On most issues "Donald: The Voice of Reason" is an oxymoron, however. . ..
For whatever reason, cynical conservative politicians have decided to use transgender as a political football and wedge issue. Their bathroom bills have prompted bigotry to crawl out from under rocks.
In a strange stance for him, "the Donald" said, "There have been very few complaints the way it is. People go. They use the bathroom they feel is appropriate. There has been so little trouble. And the problem with what happened in North Carolina is the strife and the economic -- I mean the economic punishment that they're taking."
Kasick has also proved unwilling to kick us by stating he probably would have not have signed the NC law.
Cruz is the only candidate fighting this offensive battle. He states his 5 and 8 year old daughters know the difference between men and woman. (In my experience young children are honest. They say what they think. I used to wear my hair quite long. Children often made comments about "that woman.")
Politicians in general are mean, spiteful people who will mutilate the rights of the minority if it helps them get elected.
There are others who make money peddling hate. Some have suggested the bath room bills all can be traced back to the work of one such organization. I'm proud that my state's Target stores have chosen to act with responsibility.
It does kind of mess with my gut feeling that the man is a raging sociopath who doesn't believe in anything but his own amazingness and getting elected, and is simply pandering to the bigoted and fearful by saying what he's calculated they want to hear while secretly holding them in contempt as he does all of us lesser beings who aren't him...
We tend to ascribe the worst possible motives to those on the other side of the spectrum ("That Obozo is a crypto-mooslim terrorist who wants to destroy America!!!") and I'd be delighted to be proven wrong about the Donald.
And kiddies, that's how you post a strong opinion without crossing the line into flaming and getting the whole stream removed.
hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
the source
the source of the bathroom bills have been traced back to one group. It was on the CBS evening news a week ago. That group is in Florida I think. They did say that they had written many of the proposed bills that are up/ passed/ rejected.
Please don't forget the last time Trump had to deal with a transgender person publicly. A Canadian transgender woman wanted to enter the Miss Universe pageant. She is post-op. Trump owns that organization. Jenna had to enlist the aid of Gloria Allred and file lawsuit. It got settled out of court but the point is, the whole thing shouldn't have gotten that far. Trump is nobody's friend. His allegiances are only temporary and only because he wants something. When he gets what he wants, he's done.
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
I keep wondering
I keep wondering WHAT WOULD JESUS DO these so called Christian are racist bigots hiding behind the bible you have to wonder if they ever read it , I remember the gay uproar where the wanted to protect the boys bathroom that at least had some teeth but I never heard of a trans woman attacking anybody and a guy who would attack a girl in the bathroom is not going to wear a dress he would just follow the girl in not caring and attack.
So.. I hardly ever comment on subjects like this, but I have to say I dislike all of the ones running :( I am, more of a libertarian with a slightly left leaning :P at least according to this.
Not going to bash on any as it serves no purpose and still have no clue who I am voting for :( thinking it is time for a real third party here in the us.
I dislike all of those running, for one reason or another.
Trying to pick apart why would serve no purpose, but having "The Donald" running has certainly brought the divisions within the GOP to a head. It may be to late for the GOP, we haven't had a viable moderate candidate in years, and each party, Democrat and GOP, seems determined to gravitate towards the extreme ends of the political spectrum. Which is a shame, as the "Average American" doesn't seem to be that way.