Well, it's been a busy morning. It started out by discovering my email account had been hacked. I've already shared that.
On Denise's (my lovely wife) request I met with a 'mental health professional.' Okay, so I've been a bit down lately.
So, this morning I went in to the clinic and met with this charming lady. As we got to know each other, we got in to the issues in hand. After about twenty minutes of conversation, she pretty much admitted that being unemployed for over three years after a thirty year career as a high level manager, being homeless for two years, being increasingly hampered with severe pain from osteo-arthritis and being unable to take the usual treatments due to kidney complications... She decided that I had justification for being depressed. What a surprise!
It was good to have a chat with her, though. I was recently started on Vicodin for the pain and I have been really concerned about the side effects. I mean, it helps with the pain, but I don't like how it fuzzes me up or the fact that the stuff is addictive as hell.
And so it goes.
I know that I'm not the only one with health issues. I know many of my sisters and brothers here on BC have far worse situations. I know that many of my sisters and brothers here on BC are out of work. And I suspect that there are others who really don't have their own places.
So, it is okay to feel depressed... but it's not okay to live there.
It is times like this when I am so grateful for the community that we have here. The support we share with each other is such a comfort.
Face it. We are survivors. And we will not just survive, we will prosper.
Doing my best, girl. This place helps. Hugs.
Being depressed for all of those reasons is perfectly acceptable to me. I am no unemployed for the 2nd time in two years after 23 years of sweat, pain, blood, and fun in my career. I started at the bottom and worked my way to near the top. Now where I live ( Indian River County FL ) there are not many jobs for an electrician. Lowes did call call for an enterview but I guess i am just not what they want for a florest.
20 years of supporting my family and now my unemployment payments are running up. Work 23 years and more never take a dime and get $275 for 12 months seems like a deal. Plus We bought our first home 6 mons. before the market crashed, $130K upside down, and have not been able to make the payment for a loooonng time. The bank will take it this year.
All savings is gone. Wife is looking to divorce perhaps maybe. She needs a rest.
Sold everything of value including ALL of my guns, yes I love them great for stress relief, except 1 ONE and I have looked hard at it.
My now 20 year old son graduated with a 2.5 gpa and 4.5 credits more than is required. He has NO diploma. Florida did not require the schools to teach the math that is needed in order to pass thier FCAT test. My son passed ALL of his math classes but I guess if a kid struggles in one subject the school just puts them in a lesser class so that they may pass. ALL Legal no bitching is accepted even if there was NO NOT ONE G>> DAM thing said for 4 F>>>ing years.
Give up? NO F>>K em!!! I WILL live. I MUST live if only for me or just to pee in Thier cornflakes!
Finding may rally point may have just been this rant. Thank you
One of the solutions is to dig out others in our community locally and find out who can offer and who needs support, locally.
I contact LGBT organisations in Swansea and offer houses to TG people who feel they might be happier sharing with another TG person and yet under no obligation to stay if they find it's not working. The houses are usually small, 2 bedroomed, terraced houses, cos most of my houses have that profile. This makes then fairly cheap when shared between two people.
Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but the ones that don't simply move on and I try the same equasion with other TG/TS people until two people find they can at least rub along together. I'm no matchmaker or stuff and I leave it entirely to my tenants to see if they can work it out.
That's my bit towards helping my sisters. That's the giving bit.
I don't have the emotional or spiritual wherewithall to offer succour and comfort to my less fortunate sisters but at least a roof helps.
On the receiving side, I have to say this site helps hugely to keep me sane even if I'm not depressed. The variety of stories and stuff really helps to keep my TV/TS brain somewhere on the bent and broad path I do so enjoy.
Keep on trucking.
Growing old disgracefully.