Girl’s Night Out - 6 Precious Changes

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Girl’s Night Out - 6
Precious Changes

By Jessica C

Nera had set up Heath’s second time being part of their Girls Night out…
Somewhere during that night, Dara became free to be…
She existed long before, but had been timid,
Like Heath easy to direct by others…
Then there was Nathan and then Cortney…
Now she’s free and taking her time to be

Dara hadn’t finished packing for her daughters but she needed to pick them up from daycare. She picked them up and went back home. The girls were excited about going to their grandparents Martin. Especially for several days. They had not done that since Katy had been born. Nera’s excuse was the girls needed to be home in their own beds.

Dara had text Cortney and told her, she would be at her folks for a long weekend. Dara said, “You're invited to come Saturday and even be there Sunday, but I’ll need to ask you to stay at a motel. I’ll pay for it, but I need to take it slow especially for my girls.”

Cortney said back, “First do it for you and what’s good for your daughters. I will be there Saturday and then we’ll decide about Sunday. We had already agreed to take it slow. And I don’t want you presuming things about us already.”

It was still afternoon when Dara left to be ahead of the rush hour traffic. This time his Sister Grace would be there solidifying preparations for the Anniversary celebration now only two weeks away.


Teresa asked during the drive there, “Daddy is your girlfriend Corky going to come?”

Dara said, “Her name is Cortney. She’s going to try to come Saturday, but she’s not staying at Grammy’s. Is that alright with you?”

“Yes, Katy and I were hoping to see her. She looked nice but we don’t really know if she is.” Katy hums in agreement with Teresa. Teresa says, “I’m going to tell Cortney she can call me Teri.”

Once we’re into the town where my parents live; we drive passed Dad’s old hardware store. Hardware store’s name of Martin hanging there as part of the now Pleasant Point – Martin Hardware N’ More. The store had already been packed before the ‘More was added. We park in back as usual and the girls rush in to find Grandpa. They weren’t quite sure of where they were going as its rows were different. But they yelled for Grandpa and followed his voice when he yelled back.

I greeted Chuck Mueller and his teenage son Brant, the new owner. Complimented on their owning the store and how it looked. I could tell Chuck was not comfortable with my being there. One customer a Ms. Roberts, recognized me.

She said, “I wouldn’t have recognized you or the girls if your father hadn’t told me about the change. I’m sorry about things at home that’s too bad. And I’m not quite sure about you as Dara. But I’m glad you present yourself and our girls well. I wasn’t sure what to expect.”

“Thanks, Ms. Roberts, I appreciate you being open-minded. How’s your husband and family?”

She says, “Since his stroke, I’m relying on your Dad and the places I shop at more. It’s sad to see your father selling his store. Connie is going to be home in two weeks for the holiday and to go with us to your folks’ celebration. They’re smart in celebrating forty now. I now wished Jim and I did that. One or both of us might be in the care center by our fiftieth.”

Dad interrupts me, “How about I send the supplies your sister wants a home with you? You and I can talk more after dinner.” Dad thought he needed to carry everything and in light of being a woman. Being responsible for the girls, he was right.


I pulled into our driveway following a car from York, Pennsylvania. It was unusual when I said, “Hello Sis!” as Grace exited her car. She said, “And hello to you Sis. It is nice to see you but only a little bit of a surprise.”

I’m holding Katy as we hug and Katy latches us on, saying, “Hi Aunt Grace. Do you like Daddy as a sister?” When Grace affirms she does, Katy and Teresa almost in unison say, “We do too.”

Mom is out and taking in Teresa. I have our two luggage pieces and Grace’s smaller bag. Grace had taken Katy. It takes me three trips to get everything, including Grace’s supplies from the store.

Mom’s dinner table will look like a big Sunday meal use to. It won’t be fancy as she’s baking a meatloaf so Katy can eat what we were eating. There’s a salad for us and gelatin for the girls, along with two vegetables and mash potatoes with gravy. She tells us, this is in place of Sunday dinner which will be at the dinner over at Sea Bay.

I excused myself before Dad got home and we had dinner. I went to my old pharmacy there where I had the prescription for my Testosterone blocker. I hadn’t realized it started with a shot and then the pills. Deidra a pharmacist, a little older than me, gave the shot. She showed permission with instructions from my Psychiatrist. It was in a room off discretely for such purposes. I was surprised at how helpful it was to have Deidra visit with me as well as giving me the shot. She said, she would be happy to take care of all my medications. In fact, she stressed it would be good for me to have someone who could hold me accountable.

