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The "swearing in" is tomorrow. If I don't get the chance, you have my gratitude for all your support. I is not clear how unsafe things will get. My primary medical facility is the VA and I considered calling them tonight. What is the use???

Thank you all so much.

Gwen Brown

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a reoccurring image

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so I have been getting this reoccurring image, and I think I will have to figure out a story to go with it.

Here is the image:

There is a new form of VR, that taps into the brain of the user, to produce an avatar of their inmost self.

A group of trans people have been offered the chance to be beta testers, and being very attracted to the idea, they say yes.

The initial setting is a park, and one by one, the group comes in, getting to see their authentic selves, many for the first time.

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PC wording in the doctors notes

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Last week, I blogged about taking my wife to the doctor. As I mentioned in that blog, I was wearing obvious women's pants and tops and had my hair fixed in a way that would lend itself to reinforce my gender presentation. The point of that blog was to highlight how relaxed my wife has become about how I'm dressed when we are out and about together.

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The Family Girl #099: Made A Couple of New Friends

The Family Girl #099: Made A Couple of New Friends
      - Bobbie Cabot

It's Wednesday midnight here, but I decided to post this even though it's a little late.

Yesterday morning (I mean Monday morning), I met a couple of people at the office. Christine and Michael are from a different department from the one I run. Nothing major, and nothing unusual - I mean, you meet a lot of people at work. Except that these two were transgender, actually transsexual. And they actually sought me out - Christine, actually, was the one who sought me out, and she brought with her Michael.

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On Wednesday of this week (tomorrow in my timezone) I will become homeless. My landlords have sold the property I have spent the past 8 years in and served me with a no-fault eviction order 2+ months ago. Quite separately my daughter decided to leave after 14 years with me, including her transition from girl to young woman. I, myself, transitioned almost 2 years ago after a long gestation.

Some will already be aware of this much.

My biggest issue has been the lack of affordable housing near me. I also needed to downsize drastically.

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I am faced with dilemma

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I am faced with a dilemma.

I have 2 pieces that are nearly finished, but I am hesitant to publish either of them.

One is a story based on a comic that I doubt many people have read or even heard of, and the other is a story about my grandmothers struggles with the Catholic church.

And while I have stories in my collection that didn't get a lot of attention, and much fewer comments or kudos, it's another thing entirely to publish something I KNOW won't be very successful.

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do not panic!

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If you scroll through the list of my stories, and realize that Games without Frontiers is missing, do not panic.

I havent given up on the story, to the contrary, I am working on a polished version.

Because unpublishing also means I have lost the comments on the preview, I want to make sure to thank everyone who took the time to leave a comment. They mean the world to me.

I just thought having the preview up and a finished version (once I have actually finished it) up might cause some confusion.

huggles to all!

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My wife's interesting relaxing attitude.

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We're getting older. Come March I'll join the ranks of the octogenarians. My wife is only two years younger. Like many of us, as I get older I feel the need to live as my real self more often and more completely. Props to my wife for dealing with a non-binary gender expressing person. (Read transgender in denial.) Five decades ago, when she caught me dressed and we talked about it she said, "Do it if you must, but don't let me see it.

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dreams of going back into the closet

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So last night, I dreamed that I came to the conclusion that I needed to go back into the closet.

Between this and a couple of incidents where I got so anxious about putting on nylons, I had to give it up, I am not sure what is going on in my head, but it doesn't seem good.

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My Cats Object

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For the last week I have been batching it, which means I'm dressed up as long as I don't have to take the dog for a walk. Mostly I sit in my recliner and read, which usually invites one of the cats to curl up above my pot belly and snooze. However, when I'm wearing my bra and inserts their perch is no longer available. No way am I going to let those sharp claws rest on my gel-filled inserts.

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Ah the fun of medical issues

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Well 2024 is over, but money issues are ongoing for all of us. I've found I need to watch where my health care monies are going as I'm at a point where medical visits are itemized as hospital opposed to clinical loctions. But that's just modern life infringing on my attemps to relaxe,,,,,,,,,,hmm what to write about in 2025? enjoy it while you can; feeling life pulling me back, its late Dora

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ending 2024 on a positive note

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to end 2024 on a positive note, here is a list of some of my blessings:

My family, who love me despite my flaws.

My friends, who are always quick to give me support when I need it, and cheer my successes when they happen

My home - it's not perfect, but with about 3,000 people on the streets, I am grateful for it.

Big Closet: Having a place to share my stories and my blog has been a lifesaver for me.

You silly people who read this, especially those who take the time to leave a comment or a reaction.

Huggles for everyone!

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I dreamed of being the Doctor

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last night I dreamed I was the Doctor, and I used my sonic screwdriver to stop an alien who was using birds as a weapon. I turned the birds, so they attacked the alien instead.

Man, is my brain weird or what?

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Power outage Christmas present.

We had a great Christmas Day at my daughter's house marred only by the fact that my grandson and his new wife were ill and couldn't make it. We got home shortly after 10 in the evening. I was just catching up on the goings on here on BCTS when the first power outage hit. It was a minute later that it came back. Not to unusual for my little town that only has two feed lines from the electrical grid. Then about five minutes later, we heard a loud boom and the lights went out. No doubt, a transformer blew.

