BC Manual of style???

With the advent of the first BC V-1 a thought occurs. Recently, I have been working with an author on a re-write and an issue arose regarding comma use.

I had recommended the grammatical use of the comma in a specific application. The author used the comma as a pause indicator in dialog. When I responded to the author, I brought out the issue, but left the final decision on usage to him.

In re-reading one of the candidates for volume one it occurred to me that we have multiple concepts on some of the basics of the writing craft. Language is fluid... it changes over time. One only need to look at literature from past centuries to note them.

In the writing field there are numerous 'manuals of style', books that give direction of when and how to use words and punctuation. We could construct our own manual of style for BC V-1, adopt an existing manual, or just free-style it.

As a volunteer to the staff, I want to be able to be an effective contributor and I feel that guidelines will be very useful.

All that being said, I feel that discussion and input from authors and readers is very important to this process.

But then, this is just my own opinion.

What's yours?


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