CaroL's blog

To Elrod

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Hi Elrod. I want to thank you so much for reposting the Bikini Beach stories. Each one is a welcome surprise and trip down Memory Lane, sometime with a few empathic tears, some with a chuckle. They are so much appreciated. Please keep at it.

Any plans for some new ones?


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16 wonderful pics by a man using ball point pens!!

These are amazing pics made by a maniac for detail and unusual media. Enjoy!

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Ron Pearlman as post-op TS in 3-2-1-Frankie-Go-Boom.

Scary look at Perlman as a post-op TS. Clip part way down page in link.

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Aging in the Transgender population: A report and dialogue

This is a study detailing the unequal access to medical and other resources by the aging trans population. As is noted in the link, it is a pdf file and has some substance to it.

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Is this the real skinny on the term transgender?

Cristan seems to have done a real research job in tracking the source of the word down. See what you think.

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A scholar posts his take on homosexuality and the bible ble-really-says-about-homosexuality/?hpt=hp_c1

The fella in the post above seems to have a pretty good handle on the bible, and what it says and doesn't say. Not sure if it will make any difference in the current politcal bull crap though.

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FBI grabs server, then returns, internet privacy violated?

This is plain weird and a bit scary too. The FBI siezed a server dedicated to helping create a safe, anonymous communication environment for folks in other countries seeking a better life, according to the owners of the server. See what you think? Are they right to suspect the returned server has been interferred with or are they paranoid? Should they be able to take the server through the claim of national security or terrorism?

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Opposite Day? Well, a different interpretation...

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Ya' gotta admit, this kid's interpretation of Opposite Day is a literal interpretation. Even the cop thought so. Probably wouldn't be all that popular Opposite Day on this story site though.....;-)

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Jen Xing's journey and triumph

A story on this amazing person will be on The Rock Center at 10 (East) 9 (central). It should be about 15 minutes long. In a country like China who still value boys over girls, her father's attitude is perceptive and loving. Even the Chinese government values her, and so does her husband who happens to be German.


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German hermaphrodites/intersexed people want human rights

Germany's 80,000 citizens seek their legal place in society.

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Afghan girls live disguised as boys by family

Some Afghan girls live as boys for periods of time, disguised by their families. Some say living as a boy gives them strength and confidence, and a taste of the other side. Some find it confusing.

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Richard Alf, Comic Con Cofounder dies at 59, from cancer

On, report that Richard Alf who co-founded comic-con in 1970 has passed to the large comic book in the sky. He died from pancreatic cancer. I know that there are a lot of folks on here that like comic book hero types, so I thought this might be of interest.


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Identical Twins, sorta, one is transsexual

This is a good article on a family in Maine that are dealing with a transgender kid who is part of a set of identical twins. One is a son, the other a daughter, but biologically/genetically should be about the same.

It would be interesting to see the results of a genetic study and fMRI scan on the two of them. I think it is studies of identical twoins that would be most useful to learn about the sources of being TS, eh?

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OMG, the Beach Boys are opening a Resturant-Good Vibrations

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The article seems uncertain about the nature of the food to be served, though concentrated more on the cutsey titles of songs for the dishes. I thought that given the association with the Beach Boys, all the desert around Vegas, that they would surely sell the Sand-Which-is there! And with the name of the resturant, they could do a good sideline in sex toys -- Good Vibrations ought to sell a lot of those, especially if monogramed!! LOL

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100 million years old virus causes longer pregnancies

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 5:14 pm Post subject: Was a 100 million year old virus the why of human pregnancy

The above article claims that about 100 million years ago, a virus infected the DNA and made it possible for placental mammals to exist. As the scientist claim, the virus was able to worm its way into mammal DNA as a place it would be able to replicate itself rapidly and relatively safely.

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Maine legislature rejects bathroom bill

UPDATE: 11:29 AM ET:

The Maine Senate has just joined the House in rejecting a bill that would have repealed protections for transgender people under the Maine Human Rights Act. LD 1096 would have allowed restaurants and schools to adopt their own policies for restroom use and stripped away the ability of transgender people to file discrimination lawsuits if they were denied access to a rest room that did not correspond with their biological sex.

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Unhappy man's suicide from Sissy Boy experiments at UCLA?

This is an account of the effects of experiments from some years ago to try to be keep a feminine boy from becoming gay. It was carried out at UCLA, and this person was not the only one. He did, however, kill himself at 38, a very unhappy man who always felt he was "broken" after the "therapy" and the recommended re-inforcement on a reward and punishment system through physical abuse by the parents. Note that this is just part of the story on CNN tonight.

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Egyptian Military performing "virginity tests" on females

Egyptian military performs 'virginity tests'

According to a report by an international activist group, the Egyptian military is accused of performing "virginity tests" on detained female protesters. The 2011 Egyptian revolution, which forced former president Hosni Mubarak out of power, has resulted in the military controlling the country until elections later this year. Like most military minds, excess is excused as military necessity. The more conservative the basis of the culture, the worse the excesses.

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DSM-v comment: A dangerous diagnosis. Take action now

This is really long, though it is the references that are responsible. If you haven't commented on the DSM-V, please read the pertinent section and do so. It's easy. Also check out the petition. If we don't make noise, then the assholes rewriting the DSM-% are going to make it worse on many of us.

May 26, 2011
Transvestic Disorder, the Overlooked Anti-Trans Diagnosis in the DSM-5

Filed under: DSM-5 -- Tags: autoandrophilia, autogynephilia, dsm-5, GID, GID reform, paraphilia, transgender, transsexual, transvestic disorder, transvestic fetishism -- gidreform @ 7:08 pm

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An "infantalist"? Meet Stanley, the adult baby

Recalling a few of the stories on big closet lately, I was struck by this news story.

By Melissa Dahl

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Petition to help transgender woman fight to avoid prejudice

This is a petition to help Dr Rachel Tudor who is being discriminated against by her colleagues because of her transition. The universities manual was rewitten after their action was initiated to make it easier to fire her. Southeastern is in the Bible belt of Oklahoma.

Below is a link to Rachael's blog with more information and a recent award for distinguished scholarship.

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Spontaneous sex change in chicken not a joke?

So far as I know, this is not some April Fool joke. The date on the story is 3/31/11.
Basically, a hen became a sort-of rooster, crowing, strutting and changing comb and wattle and quit laying eggs, after a molt. Veternary suggests reason as though it is not unusual.

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16 yrs. old student attends prom as girl self

Nice story about high school transgendered junior allowed to attend prom as her girlself. Sounds like she had a great time.

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Robber picks wrong Transvestite prostitute to rob

Sixteen-year-old Rufus Bowman was looking for an easy victim, but he picked the wrong one during a July 13 incident.

Bowman was in the 200 block of West McMicken Avenue in Over-the-Rhine when, Assistant Hamilton County Prosecutor Ryan Nelson said, he approached Joshua Bumpus.

"Mr. Bumpus is a transvestite prostitute," Nelson said. "He goes 6-(foot)-3, 280 (pounds) and was wearing a pink halter top and pumps."

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Study shows high rate of suicide among TGs

Study: Anti-transgender bullying alarmingly high

by Hannah Clay Wareham
Bay Windows
Sunday Oct 17, 2010

More than half of transgender or gender non-conforming people who experienced
bullying or harassment have attempted suicide, according to a recently released

The National Transgender Discrimination Survey, conducted by the National Gay
and Lesbian Task Force and the National Center for Transgender Equality,
revealed that 41 percent of respondents had attempted suicide, compared to a
national estimated rate of 1.6 percent.

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