For years when my computer booted, 'Facebook' automatically loaded and I used it quite a lot. Recently the owner of that site has been sued for damaging children and had to testify in one of the US Government houses.
A day or so ago my computer would suddenly load without it and it has been quite enjoyable.''
Social Media
A veritable cesspool and a waste of time. I have never participated in a social media platform ever.
and other social media sites are inaccessible from my home network as they are all blocked by my router firewall.
I have put in a rule that directs any FB requests to a page that says that for my sanity, the site is blocked.
If my visitors want to access these sites they have to do it via a VPN. It is very liberating to not have them invading my machines. Make no mistake, FB and the rest drop small snippets of JavaScript onto your machine that spy on you without you knowing it. This is done via Javascript libraries that many websites use without checking for their security issues.