“I know the general medication they use for transitioning. Too many of you push for getting your stereotypical results. My interest is for you to get real results that take time when done in a healthy manner.”

I wasn’t sure about having her watching over me, but I knew I could change my mind and go elsewhere. She gave me her card, suggesting I check back when things begin to feel unusual.

I was back for dinner and Dad would soon be down from taking a shower. It was unusual as Grace and Mom both allowed me to take responsibility for both my girls. Mom nicely told me that would happen again tomorrow when Cortney was here. Grace was more direct. “Your girls already have one parent in their life who is not consistent in taking care of the girls. I will kick your buns if you start to do the same. These girls are not to be objects in your struggles with your soon to be Ex.”

She wants me to share a room with her tonight and the girls to sleep in the next room over.

I changed Katy and had her ready for bed, knowing my father wanted to talk to me about the hardware business. He had called the corporate hardware office who he was aligned with. He said, “They’re in agreement that if Chuck takes his business with another company they’ll work with you here. They’d be open to talking to you about one near Cove Center with the business being out next to the highway. They said, “They’re starting to build more between Flemington and Somerville.”
He asked, “Do you know Martina Smithey?”

“Yeah, she was a wail of an athlete but didn’t go to college as everyone wished.”

Dad says, “They say she’s more of a Tomboy and went and got her associate degree in small engine mechanics. She’s been working for them for two years in various stores and she wants to be in business back there.”

It all was interesting enough, I even knew a hobbled up construction man who could be good with a lumberyard. I did like the idea of working in a conservation job. Working with the government would mean a regular check with decent pay and benefits.

Dad said he would come my way after their anniversary celebration and trip. He’d have the VP Associate for New Jersey and Pennsylvania with him. I was to check land prices and banking options.

We drove by the site Dad was thinking for me in town if I wanted to start the hardware store there. It was a better sight on a busy road… Well, why worry about that is I strongly leaned to the Cover Center site if I got serious.


I took time to read to my girls before getting them to bed. Grace came in and asked if I had brushed out the girls’ hair. She actually had an index card of things I needed to be doing and watching for. I brushed each girls’ hair; Katy’s only a short time as it wasn’t as long or thick. Teresa’s hair was a different story. It is long and thick. It did have a few areas it helped by brushing it out.

My sister Grace was brushing out my hair part at the same time. She said I was treating my hair much like I had as Heath. “Your hair shouldn’t be treated the same as a boy having long hair. There should be more care and time taken with it. Let your daughters get to sleep and we can talk more in our room.”

I was surprised that Grace wanted to see me change and didn’t mind that I’d see her. Though I wasn’t comfortable with seeing my sister. She said, “By the ease, you have in changing I am sure you’ve had plenty of practice before this past week.”

She had caught me once trying on her clothes when I was a young teen. “Mom asked me more than once if I thought you were more of a girl. I thought that was because of the contrast between you and Rick. Now Mom tells you were in more of my old clothes when you went through a rough time in high school.”

I told her, “I tried to stop liking to be a girl. I tried especially hard and thought I had after Teresa was born. But when she was two pretty girls clothes were given to her and Nera’s figure went back to normal I knew I wasn’t going to change. I then got into Community Theater and did a stage rendition of “Some Like It Hot.” I was cast in Jack Lemmon’s role. It wasn’t as funny as the movie but I enjoyed that we wore nice women’s clothing as Jack had requested in the movie.”


I did not know that Grace and Cortney already talked on the phone.

When I woke in the morning I was studious in getting the girls ready for the day and helping with their breakfast. But when Cortney showed up at 9:30, everything change and Cortney and Grace insisted we work on the anniversary preparations only until noon. “We and your daughters are going to take you shopping for business and everyday clothes for Dara.”

The girls had rested in the morning. I was sure it wouldn’t work and they would be grouchy by mid-afternoon.

Teresa said, “Daddy, women aren't always dressed as nice as you are. Dara needs to dress so you can have fun with us and do the cleaning.” Katy said, “You need be a good w’oll model for us. You need to pwaktis that.”

Grace even had me try on a woman’s pair of overalls. It was hard for me to relax and enjoy being a good looking like a woman in this pink version. They were nothing like what a guy would wear. But while they were attractive and fashionable they were also something I could wear if I had a hardware business.

“Daddy, could you own a building store like Grandpa?” Both my sister and Cortney smiled muttering. “It looks like Dara has at least one girl that looks outside the box.”

