Today's rather unplanned trip to York right past the stomping grounds of a certain cycling heroine brought up some memories of the past.
So, here I am, back home on the other side of the country, watching a young spider building a new net and thinking about those important days in June 2008 and especially some words, Angharad said to me back then. It had been on top of the remnants of Yorks city wall, that she told me that I "... was still on the fence, but would run, once I jumped down one side or the other." Well, you know how it went. The world has changed a lot since then, some things for the positive, others not so much. I have changed too over the past 17 years and most will have noticed my absence. In the past I always wondered, why so few people stayed with the community post transition. Now, I have vanished myself, living my life, doing most of the things other people do too, apart from well, having become a maker, growing food, making sausages from German recipes, as we can't get as often to the continent, as we want to get some proper German food and working in the IT industry, trying to make the world a bit better and instead of cycling, I now ride a proper motorcycle.
In between that, watching the stars and discussing the ethical responsibility of us humans in creating artificial sentient and sapient life, complaining about potholes and oversized American trucks driven by jet jockeys, there is not much time left.
However... while I don't actively follow stuff here anymore - please accept my apologies, Maddy Bell - I'm still around on discord and can be found in the DnD channels, either as Saphira or as an awesome sentient mace. Please don't ask. ;)
So, I want to thank first of all those people responsible for making BCTS the place it is, Erin and Piper and then those friends who have been formative and important so long ago - Angharad, Karen and Samantha Page, Cat, Maddy Bell, Randalynn and of course my DnD party members.
So long, Saphira
Can Gabycon 1 be so long ago?
It seems to be a thing that affects the BC community, folk either stay in contact or they disappear as soon as the crutch, the itch, has been scratched.
Over the years I’ve lost a few friends to the latter and benefited often from the former. I surely wouldn’t be where I am today without the support and friendship of those here on BC.
So don’t be a stranger to these pages, and if you are ever in the West Country there is usually some wurst in the fridge!
Madeline Anafrid Bell
i agree
if it was not for some of the friendships I've built here, I'm not sure where I'd be. Some of you have become friends, and I want to say thank you for that. the support we show each other is why I'm still here.
Wurst... how do you get German wurst here?
Okay, I know there is German Deli, but after the wind down of 'On The Roll' onlineshop from Edinburg, there is not much left. Hence us starting to make our own. Our butchers already laugh when we turn up. But we could get one of them to prepare proper cuts for Schnitzel!
What I have observed is, that some of the contacts remain, but on another level or topic.
So yeah, as you call it, once that 'itch' is scratched, other things become more important again. I think...
>> There is not one single truth out there. <<
You shop in Lidl they often have all sorts of Wuirst and schnitzel - all made in Germany. So okay it’s not fresh from the butcher and it’s a bit hit and miss but I’ve had kasewurst, bockwurst, bierwurst and whilst not my thing, weisswurst since December.
I’ve not made use but there is a German food shop in London.
Currently I have made in Germany sauerkraut, apfelmuss, spätzle, wurst, gulaschsuppe, spätzle in the cupboards. I might well get some schnitzel for tea, not had any since my NRW trip in December!
And the invite stands, come and see us in Bristol if you are this way.
And discord? Really? Life is too short to jump on every new platform ‘just because’,
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Oh bloody hell, I so need to apologise to Arwenstears.
How could I forget Arwenstears?! She's been one of my closest friends for a very long time now, here and elsewhere. I guess we talked too often away from BCTS, that I didn't really connect you with our community here anymore. Please accept my apologies, Arwen. I wouldn't be where I am without your input and our talks over the years.
Kindest, Saphira.
>> There is not one single truth out there. <<