YoungJuliet's blog

Sale of E-books over at Humble Bundle

There's a big sale over at Humble Bundle for the next 2 days, that is related to those who frequent this site.
Humble LGBT -Book Sale

It involves lesbians, gays, transgender, gender queer; literature, audio books, comic books, and novels just to list some of the item in the deal.

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The Rights of the Community

Two topics:

  • Bathroom use is going to be a major issue, "Bathroom Gate" is back again.
  • LGBT discrimination, and many political issue for those of the LGBT community.

Trans-People's Rights

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Watch Out Transwomen are eveywhere, including the White House

As some of you have heard, those Trans-people are everywhere in the News and on the Streets.

What you may not have read or heard yet is, 'they' (read 'us') are now in the White House, location of much of the Untied States' political clout.

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Money making idea for TG RPG

Ideas and Opportunity.
Money Making Idea ... "TG Fantasy / (Person) Maker"
Tell the Tales of the Closet in the form of a Game!
I am open to the thoughts and ideas of our community.
Who is up for an adventure in non-code, coding?
Hope the people take this idea, and run with it for a Golden Award.
Character closet.jpeg

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Girl Scouts do Good for Trans-Girl

Another Anti-Lgbt organatization has started hating on people.
The American-Family-Association(AFA), is a little late joining on the dissing of Trans-girl in scouts, and they want them out.

But, there is serious good news, the GSA (Girl Scouts of America) instantly defend the Trans-Girls, as both belonging and girl that just have to take a more unique path, that scouting can help them with.

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Free Comic Book Day

Today is a fun and free Holiday to those that enjoy Graphic novels and Pictorial Books.

In other words it is "Free Comic Book Day"
How does this holiday work you ask?
It is easy you go to a comic or one of many hobby stores and ask for a copy of a Free pre-approved comic book.

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A few pieces of entertainment for those on BC.

The return of the Beautiful Sailor Scouts.
As of 3 am (PDT)today, Saturday, July 12, 2014.

The reboot of Sailor Moon, has already started.

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2 for 1 Blog, But they are short reminders for mental health

First off the good news, got a new cat, a grey and dark brown calico kitten that is growing fast.
So, I should be more good natured for awhile, at least until her teething becomes an issues.

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I am Back, .... And my cat is dieing

Thank to the work of Joyce and Erin of One of the best sites on the Internet.

I have obviously been able to finally after a 1/2 year of not being able to sign-in, sign in again.

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One way to look at the Girl Code

Some of the (reality)celebrities and real girls from on TV, have decided (got paid) to talk about the way women look at being a woman and what the issue woman have to do and deal with on a daily basis.

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Marital Equity

Conservative Right get something correct, for once.

Suze Orman Is a economic expert from Chicago and one of her expertises is women and their money.

Suze Orman show today on CNBC News channel, had a long feature on the Money worries of gay and to a lesser extent "other" marriages. I think if you are going to have a life partner type of relationship or have one, you need to see this...

(Maybe some thing for USA only but good advice for most)

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That is the way the Cookies crumbles.

I know it has been mentioned at least once. But, here in California one of the supposed more foreword thinking areas of the USA. Unfortunately this is not true, and her parent may have affected her opinions of a person her has never seen in the flesh according to the sources I have read and the videos I have seen both in her favor and against the views he has taken. There is Girl Scout who is trying to under mine the organization of girl scouting.

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