As some of you have heard, those Trans-people are everywhere in the News and on the Streets.
What you may not have read or heard yet is, 'they' (read 'us') are now in the White House, location of much of the Untied States' political clout.
Raffi Freedman-Gurspan will have the job of "outreach and recruitment director for presidential personnel" in the Office of Personnel. She get to pick out the new positions and make sure
New Staffer, Transgendered {Link to article in the Headline}
This is an unrelated photo for spice to the article, Raffi(real picture link) is not in it.
But, in all seriousness, it is a good thing we are being more openly represented, in a positive or open light.
On the down side I think she maybe a 'equal opportunity quota' or 'political hire', after the President failed at a statement about tg rights the back in June. I love to have equally, but quota employment, (forcing it) has for a long time be a 'button' of dissent with me. Jobs should to the best applicant.
Though from what I read she can do the Job quite well, she was just not the 'best'.
Remember that while you can lambast me over the final line of the last paragraph, in the comments below, please try to keep them polite or at least civil. For I encourage the use of intelligent or well meaning political discourse, just not muck flinging.
Raffi if you read this or are told about it. I approve and endorse your getting pick as general member of Personal, you just push too hard. I love that you are passionate about your beliefs, just do not get caught up on the tg detainment and mistreatment of immigrants. Transgender people in all the umbrellaing of the term still are a small sub-section of the population, I personal, think the issue of revoking of human and citizens rights by executive order is a way bigger issue, that some one has to deal with. You could be next is a line to remember it is how the brown shirts gave way to the nazi (read totalitarian) party back in world war 2.
I am sorry for the new vector of the latter part of the above section.
Back to the point of this blog, congratulations to the bulk of us for we, or our loved ones have taken another step to being both more fully acknowledged and accepted, in the wider world. People who are different then they seem, immigrant population wanting to come to this country and people of color are all going to be helped by this announcement.
Raffi, is a strong support of immigrant rights and of the Lgbt initiative of getting people recognized.
Good work on getting a job that helps you and us all in the untied american states. Keep up the good work!
And just an FYI her predecessor got an average salary of $132,009, that is not a bad job perk.
Things are getting better for the bulk of the member of this site here in US for once, yay a step forward.
Here to more step to come in an improve life and world for everyone - TG, disabled, colored or 'Norm'.
I am a not ellaquint person.
I rewrote the article 8 time and I still think the apology in the middle makes me sound like rear-end for a top of my head, whether as a head dress or an attachment.
Still good work Raffi, you got a way to change things, started if you take advantage of the chance.
Every one else, thing are possibly changing for that greater/ better future.
There is hope.
"Sometimes you need a little space to grow up or start over"- Me
Political hire?
Could be a quota, could be a choice of someone to help fix the problem. could sorta be both at once. Either way I hope it helps. The other issue you bring up scares the hell out of me.
""First they came for... ... .""
What second part?
The pay scale for an administrator in the capital? ^1
That I make a lot of mistakes? ^2
Or that is may have been a quota thing? ^3
^1 The answer are Government pays pay well in most 1st and 2nd world countries, and you get all the best stuff in corrupt 3rd worlds. So, a good job can be worth a bunch. And US government job come with a good number of benefits once you get to the levels like this.
^2 Mistakes happen, and I should have let the mistake lay so we could concentrate on this big announcement. I am not very god writer, and the day I wrote the article, I was extra poor.
^3 Quotas happen, and even if it was true, that that was the key to her getting hired, then it does not change, a visible and dedicated person got a job that has a potential to make a difference. It is most likely that is can and will be turned to being almost all a positive situation.
"Sometimes you need a little space to grow up or start over"- Me
Well there is also Amanda Simpson
Unless we are only counting White House staff itself. Amanda works for the Army I think but is part of the executive branch.
Applauding the appointment of Raffi Freedman-Gurspan
Won't it be nice when the day comes that when a person is appointed, whether Straight, Gay, Lesbian, Transgendered, Transexual, intersexed, pink, brown, black, male or female, we won't have press announcements over it, there won't be any special celebrations past the person's family, or having to worry about quotas or how it "looks" to the political yoyos.
