Getting a Job

Roy And The Road To Renee - Chapter 4

The Queen of the Night was a mess. The sun was shining brightly when I awoke the morning after the Halloween party. I squinted at the clock; it was nearly 10:00 a.m. I looked about. My dress from last night was loosely draped over a chair, not hung up as it should have been. I came to realize that I still had my bra on but minus one insert, along with panties, garter belt and nylons. I had no idea where my slip was. My shoes had been abandoned in the middle of the room. Thankfully, I had put on a nightgown, or at least I was wearing one.

I got out of bed, somehow found a robe and made my way to the bathroom. My face was a mess; I hadn’t removed my makeup, but I, or someone, had removed my wig. I absently wondered where it could be.

Surveying the wreck in the mirror, I decided to remove the makeup as a first step to normalcy. Normalcy? How could I consider myself as anywhere near normal. After I cleaned off my makeup I stripped off the remainder of my clothes and stepped into the shower. First thing to do was to clear the cobwebs from my brain. A good shower was just the thing to do that.

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