Cortney then asked, “Grace, do you want the girls to yourself for a little while to spoil them?” Grace took the girls and we took my new purchases back to the car. Soon the shopping was done and we could leave.

I got into the car and Cortney told me the direction via her GPS, but we ended up in front of a discrete medical supply store. I thought it was funny until Cortney said, “Let’s go in and see what they specialize in. I think it’s about time for you to get something here.”

I wasn’t really listening but was just following Cortney. It looked more like an office than a medical supply store. Marne came out asking if one of us were Dara. With that, I turned to Cortney and she said, “Let’s go with her and let her explain some things.”

Cortney introduced herself and Marne said, “You’re the one who called them and set up the consultation. Good, I am glad to meet the two of you. Dara, did I hear correctly that you have some family as well as Cortney supportive in you possibly transitioning?”

I look at Cortney with an understanding in fact, that I do have supportive people around me. Marne says, “Well it’s not unusual for your transitioning team to want you to live as a woman before making any permanent decisions.” With that, she went on to introduce me to professional quality breast forms and vagina gaffs. They also had hip pads if I wanted them.

The ideas and images were all pleasing to me. The breast forms and the vagina gaff would allow me to look and function as a woman. Other than needing to be washed more thoroughly and discretely shaven; it was more exciting than embarrassing. The hip extensions I could do without at least for now.

Cortney had graciously excused herself. I was surprised that Marne could help me without my getting excited down below. She would order both a gaff and breast forms looking more exactly like my surrounding skin. I was allowed to wear home ones the size and style I had ordered.

Whenever I tried to talk about the costs. Marne put that off until near the end. I had seen some prices but I could not remember which went with what. Prices and the quality caused them to range quite a bit.

Finally, with the forms I liked in place, Marne had me dress in my clothing to see how it all felt and looked being clothed. She said, “I can have your forms done and here in two to four weeks. If you want a second set of each, I can give you a substantial saving on the two sets in comparison to the one set.”

I was happy to see how I looked in my clothing through my bra was much fuller in holding my modest C size breasts. When Marne told me, “Your second set will cost you, $1,165 with taxes all included.” She informed me that Cortney and my sister had already taken care of the initial cost.

I am fairly good at math so I knew the total cost must be around three thousand dollars. I quickly spoke up, “That means they’d be paying over $1,800 dollars. I can’t allow that.”

Marne calmly asks, “Can you financially handle your amount?” When I said, “Yes.” She said, “Their amount is well below their upper range. I would suggest you agree to it before I call them in to see you. Or we could call them in and see what can be agreed upon.”

There’s a knock on the office door and Cortney’s asking, “Can we come in and let your daughters see you?” It was more of a statement than a question. I lifted Katy onto my lap and Teri said, “You look different somehow, but I don’t know what.” Katy says, “I do, she feels more like mommy.” Katy is patting my breasts. Teri smiles, indicating she’s happy.

I did sign the agreement and paid half of my costs now. We left there and went to a Sonoma store where I was fitted with two pretty bras. I was delighted to see the look and feel of different bras I could wear. I was also surprised how pretty some were while not being good for me.

The girls had eaten at a hamburger place, but I was happy to hear they ate to children’s chicken meal with a fruit packet.


It was four thirty when we got back to our parents’ house. Mom smiled, “Say you look better and this will help your daughters become more comfortable with this side of you.”

Dad had pushed the furniture to the middle of the living room. “I painted the ceiling so you three can paint the room after you change into work clothes.”

My daughters napped as Cortney and I painted the room. We let Grace work with our mother in rolling silverware with napkins and boxed for the reception. I was enjoying the difference I was feeling painting the living room as a woman. I could feel my breasts move and my arms needing to adjust for the difference.

My sister came in at one point and asked if it felt like I thought it might as a woman. I told her, “I wasn’t sure what it would feel like, but I like the difference. If I decide to run a hardware store. This should help me appreciate what it takes for more of my customers.”

Cortney and I went up to the mostly vacant boardwalk to talk and walk. I was impressed as she told me that my new woman parts didn’t come with any strings attached. Though I swore I would eventually repay her and my sister either way. She said, “The first such payment and we will be history.”

We had pizza and a casual time around the kitchen.

Cortney wanted me to stay with her at the hotel. But my first responsibility had to be with Katy and Teresa. I wasn’t sure, but Cortney might have been testing me.

