I have been around this site almost from the beginning. Sephrena (hope I got the spelling right), sent me a PM to invite me over. I "think" it was around 2005 or 2007, don't really know. My first story here shows 2008.
I am writing this blog to see how others do their writing.
I write on a desktop computer with keyboard elevator. It used to be that PAIN ! was my way of life and I took lots of prescription opiate drugs back then. Nowadays, I rarely take any drugs at all and since I don't work anymore, I hurt less.
Looking at my work station, it is made up of a door core, some plywood, TV trays and two elevators. I keep my glasses, a watch, a wind up timer, a globe, my phone, Kleenex, check book, various scientific conversion charts, my printer, and other things to make up for my lack of genuine talent.
I eat there, and spill much. Tomorrow it will be time to muck it out again with broom, then vacuum, and hopefully a carpet shampooer.
I think I have published about 2 dozen stories here though there are more that will likely never see the light of day. There were others on "Story site" that did not make the cut. Like many of us, I've strongly suspected that an unknown number of them have been "porned up" and put on pay sites.
Lately TG stories don't appeal to me. It is unclear if any of what I write will get to press.
Ahabidah, Gwen Brown
Writing aids?
I joined BC in November 2003 having been directed here from Crystal's site where the first Gaby chapters premiered at the beginning of that year. Back then and right through to now, i've done all my writing primarily on a desk PC, sometimes supplemented by laptops, notebooks and phones. The only 'aids' i've used have been the inbuilt word processing tools in Word, Lotus etc that i've ended up using, well apart from various editors down the years and of course i use the web for research as and when needed.
Currently i use a compact qwerty keyboard and wired mouse, balanced on top of a small cabinet, a 56cm (22") flat screen all running off a tower sporting 3 x 1GB drives, 1 x 0.5GB drive and 2 x 3TB drives with an external plug in 1TB drive for backing up. The current WP suite is Libre Office and i've got some image manipulation capability too.
Currently i have @ 60 writing projects 'on the go', not all fiction and of the stories, not all TS/TG. I've published something like 30 non fiction titles and @ 70 fiction titles across the last 20 years. Most readers will be aware of the Gaby saga, Nena and Trixie but i've also got Fantasy titles, travel books, collectors guides, photo collections and serious scientific studies in my stable. I'm sure that a lot of the projects will never get beyond their current 'outline' stage, others don't need a lot to finish and languish due to lethargy rather than anything else.
I used to sit down most evenings with Radio 2 and plonk out some words, these days there's no radio and i'm more likely to be writing during the day, watching the birds in the garden and the clouds scudding by. I will sometimes have a cup of tea and a snack at the keyboard but i prefer to take a break away from the screen every couple of hours. The same space is used for any craft projects (the kb and mouse get moved) and the area is the repository for most of my jewellery so it can be a bit messy!
So now you know.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Google docs
I’ve written all my stories in Google Docs. Google used to be the “Don’t Be Evil” guys, but like any mega-success story their values degraded as their profits increased. Now they’re the “Gulf of America” guys so I’m looking for alternatives that allow me to still collaborate with other authors, while hosting my documents in an encrypted way. If anyone has ideas, let me know.
I do lots of online research for stories, and I have no issue using Google Earth when I want to be certain about visuals. I do my actual writing on either my iPad or my MacMini. While I prefer the latter, it has a mechanical keyboard that makes my normal stealth mode impossible. I basically kept my hardware when I retired, and it works well for me because I’m very familiar with it.
— Emma