Angela Rasch's blog

Any "ic" Is Icky

Often TG fiction features characters who go to great lengths to establish that they are transsexual. They go through a huge amount of angst to prove, or at least to assert, that they are NOT GAY, and/or NOT A TRANSVESTITE.

Can anyone tell me why that is such a frequent theme?

We used a term in Catholic school to describe zealots. That was “holier than thou”. It seems sometimes that some authors want to express a “trannier than thou” attitude.

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New Hatbox Story

Erin has agreed to post my new story, The Girl Who Saved Aunt T’s, in Hatbox. Hatbox is one of the ways you can support this site. Make a contribution to Hatbox and Erin will send you a password allowing you access to a group of stories that have been set aside for this purpose.

The Girl Who Saved Aunt T’s is a 50K novel.

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Lil Abner

After reading Erin's story and the comments my thoughts centered on the musical Lil Abner.

The lyrics to one of the songs are as poignant today as they were sixty years ago.

The Country's in the Very Best of Hands
– Li'l Abner and Marryin' Sam

Them city folks and we-uns
Are pretty much alike
Though they ain't used to living in the sticks
We don't like stone or cement
But we is in agreement
When we get started talking politics


Double Your Pleasure

Last week I attended a large sales meeting. I had to hang my overcoat on the back of my chair. During the meeting, the person next to me rolled his chair over part of my coat and ripped it.

On Friday I went on Amazon, using the link you've provided

I found just the London Fog I wanted, at a great price far below what I thought I would have to pay.

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The Big Head

My grandmother often warned against "getting the big head."

She believed in humility and, of course, she was right.

Damned if I didn't go against her sage advice -- and grew a melon of above average size.

I've been able to order extra large wigs from Paula Young in the past, put they seemingly have stopped making them.

The searches I've made for extra large wigs have brought me to sketchy sites that appear to be selling poor quality products to desperate people for exorbitant prices.

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Please HELP

According to Erin’s numbers about 8,000 unique visitors a day read at least one story on BC.

I’m going to assume that many, many BC users are frequent users and will guess that about 25,000 people read five to ten stories a month.

Those 25,000 readers are enjoying an immense service. About 1-3% of those are authors who also have the satisfaction of a great place to post their fiction.

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Call It Kharma or Lucky Charm

It has become increasingly apparent that there is direct correlation between when I send money to Hatbox and good things happening to me.

I don't own a rabbit's foot. Although there are several bunnies in our backyard, they're intact with all four paws.

There are probably some four leaf clovers in my yard, but they would be under a foot of snow and not functional.

I don't have any special amulets or lucky charms.

It seems that my good luck is created by the kharma that accompanies a donation to Hatbox.

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Broken Heart Syndrome

I was watching the news last night on the local FOX affiliated station. Much to my surprise they were interviewing my cardiologist. He was explaining “broken heart syndrome” in connection with Debbie Reynolds' death.

Not too many years ago he had given me the same explanation. We were in his office going over my medical history, including my family’s health.

I had told him that my father had died in his sleep from a surprise heart attack. Less than a week later, my mother, who had not displayed any heart problems, died from a “heart attack.”

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Are You "Good For Nothing"? Here's Why!

In 1849, it was written in the Polite Manual for Young Ladies:

Novel-reading strengthens the passions, weakens the virtue, and diminishes the power of self-control. Multitudes may date their ruin from the commencement of this kind of reading; and many more, who have been rescued from the snare, will regret, to the end of their days, its influence on the early formation of their character. It is, too, a great waste of time. . .If you wish to become weak-headed, nervous, and good for nothing, read novels."

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Lest We Forget

From time to time Big Closet writers become upset by comments -- or even lack of comments.

I just read about Angharad’s decision to cease writing for BC. She has been worn down by what she considers to be negative remarks. What’s negative and what isn’t, is her decision . . . as is how she reacts.

She has proven her character through her diligence to her craft. BC would be a much different place without her involvement. I hope she reconsiders and keeps writing for BC.

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Beta Readers

I've just completed a draft of a new story for Hatbox called "Aunt T's" and need beta readers.

The story involves the semi forced feminization of a late thirties male.

I need an unsullied eye to find those inconsistencies that invariably happen.

I don't get any of the Hatbox revenue . . . so consider any help you give me an ultimate gift to Erin. Hatbox usually attracts more subscriptions when new material is offered.

This story is a bit dark . . . but travels toward the sun.

