I Watch Too Much TV

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Lately, there have been a lot of PSAs regarding getting your vaccinations updated.

The ads involve celebrities who have multiple vaccinations during the same visit to a pharmacy.

Perhaps to show "knucklehead" solidarity with my governor I had my annual covid, flu and RSV yesterday afternoon.

Based on how I feel today that was not one of my better ideas!


Multiple jabs

I had my latest COVID booster and Flu jab on Saturday. One in each arm. My GP surgery held a mass vaccination event. I was in and out inside two minutes. No ill effects other than a bit of a sore arm from the Flu jab. That was gone the next morning.


My mileage varies

We had ours done on Saturday, one in each arm. The rest of the day was mostly fine but arms began to throb by the evening. My left (Covid) hurt most, her right (Flu) hurt her most. Sleeping was not easy at all. I had an additional complication that, because I had to lie almost on my back my lungs began filling with mucous, which meant I kept waking up to cough it out before I choked.

Both of us spent most of Saturday asleep at different times. Fortunately it has all faded now, but I had to cancel my Cardiac Rehab on Monday as I couldn't lift anything with either arm.


I get them separately now

Emma Anne Tate's picture

Neither the flu shot nor the COVID booster bother me, but if I get them together I have flu-like symptoms the next day. If you’re like me, they’ll be gone tomorrow. But then, you did get three jabs . . . .



Andrea Lena's picture

Over several days two weeks ago I received the One-and-Done Pneumonia vaccine and the Flu vaccine. I was achy and fatigued for over a week.


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena


I'm already feeling better. My spouse has been great.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Hugs Angela

BarbieLee's picture

It doesn't help but sorry about your reaction to the shots. The purpose is supposed to possibly hurt a little so one doesn't hurt in a big way later. Hang tuff hon.
Haven't had a flu shot in more than twenty six years. Yes I paid a price as I had Covid three times. First time thought I was going to die and was afraid I wouldn't. Second time was a bump in the road. Third time they had to tell me what I had as I was feeling poorly. The only preventive shots I have taken are for ttetanus every four years.
TV hasn't been on for eighteen years. One of my better decisions. Still catch multiple news channels on the web, and yes even flavored with the MSM channels, overseas, and conservative feeds.
Hugs Jill, get better soon

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Various Shots

I haven't had any trouble with two shots at a time (same arm, didn't want to have both arms hurting if there was a problem). But I've never wanted to try for three. Had the second installment of the shingles shot last week, but held off on COVID and flu. I'll probably get them today. (Recommendation out here is age 75 for the RSV vaccine, so I'm still a year away. My mom got all three shots around two weeks ago and the arm with two shots was sore the next day.)


I have an appointment on the 26th

Angharad's picture

To have covid and flu together, they usually do one in each arm and I'm usually sore the next day, sometimes for up to a week. If you have had more than two tetanus vaccines you are covered for life. I tend to accept all those jabs going, had tetanus several years ago, had shingles jab when I was 70 also pneumonia jab. I shall probably live until I die and I watch very little TV.


My Fever Broke This AM

Other than a general weakness I'm rear'in to go.

Mel taught me that it is rear'in and not rar'in as I've been say'in all my life. According to Mel the phrase has to do with a horse.

Does anyone else say rar'in?


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

I live dangerously

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

I swore off flu shots years ago when two weeks after getting the shot I came down with a rip roaring case of the flu that put me in the infirmary (I was in the Job Corp) for a week. Since then, I've only had one case of flu that had me in bed for three days. Other than that nothing.

When the first Covid shots came out my wife and I got the first one and followed up with the second. After that we went for the third. I began following Dr. John Campbell on YouTube as he tracked the virus and all it's mutations all over the world. He pointed out that with each successive iteration of the shot, the period of immunization got shorter and with each mutation of the virus the symptoms got milder and milder.

Given those factors, I've shelved the whole idea of Covid shots.

That said, I wouldn't advise anyone else to do so. I enjoy a very robust immune system. I have twice been in close contact for long periods with people who had strep throat and not gotten it. I rarely get a cold that goes beyond a runny nose and a mild cough.

But I know folks who seem to not be able to step outside during cold and flu season without coming down with dreadful symptoms. So follow my example at your own risk.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann