Lil Abner

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After reading Erin's story and the comments my thoughts centered on the musical Lil Abner.

The lyrics to one of the songs are as poignant today as they were sixty years ago.

The Country's in the Very Best of Hands
– Li'l Abner and Marryin' Sam

Them city folks and we-uns
Are pretty much alike
Though they ain't used to living in the sticks
We don't like stone or cement
But we is in agreement
When we get started talking politics

The country's in the very best of hands
The best of hands
The best of hands

The treasury says the national debt
Is climbing to the sky
And government expenditures
Have never been so high
It makes a fellow get a
Gleam of pride within his eye,
To see how our economy expands
The country's in the very best of hands

The country's in the very best of hands
The best of hands
The best of hands

You oughtta hear the senate
When they're drawing up a bill
Whereases and Towits are crowded in each codicil
Such legal terminology
Would give your heart a thrill
There's phrases there that no one understands
The country's in the very best of hands

The building boom, they say
Is getting bigger every day
And when I asked a feller
How could everybody pay
He come up with an answer
That made everything okay
Supplies are getting greater than demands
The country's in the very best of hands

Don't you believe them congressmen
And senators are dumb
When they run into problems
That is tough to overcome
They just declare a thing
They calls a moratorium
The upper and the lower house disbands
The country's in the very best of hands

The voters is connected to the nominee
The nominee's connected to the treasury
When he ain't connected to the treasury
He sits around on his thigh bone

He sits around in this place they got,
This big congressional parking lot
Just sits around on the you know what
Up there they calls 'em their thigh bone

Them bones, them bones
Gonna rise again
Gonna excercise a franchise again
Gonna tax us up to our eyes again
When he gets them off of their thigh bone

The country's in the very best of hands
The best of hands
The best of hands

The farm bill should be
Eight-nine percent parity
Another fellow recommends
It should be ninety-three.
But eighty, ninety-five percent who cares about degree
It's parity that no one understands
The country's in the very best of hands

Them GOP's and democrats
Each hates the other one
They's always criticizing
How the country should be run
But neither tell the public
What the others gone and done
As long as no one knows
Where no one stands
The country's in the very best of hands

They sits around in this place they're at,
Where folks in congress has always sat
Just sits around on their excess fat,
Up there they calls 'em their thigh bones

They sits around till they starts to snore
Jumps up and hollers
I has the floor
Then sits right down where they sats before
Up there they calls it their thigh bone

Them bones, them bones
Gonna rise again,
So dignified and so wise again
While the budget doubles in size again
When it gets them off of their thigh bone

The country's in the very best of hands
The best of hands
The best of hands

The money that they taxes us
That's known as revenue
They compound up collaterals
Subtracts the residue

Don't worry about the principal
And interest it incrues
They're shipping all that stuff to foreign lands
The country's in the very best of hands



Has a ring of truth

Angharad's picture

in it, though aimed at US politics it probably applies to any two party democracy which is probably better than places like Russia or Zimbabwe which claim to have democratic governments - run by dictators. In the UK things haven't changed since Hogarth's or Gillray's time just the technology they use to deceive the electorate.


Equal Disgust

Al Capp was an equal opportunity critic. He didn't distinguish between Democrats and Republicans with his disdain.

Given the attack on the elderly currently happening on in Washington I'm starting to feel like a schmoo who has been tossed into the fryin' pan, although I'm not enjoying the idea of being eaten.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Sorry, nothing personal,...

But to start criticizing Zimbabwean or Russian democracy British have to hold elections for the Queen/King title... At least twice in 10 years... ;-)
Yes, Mugabe was reelected in Zimbabwe 4 years ago, but at least there were elections! Same to Russia. There were elections and OCSE had not observed any major problems (that OCSE is unable to detect Ukrainian bombings in eastern rebel parts is actively used by locals now - if OCSE mission people left the area - it is a time to hide in the basement as bombing will start soon. That tactics had not failed anyone yet...)

Candide Hams

laika's picture

As an adult I can appreciate Al Capp's biting wit,
And find Granny Yokum's countrified credo
"Good is better than evil because it's nicer..."
to be words to live by.

When I was a little kid I just loved his SHMOOS!
Apparently there was a lot of Shmoo
merchandise I missed out on...

And for a while as a teen I did not dig the old conservative's
caricatures of student protesters: hairy slackjawed troglodytes
carrying boards with nails stuck through them for weapons.
In retrospect a lot of them certain were, but at the time
I didn't think Capp had a leg to stand on...

(I think I'll give some shmoos a cameo in the Great Fairy Escape chapter
of my ongoing fantasy epic, stick them between the Checkered Demon
and the jackalopes...)

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)

Was It Really Sixty Years?

joannebarbarella's picture

I was a great fan and it doesn't seem like that long. But isn't it amazing that the sentiments expressed are even more relevant today.