
Dreams Collide With Existence

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Years ago, about 20 of them, I had what I called lucid dreams in which I was flying, and could control where I went. Psychological people said that I was trying to escape something. My then spouse got really mad at me when I told her about them. Now, I see that I was trying to escape from her abuse of me. We were married 38 years because I kept trying to make it work. In the latter years she was a "dry alcoholic", refusing to go to AA.

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why would I apologize for crying ?

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So among my nightmares and flashbacks over the last couple of days, I had a dream where I was sitting with a woman, and for whatever reason my abuse came up, and I started crying.

But as I started crying I also began to apologise for losing it like that.

Now this was just a dream, but the fact is I usually apologise if I start crying, regardless of the cause of my tears.

I am not exactly sure why, it might be the "boys don't cry" thing, but something tells me its something deeper.

I might have to do a deep dive into my memories to find out, which scares me.

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Looking for Inspiration?

Having trouble finding inspiration for a 2024 New Year's Writing Contest Story? Or maybe, for your second competition story. (There's no limit to the number of times you can enter, although you can only win one prize.)

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bad news, and PTSD

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Well, bad news about the apartment search. we had to cancel the walkthrough because of a blizzard, and since then, despite me phoning the man who was supposed to lead us through the place several times, he has not let us know if we can reschedule.

I've come to the conclusion he got a renter for it, and isn't bothering to even tell us.

If that wasn't enough fun, the last two days I have been dealing with nasty memories, flashbacks, and nightmares related to the abuse I suffered as a kid.

Hugs and prayers appreciated.

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wish my mom and I luck

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My mom and I are looking for a new place to live, and today we're doing a walk-through of a place that looks quite promising.

Please send prayers, good wishes, or whatever you can, that if this is everything it appears to be, that we can get it.

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going into the deep freeze

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It is already -15 C here, and the forecast says its going to get much colder, until we are going to have -30 C for a high on Thursday and a low close to -40 Thursday night, with wind chill to make it feel even colder.

wish us luck as we try to weather the weather!

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Where have I been?

As the title suggests, this is about what has been going on since I last posted anything or even interacted with anyone on here. I think my last blog was over a year old and my last story was like two years ago at least. I guess to paint a deeper picture on how I ended up where I am now I need to go back to when the Covid Pandemic started.

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Latent Homosexual ???

It's been years coming but lately I seem to subconsciously be on the prowl for a man to plow me. Would I do blow jobs? Come to think of it... Does that mean I was always a latent homosexual, or have the hormones finally done their job on me. My only worry now is that I do not wind up with some sort of sexually transmitted disease. Questions, questions.

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For what are we without love…….

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“If I have all the eloquence of men or of angels, but speak without love, I am simply a gong booming or a cymbal clashing. If I have the gift of prophecy, understanding all the mysteries there are, and knowing everything, and if I have faith in all its fullness, to move mountains, but without love, then I am nothing at all. If I give away all that I possess, piece by piece, and if I even let them take my body to burn it, but I am without love, it will do me no good whatever.

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spent my Boxing day getting mugged by a dog

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So I spent today getting mugged by a dog.

His name is Rocky, and he belongs to my aunt.

He's the kind of dog who basically has the doggie equivalent to hyperactivity.

He mugged me, my mom, my other aunt who was with us, and then started over with me.

He's famous in his neighborhood, to the point a couple of kids came over to play with him.

Do I need to even need to say I had a lot of fun today?

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Heaven or not……….

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I was sitting on the couch in my living room this evening, just catching up on my e-Mail from the last several days, while my wife watched TV. We had been watching the news, and when it went off the show ET came on. It was a special broadcast about Celine Dion, so she left it there even though she usually doesn’t watch that show.

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Back again


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Well, I'm back again because I just couldn't stay away. I've been taking writing more seriously lately and kept thinking back to this place. It's the only place I really ever felt comfortable or at home. Whenever I try to talk to other writers online it's like talking to a brick wall, but here it's always been different. I appreciate each and every one of you and I look forward to making some new friends as well as getting back in touch with some old ones.

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I am so sorry, everybody

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I need to apologise to anybody who got worried about my last post.

First a bit of an explanation. due to some passive-aggressive stuff by me, I ended up owing extra on my cable/internet bill, and could not pay it off this month.

