So I guess my latest story is a bit of a flop.
I had wanted to make a clever little story that would serve as a metaphor for having multiple personalities, and apparently almost nobody got that idea.
Which means I wasnt as clever as I hoped I would be. so I am very sorry.
No Apology Needed
You have no need to apologize for writing your story and posting it. After all, it's your story.
-- Daphne Xu
As I Commented Over There...
...I needed a commenter to point it out before I got it, but it made sense after that, and there was at least one clue that should have tipped me off. You're not obligated to make it easy...
I liked the story.
The answer to a riddle shouldn't be obvious. We had to think a little to see the answer.
Some stories
Some stories lend themselves to larger audiences; others, to smaller ones. The more popular ones aren't necessarily "better." I honestly liked the fact that Topside kept me guessing. Good poetry is like that, too (mine, alas, tends to be too linear).
— Emma
I enjoyed it, Dot.
I can always get into your stories. This one was a bit different, but definitely worth a read.
I’ll probably give it another read because I don’t think I picked up on the multiple personality part and I have a couple friends with that condition.
It can be a bit random how people respond to each story.
Gillian Cairns
Please see my ...
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