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Yesterday I read Melanie's recent great story, which is a worthy addition to her wonderful library of work. After reading it I read the comments and became incensed by remarks that seemed to condone the character's suicide decision because of the bullying she'd experienced. I've read these kinds of comments too many times on BC. Being trans is NOT a reason for suicide. What happens to you because your trans also is NOT a reason for suicide.



Please Sir, I Want Some More

As usual Rasufelle has made a wonderful point. I would like to add to it without high-jacking her thread.

Although most of the writers on BC are on the distaff side, there is a right way to ask for more, as Dickens has shown us.

When an audience rises as one and asks for more at a concert, they're taking part in a dance in which they know the singer/band have held a favorite in their pocket for an encore.

Writers normally don't hold back. When they add "The End", it usually is.

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You've Gotta Have Heart!

According to a study I once read, about 60% of U.S. citizens donate money once a month -- about 75% in UK.

"Bike" enjoys about 600 hits a day. If 10% of BC's consistent readers are "Bike" enthusiasts that would indicate about 6,000 consistent users.

If 65% of those donated to BC that would be almost 4,000 donors per month.

Erin struggles to generate $2,500 in monthly donations.

If those 4,000 donors were to contribute just seventy cents each, the monthly nut would be met.

So why isn't that happening?

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Does Fiction Influence Life?

For the last nearly twenty years I've been writing TG fiction. Most of my work contains one basic theme. "People know more about us than we think they do, and accept more that what we imagine."

I continue to regurgitate this theme because I hate the guilt feelings that I, and others like me have about our desires.

Sometimes I feel like I'm shouting into the wind. Other times, worse.

I wonder of what we read does shape how we think?

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Why Don't Authors Support Hatbox

It's a simple question.

Why don't more BC writers support Hatbox by contributing stories to it?

I can't think of one valid reason.

It would seem logical that more people would subscribe to Hatbox if their was more quality content. Content seemingly is king. If Hatbox added a new story every week, from authors with followings, there's no doubt the number of subscriptions would skyrocket. More revenue, less doubt about the sustainability of BC. BC is NOT a given.

Hatbox subscriptions are one of the vital supportive measures for BC.

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On the Origin of Speak-sys

Several phrases were coined by one source. They include:

1.) Pursuit of the almighty dollar.
2.) The great unwashed.
3.) The pen is mightier than the sword

What (or who) is the source?

a.) The Bible
b.) Charles Dickens
c.) Ambrose Bierce
d.) Edward Bulwer-Lytton
e.) Mark Twain
f.) Ben Franklin
g.) William Shakespeare

Please make your guess and give your reasons for that choice.

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Why Do I Read Stories on Big Closet?

I read TG stories because they affirm my belief that there are a lot of people in the world who think somewhat like I do. I feel threatened by what I see as a less than compassionate attitude expressed by many in RL. The more I believe there are millions of TG people, the less I fear my own reality.

So why do I come to Big Closet for TG literature?


God Bless the Child - An Opportunity

K.T. Leone recently passed away. Coincidentally I was reading her God Bless the Child. I haven't read much that Katie write for the last ten years or more. I didn't care for some of her themes and we "spared" years ago.

I just finished God Bless the Child. If you haven't read it, you should consider allowing yourself this treat. It's graphic and not for the faint of heart. It contains some religious sentiment, but not more than what is needed to be true to the story.

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Thank You Rasufelle

Once again Rasufelle (Melanie E) has been the inspiration for a raft of new standalone stories.

While I applaud the skill and determination of the serial writers, I long for more short and intemediate stories.

Over the last few years Melanie has pushed, cajoled, and coaxed writers through contests and challenges to produce stories, mostly short stories. I shudder to think how few short stories would have been posted had she not been such a driving force.

She's my Easter bunny carrying baskets full of short stories.

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Alternatives PLEASE!

1.) If we didn't have BC where would the authors post their stories? There are other sites, but none as welcoming and as author-friendly as BC.

2.) If we didn't have BC where would readers find stories? There are other sites, but none offer the quality of BC. Why? See 1.).

3.) If we didn't have BC where would bloggers post their thoughts? There are other sites, but are bloggers on other sites able to post with confidence that their thoughts will be appreciated and handled with respect.

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Corporal Punishment

Yesterday a blog gathered opinions about corporal punishment.

This site spends a great deal of time discussing bullies. There doesn't seem to be any argument that bullies are awful human beings. Yet, it appears the majority of those who responded to the survey support corporal punishment.



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