I ended up rage-quitting with my provider, and then panicked that if I suddenly wasn't on for a while, people would worry about me.

instead, because all my manic energy turned into self-hate, my post was more likely to worry people.

I was already in the process of finding a new provider, so if there is a gap, it shouldn't be long.

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Week of Flu

Well, it's been one of those un-fun weeks of dealing with Covid sweeping through everyone at work, and therefore also myself and those at home. Not a horrible case of it for me, fortunately, just mild fever for a couple days, sinus flooding before the rainbow when the clouds parted, and now slow recovery with instant exhaustion after doing anything.

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I don't want to scare anybody

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I don't want to scare anybody, but I might just have a hope of being able to enter the new year's contest.

I have 400 words done, so I need to come up with another 2,100 words to qualify, so I might not make it.

But I figured I would warn you all anyway.

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Life update: Kristine Roland -> Kristine Read

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Hello all, it's been quite a while since I have been on Big Closet regularly.

(I have maintained my hatbox membership though, because Big Closet needs to be here!)

The last time I posted any stories was in September of 2019.

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Entropy surrounds me

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A long time I created a character who was cursed with an entropy field, making everything around her fall apart or rot faster than would happen in nature.

Well, right now I feel like I've become that character.

My recliner has fallen apart, joining my laptop which no longer will close, and my car which has had a few "hiccups" lately.

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Use of Real Name

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Suddenly there seems to be very strong pressure on the Internet to use my real name. It seems that almost no one on BCTS does that. Suddenly, about 2 hours ago Facebook is wanting me to make a new password. Not sure what is going on. Is there some sort of danger in my starting to use my real name on BCTS? I don't mind.


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so yesterday, my mom convinced me I needed a hair cut, as it was starting to go all over the place. Sadly, I just can't seem to have long hair, so I agreed, and got it done.

Since then, seeing my reflection has brought out my dysphoria, which only got added to today when my ex commented that I looked more like a man, more like the person I was before I started wearing women's clothes in public.

So I am really feeling ugly, and would appreciate any hugs anybody can spare.

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Christmas has always been a goodish time for me, decent ones as a kid, quiet, riotous or drunken ones as an adult. I like the time of year. Not the stress, the crowds or the harrying but the festiveness leading into the turning of the year.

This last year I have been climbing out of a deep pit (life, the universe and other things) back into living, and it is good’ish.

Plans for the future are being made, small ones and big target (but achievable) set.

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the weirdest day I have had in I don't know how long

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Okay so Mom and I went to get our laundry done today, despite still recovering from the flu.

We use a laundromat rather than the machines in our building, because they aren't all that good.

So we get there, get our loads started, and this gentlemen starts talking to my mom, because she mentioned living in the northern part of the province, and he apparently worked out there.

I swear, he was basically chatting her up, but I wasn't going to be a spoilsport and tell him to stop.

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For Post Op MTF folk


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I had my Neo-Vagina installed in 2007 and for a decade it was fun. In the last few years it does nothing; worse than a dead fish. Er, it doesn't smell though. One thing that does happen is that at times, it feels like I am sitting on my penis, and when I am walking the feeling is stronger. There are no more Orgasms, and there are perhaps several reasons. I've got several conditions that are vying for the right to kill me. I am just wondering if any other Post op ladies can relate?

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I'm sick. It appears to be a simple cold, but it's been with me for five days. I'm going to try to get in to see a doctor today or, at least, get a covid test.

Things may be delayed around here for a bit.

Hugs to all,

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someone broke my car window - again

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So this morning when Mom and I went out to our car, we discovered someone had smashed in the driver's side window - for the 4th time since we moved in here.

I'm hanging in there, but hugs appreciated.

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my life so far, therapy in writing.

Reading a story here, that set me on trains of thought. The story had dark and light, but I identified with a bit I really do not like having identified with.

The idea of suicide by neglect. It rang true and hit home hard.

And a lot of the other issues about growing up and acceptance and self doubt etc.

So here is my story, not for enjoyment or sympathy but to see if I can put it into some semblance of order that makes sense to me. Some info will be relevant, some is just me hanging it into its place for me.

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my latest dream

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So last night I dreamed that my brother Mike and I were racing around the University of Alberta campus in wheelchairs.

He managed to lose me, but I was hunting for him when my mom and my daughter found me, and we decided to find my brother together.

Nice to have a fun dream once in a while.

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