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dreaming of beauty

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It might sound odd, because of how much of my time I spend thinking about it, but I don't dream of the trans stuff often.

But last night was an exception.

I dreamed that I somehow got possession of a necklace belonging to a goddess of beauty.

Someone suggested I give it back, but I said, “I need this. I need to be beautiful”

Then I woke up, feeling rather sad.

Ah, well.

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I might be done with dressing up

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So I planned to put on a dress for Christmas dinner at my brother and sister in laws place, when I got hit with a massive spike in anxiety. This makes twice in a row that I had so much anxiety about dressing up that I ended up giving up on it.

I have no idea where this anxiety is coming from, but for now at least, dresses and skirts are going to the back of my closet.

Ah, well. Merry Christmas everybody.

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Happy holidays

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Happy holidays to all of you who celebrate at this time of year, no matter what it is you are celebrating. Also I will be taking the next week off, so none of my regularly scheduled stories will be posted next week.

*big hugs*


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This is just me, blowing off steam, and putting my thoughts in order…….

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The last few days have not been great for me. My spouse managed to ruin my holidays - something she has always been very adept at over the nearly forty years we have been married. Yesterday, the mail arrived as I was walking past our front door. You see, in my neighborhood, the mail carrier walks from house to house delivering incoming mail and picking up outgoing mail.

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Christmas, God, and Emma Anne Tate………

Yeah, I know, which of these things is not like the others? LOL - believe it or not, they have a lot in common this evening.

I had just finished reading Emma’s latest posting this evening, part 6 of 8 of her story Who Makes Intercession, and was leaving a comment when my youngest son came in the house - he was eating dinner with us this evening. I finished typing my comment regarding Emma’s story, and got up to eat dinner.

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No spoons,

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no cutlery of any kind. Not even any dishware. All I've got is an empty can of cat food, metaphorically. Now, not only am I cold all the time, I have a bloody cold. If I lay down, I have a hard time breathing - I have asthma - so I can't sleep very well. I can't wait for winter to be over. Shoot me now.

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I'm not a happy camper

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I'm really struggling this winter, it seems I'm back to being severely affected by the cold. Last winter wasn't bad, but this year I am cold all the time again. I have a bad thyroid, which I'm on medication for, and it makes it very hard for me to stay warm. I feel very weak, and have no energy. I have to apologize to anyone who has been wondering what happened to the story that I posted a teaser for, but I've not been able to do much writing. I promise, I haven't abandoned the project. I live in Southern California, so I feel silly complaining about the cold, but there it is.

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Just to give you all an update, I paid half of the ticket I got for my expired tags and lack of a pink card, as well as getting both updated. To help me remember in the future, I arranged to get an email reminder about a month before my stuff expires next year.

I also got both my laundry and Sharon and Sams laundry done, so I am slowly catching up on the things I couldnt do until I got the car stuff taken care of.

While this is an expensive lesson, I am still upright, still able to drive, and best of all, I am still loved.

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back to square one

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Every time I think I have made progress; I manage to screw up and put myself back at square one.

Yesterday's bit of self-sabotage came in the form of a police car stopping me and letting me know I had not renewed my license plates in July. To make things worse, my car insurance company no longer sends out paper versions of my coverage, and because I had never taken the time to go to the library and print out the information, all I had in the car was expired versions.

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Cathartic crying from music

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Due a scarcity of spoons I am just now sharing this for me very cathartic experience with you all, even though it happened late on Wednesday afternoon and into the late evening.

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First time as Holly at my mother-in-law's

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I've been out to my wife, kids and grandkids for a few years now, but my wife's extended family didn't know about my real self - until today. We went to my mother-in-law's for Thanksgiving, as she will probably not be around any more next year. It will be a blessing; she has dementia and is getting very near 100 years old. After talking with my niece, who lives with her and has known about me for a couple of years now, we felt that it would be OK to be me. With my wife's blessing, I went there as myself.

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The end?

This post is more to give myself some closure before I move on to other avenues.

I want to publicly acknowledge that I am no saint, I burned my bridges one by one over the years.

Some things that happened that essentially made me public enemy #1 on BCTS I’ve never forgiven myself for being involved with.

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Is not caring the answer?

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One of my problems is that I care about things.

And the problem with caring about things is that eventually I had to come to understand how powerless I am to actually effect the things I care about.

which means there is almost nothing I can do but let my heart break when the things I care about are in danger.

Now, a sensible person would probably realize this is stupid, and would stop caring, so I could stop hurting.

Except I cant really do that, without sacrificing most of myself.

So, I guess I am doomed to hurt and hurt and hurt ...

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how do I protect myself?

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Ever since I realized that I can hurt myself during my manic phase and not know it, I have trying to think of ways I can counter this.

Right now, the only idea I have is to try and take a moment every so often and visually check for any new bruises, cuts, or scratches, as well as any signs of joint issues.

Not going to be easy, since one of the main signs of my manic phase is the difficulty of focusing, but I have to try.

All encouragement, hugs, and any suggestions, appreciated.

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