It will just be a person getting and starting a new job.
"Nothing to see here, move along, move along." :-)
Your Comment re Politicians Supposedly Helping Transpeople
Dear Raffi,
I'm afraid I cannot agree with you about Transfolks getting much help from the political establishments, not in ANY countries I have been acquainted with. Of course, the "governments" of any country in the horrible hot Middle East, especially any infested with that awful, sick Mind-Virus they call Islam, is liable to chop off the heads of anyone who is slightly different from their brainwashed mass of ordinary brain-sick victims, but even in our so-called civilised West, real equality for females let alone for people who are a bit of both genders, are denied equality, despite all the scientific evidence that such persons are born like that and that even with fruit flies, as well as fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and many other mammals besides humans, blurring between genders and affectionate behaviour between individuals of their species of the same as well as the other gender, and have existed ever since Life on Earth began.
Among Flowering Plants many more species have individuals that are of both genders than of single genders ! There are distinct evolutionary advantages, especially among plants, but for animals too, in having both genders in one individual. Even if there is only one individual left on a whole island for example, that species can still breed and recover after a disaster, such as a sudden climate change, a fire or a severe storm.
Earlier human cultures were in fact matriarchal, and back in the days when so little was known about how the planet functioned, and deities were being invented to try to explain what could then not be explained, a Mother Goddess was dominant. It was only after we began to exceed the human population that could be sustained by nature in some areas, that humans' favourite hobby of making war on neighbour tribes became popular and the physically stronger males began to dominate the females, and warrior gods gradually replaced the Mother Goddesses.
This was also the age when Governments began to be invented. Back then, humans lived in troops with up to about 100 people maximum, with several females of breeding age, one big strong male, and the children. The big male was the Leader of the pack, but eventually he began to get old and lose his strength, and was replaced by one of the grown-up sons who challenged and beat him and drove him away. Somewhat similar to how it is with Chimpanzees and Gorillas still today. Sometimes the younger males challenged the Leader too soon, and it was they that had to flee the troop. They fled into the hills and lived the best they could.
They noticed that as the numbers of humans increased, they began to send travellers from one valley to another, with goods to trade, Often they would come down upon these travellers and rob them of everything they had.
One day, among the lonely males in the hills a genius appeared, who suggested that instead of attacking the traders and stealing their goods, they greet them and offer to escort them safely through these bad lands where there were many robbers, and in exchange they asked only a 5 % of the goods being carried. He pointed out that it actually would cost them nothing, as they should simply raise the prices of their goods to recover the cost, and they would be able to carry extra goods instead of having to have weapons as well. A few of them would even play the role of robbers and threaten the caravan at a dangerous-looking point, but they would flee from the Escort without anyone getting hurt. With time, these safer routes were used more and more. With time the fees went up to ten % too.
Then there came among them another genius, who pointed out how cold and lonely it was in the hills in winter, and who proposed that they go into the towns in the valleys with the traders, to "protect" them, and that they should then take over the town and its people and wealth, and tell them of the dangerous enemies up in the hills, and say how they had come to protect the people of the valley and the town as well, from such terrible robbers. Of course, this would require a small fee, of about 10-13 % to cover their costs.
Over time they took over running of the town, and the fee for the "Protection" went up to 20, 30, even to 50 %, but in exchange they would indoctrinate (= "educate") the children, pass many laws, and settle all disputes, and so on. And that is what developed into the governments we have to obey and pay taxes to, now.
I don't think we will get ANYTHING from ANY Government, run as they ALL are, by selfish, greedy politicians who care only about their OWN interests, and who actually despise the gullible people who believe their lies and false promises and follow them like sheep.
We don't need politicians to tell us what to do - we can decide by our selves. Humans are social animals that like to live in groups and like to work together to achieve things that alone they could not achieve. Now we know quite a bit more about how everything works, we no longer need to invent imaginary gods to blame and to appeal to to help us when we make mistakes.
In my 78 years on earth I have become both an anarchist and an atheist - authorities have become parasites, sucking our blood and our energy like a terrible disease.