So last night, I dreamed I killed a man.
I was following him up some kind of tunnel or shaft, and it led to a rocky platform. I grabbed the man, and threw him off the platwform.
And since he landed face first on something hard a long way down, I figured he was dead.
weirdest part was I didnt seem fazed by the fact I had just killed.
I dont know if I wanna know why my brain came up with that dream . . .
Another old identity?
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Just a little legal advice?
Don't do that. :)
— Emma
Me too!
I regularly have a similar dream. The victim is a big, fat, orange man with ridiculous blonde hair. Sometimes the dream is in Washington, sometimes it is in Florida.
I’m not sure what this dream means.
Were you influenced by "Bohemian Rhapsody"?
-- Daphne Xu