I checked my phone when putting my daughters to bed and there was a message from Nera. I thought that was nice that she was checking on our girls. I was disappointed as Nera wrote, “You need to get back right away and do a service call on Herculean Industries. The plant here is shut down, but they need the computer system up before they can start on Monday morning.”

I text back, “Don’t you remember telling me, ‘I don’t work for you and it’s none of my business? I am here until at least three tomorrow. It would be at least 6:00 in the evening before I could even get there. My cost to you would be $100/hr. plus expenses. I am not sure you or they have any needed parts if they’re needed.”

I thought, “Wentworth might be your best way to go. I am not sure they would figure the system in time and not make problems worse. You would need to go with me, as Dara doesn’t have clearance for their security to get in the building.”


I go back to get the girls ready for bed and send them down to give goodnight kisses. Their grandma carries Katy up with Teresa following. She wanted to help tuck them in and say prayers with them. They told her, they were sad that their mother texts me without saying hello to them. They were unhappy, telling their Grandma. Our mother was wanting us to come home now. But was told we’d leave here no earlier than 3:00 tomorrow afternoon.

My mother talked to me after we left them so they could go to sleep. “Dara, I know you’re the one who is feeling the brunt of all this. But I need to tell you: Continue to remember that your daughters will and should always love their Mom. They need to know from you that you love them. Just as important that you won’t use them to hurt her nor them.”

“Are you somehow saying I should help Nera tomorrow?”

Mom’s expression didn’t show anything, but she did say, “Presently you don’t have any income coming in, so helping her wouldn’t hurt you. And there’s wisdom about keeping someone who could be a problem where you can watch them.”

“Thanks, Mom,” I grin, “You can give me some mother-daughter advice. You didn’t do that when I was growing up.” Once downstairs Grace asks about the advice mom didn’t give to me. Everyone laughed.

Cortney and I went to be alone so we could have some private time. It was an opportunity for me to be affectionate and supportive of her. Her job had improved some since she spoke up for a client.

I could tell she enjoyed the attention I was giving her. She affectionately giggles saying she needed to get to the hotel before she started to make love to me. I was also getting near the point I wouldn’t be able to stop my desires.

I hadn’t planned on going to church. I do believe and have a strong faith. But especially here at our family’s home church, I worried about how people would respond to my becoming a woman.

Mom was set that we were going to church, but not without feelings for me. She told me, “You need not be afraid, God already knows who you are and loves you. If you can face God, facing others should not be that hard. You know, we love you and I expect most of the members do. Those who don’t will need help to understand.”

I forgot it would be Palm Sunday and the attendance was a good number though more would probably be there come Easter. My dress was very nice and came to just above my knees. I was especially proud of how nice my girls looked and they were comfortable with me going to church as a woman.

Since we’re fairly well known, many were surprised to hear I was another daughter. My Mom was the first to begin saying Heath their son planning to transition to become Dara their daughter.

Like most parents, I was happy to hear compliments on how well I was doing in raising my daughters. Grace was the first who defended me to others. Only one of which was a longtime friend to our family.

My daughters went up for the children’s time and Teresa did quite well in answering a question. The church has progressed with the times and now had a blend of traditional and contemporary music.

After the service, their Associate Pastor Jennifer Keyes introduce herself. She already met me and simply greeted me saying. “Did I hear your name is now Dara Martin? Please know you are special to us and I’d be pleased to be your pastor in any way that might be helpful.” We talked and she knew the next time I was here I would be busy with my parents anniversary. But then or any time she’d be happy to have a chance to visit with me.

I conveyed in return that she probably wouldn’t understand how important that would be to me. She gave me her calling card with all of her basic contact information. This was a time I was thankful to have a purse to put such things.

It was a delightful day and after going out to eat, we enjoyed a nice walk on the boardwalk. Mom and Grace knew the areas it was okay to walk with heels. I was nervous when we met another couple that knew me and Grace when we were growing up. Tricia and Ted were good friends and grew in love after they returned from college.

Ted wasn’t sure how to react to me and as Tricia said, “I’m surprised, but I can’t say completely. It looks like being a young woman agrees with you quite well. Now I am happy for you that you always took after your mother and sister in having finer slender features.”

It was 1:30 p.m. when we got to my parents and packed the car to leave. My mother commented, “For not being on hormones yet I am surprised you have been becoming quite emotional.”

“Mom, I have always been quite emotional. I just don’t feel pressured to suppress them.” Mom teared up and started to apologize because she hadn’t known what it put me through it…

To be continue…

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