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Lately, there have been a lot of PSAs regarding getting your vaccinations updated.

The ads involve celebrities who have multiple vaccinations during the same visit to a pharmacy.

Perhaps to show "knucklehead" solidarity with my governor I had my annual covid, flu and RSV yesterday afternoon.

Based on how I feel today that was not one of my better ideas!


Multiple jabs

I had my latest COVID booster and Flu jab on Saturday. One in each arm. My GP surgery held a mass vaccination event. I was in and out inside two minutes. No ill effects other than a bit of a sore arm from the Flu jab. That was gone the next morning.


I get them separately now

Emma Anne Tate's picture

Neither the flu shot nor the COVID booster bother me, but if I get them together I have flu-like symptoms the next day. If you’re like me, they’ll be gone tomorrow. But then, you did get three jabs . . . .
