritage and finds his true self in preparing for a School’s holiday pageant.
He also gets the finest Christmas present of his young life.

To Sonja Henie, with Love

By Katherine Day

Copyright © 2009 Katherine Day

Pigtails Are for Girls -- Part 8

Pigtails Are For Girls — Part 08
Chapters 17-18 
By Katherine Day
Wearing pigtails, Jarod, as Jane, wins the attention of a nice boy but gains the anger of his mother, as she continues to worry about the fate of her pretty son.

Pigtails Are for Girls -- Part 6

Pigtails Are For Girls — Part 06
Chapters 13-14
By Katherine Day
Full of fear, Jarod enters the large urban middle school, seeking to fit in as a boy;
he struggles to succeed, keeping his femininity in the background.
Yet, it is ever dominating as he can only find comfort in being a girl. It causes him and his mother both sadness and joy.

The Girl in the Frat House -- Part 5

To be or not to be (a female). Harold finds his role as an effeminate boy in a fraternity house has changed him and the crude brothers of the House in critical ways, and he is at a crossroads. He makes the decision after a jarring incident.

The Girl in the Frat House -- Part 3

Harold is a slight and effeminate boy who finds both friends and tormenters as he begins his freshman year in college in one of the rowdiest of frat houses. Sometimes he is a lovely girl named Heidi and his beauty is stunning and convincing. Yet, he finds joy as well by being a boy named Harold. He struggles to find the best direction for his future.

The Girl in the Frat House -- Part 2

Artistic, fashion minded and pretty, Harold is a lovely boy who finds he must survive in one of the rowdiest fraternity houses on campus. Soon he figures that his very femininity is the charm that will take him through difficult adventures.

My Lovely Summer of 1941: A Fictional Memoir

A remembrance of the summer before Jonathan, a tender, sweet boy who loved dolls, entered junior high school. He finds joy in being Julie among other girls who treat him as one of their own. He soon finds terrors that face little girls. An idyllic summer that ended too soon.

The Foster Mom's New Daughter -- Part 6

Angelo, continuing his adventures into becoming a girl, faces frightening prospects and returns to his loving foster mother as high school years continue. The story ends in a surprise.

The Foster Mom's New Daughter -- Part 5

Angelo finds friendship and acceptance at high school, in spite of his girlish nature. His joy is short-lived as he finds Child Welfare Services has come to remove him from his foster mother's home, a prospect that horrifies him. He works out his own solution to this frightening event and finds a whole new world.

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