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Lately, there have been a lot of PSAs regarding getting your vaccinations updated.

The ads involve celebrities who have multiple vaccinations during the same visit to a pharmacy.

Perhaps to show "knucklehead" solidarity with my governor I had my annual covid, flu and RSV yesterday afternoon.

Based on how I feel today that was not one of my better ideas!


Multiple jabs

I had my latest COVID booster and Flu jab on Saturday. One in each arm. My GP surgery held a mass vaccination event. I was in and out inside two minutes. No ill effects other than a bit of a sore arm from the Flu jab. That was gone the next morning.


My mileage varies

We had ours done on Saturday, one in each arm. The rest of the day was mostly fine but arms began to throb by the evening. My left (Covid) hurt most, her right (Flu) hurt her most. Sleeping was not easy at all. I had an additional complication that, because I had to lie almost on my back my lungs began filling with mucous, which meant I kept waking up to cough it out before I choked.

Both of us spent most of Saturday asleep at different times. Fortunately it has all faded now, but I had to cancel my Cardiac Rehab on Monday as I couldn't lift anything with either arm.


I get them separately now

Emma Anne Tate's picture

Neither the flu shot nor the COVID booster bother me, but if I get them together I have flu-like symptoms the next day. If you’re like me, they’ll be gone tomorrow. But then, you did get three jabs . . . .



Andrea Lena's picture

Over several days two weeks ago I received the One-and-Done Pneumonia vaccine and the Flu vaccine. I was achy and fatigued for over a week.


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena


I'm already feeling better. My spouse has been great.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)