Complicit in a Lie Revisited Chapter 4

Complicit In a Lie
Revisited Chapter 4

by Jamie Lee

Author's Note: When I first wrote Complicit In a Lie, I had no thoughts, or ideas, to write a sequel. But thanks to a few readers, who asked about a sequel, ideas formed that made writing this sequel possible. It is necessary to have read Complicit In a Lie to understand why Charles is now with Jane, who the boy arriving in Kingston is and how he's involved in Charles' Court case. And to understand where Mr. Corporate, George Strom, fits into this story. This story starts off after Charles says, "When do we start," in Complicit in a Lie. So if you haven't read Complicit In a Lie, the beginning of this story won't make any sense. Hint hint!

Chapter 4

Jane studied Francis a bit longer before she decided on a course of action, one she had to discuss with Marie. Jane then told the girls, "Girls, please excuse me for a moment. I'll be right back." Jane got up from her chair, turned and started walking to the library doors.

She hadn't taken more than four steps when Francis said, "Tante Jane, I know what you do here at Seasons House, and why." Jane had just taken half of her fifth step when she froze because of Francis' statement. She brought her back foot forward, turned and glared at Francis; Francis didn't need a translator to understand what Jane was now expecting from her. Francis took a deep breath before saying, "It was because of a punishment paper you had me write that I learned what I know. In researching the paper, I came across pictures of boys dressed as girls. I followed the references for the pictures and discovered why those boys were dressed as girls. It took only a moment for me to realize that I was one of those boys, a boy dressed as a girl. I also found under the reference for those pictures an explanation why those boys, why we were dressed as girls. And to tell you the truth, Tante Jane, I was glad I was here with you and Marie, because... um... I needed the two of you in the worst way. You see, Aunt Jane, after the murder of my parents, I was only happy when I lived with the Willows. They treated me like family, they were never upset when I asked questions, or made a comment, or expressed my opinions. That's not to say they were always happy with my comments or opinions, but they weren't nasty about it either. It wasn't that way when the Judge made me live with my other Aunts or Uncles. If my comment didn't agree with theirs, they'd verbally admonish me. Or, if my opinion didn't agree with theirs, I'd get backhanded across the face. I became jaded about people and the people like that Judge, and you and Marie have helped me see I was wrong in believing everyone was like those people." Francis then looked at Charlotte and said, "Even Charlotte showed me that there are good people out there who really care about me as a person."

Jane's glare had gone from a glare to one of amazement, since neither she nor Marie could ever get Francis to talk about her feelings. Now that Francis was thinking about someone other than herself, and was determined to help that friend, she felt at ease opening up to Jane. Jane slowly walked back to the chair she had occupied, sat down and told Francis, "Young lady, why did you wait until now to say all those things? You could have said those things to myself or Marie numerous times in the past. Why now?"

Francis smiled then looked at Charlotte. "Because, Tante Jane, Charlotte needs my help."

Jane could only marvel at the boy behind the clothes and makeup. He arrived sullen and sighted only on himself. Now, after being shown kindness by another boy he didn't really know, he was willing to forego himself for the other person. Jane was actually in a daze, something that hardly happened to her. Just then there was a knock on the library door, and Marie came into the library to make sure the girls were alright, and Jane hadn't done anything rash. Closing the door behind her, and taking one look at the girls, she chuckled and told them, "Girls, le look raton laveur does not suit two beautiful young ladies such as yourselves. Maybe you two should go undo le look raton laveur?"

Marie telling both girls they looked like raccoons shook Jane out of her daze, as both women heard Francis ask Charlotte, "Um, Charlotte. What did Tante Marie tell us?"

Charlotte laughed and told Francis, "Tante Marie said we look like raccoons. Come on, let's go fix our faces."

Charlotte pulled Francis up off the sofa, then asked, "May we be excused Aunt Jane so we can redo our faces?"

Jane just nodded her head until she realized what she'd been asked and that she was nodding her head. "Yes, you are excused to fix your faces. No young lady in my house is allowed to appear as a night time wild animal. Go...GO! But return here when you're ready to look decent."

Both girls giggled at Jane's dismissal, as it wasn't like her to almost sound happy. After the girls left, and Marie walked into the room and sat down on the sofa facing Jane, Jane asked her, "Did you hear all of that, everything Francis said? And it took Charlotte coming to us and her kindness towards Francis for the girl to stop thinking only about herself."

Jane saw the kind look in Marie's eyes, and heard Marie say, "Yes, chéri, I heard everything. That's why I came. You started to come and ask my opinion of telling Francis the whole truth of our house, but she beat you to the coup de poing, by revealing what she knew and why. And it was good for her to do that, chéri, for she told us things she'd kept to herself since coming here. Things we both knew she was holding back, because she didn't trust either of us enough due to her experiences. Kindness can have great beneficial effects if offered by the right person. And the right person is with us now. We have a plan on how to clear Charles Thorton's name, which includes Charlotte. Now, there are four who will work to clear his name. And we both know another who may offer help as well, if they aren't already doing so, n'est-ce pas?"

Jane smiled at Marie and told her, "Yes, that is so, my dear friend. Maybe we all could use something to drink while I make a phone call." Marie patted Jane's knee, got up off the sofa and left the library, heading to the kitchen. Jane followed Marie out of the library, but left the door open so the girls could see the library was vacant. She had a phone call to make to a certain Judge.

When Marie and Jane returned to the library, they saw the girls sitting on the sofa with immaculately made up faces. And both were smiling at the two women. Marie sat the tray she was carrying down on a small table near the sofa, and after she did so Jane said, "Francis. Please show Charlotte the proper way to serve tea." As Francis had done in showing Charlotte the proper way Seasons House's dining table was to be set, she did the same in showing Charlotte the proper way to serve tea. She explained first, then demonstrated twice, before having Charlotte do the same thing twice. Then she had Charlotte actually serve the tea to Jane, Marie, herself and Charlotte herself last.

Marie wasn't afraid to smile at Charlotte's deft ability to pick up things quickly, as she served exactly as Jane wanted. Jane, on the other hand, merely said, "Excellently done, girls. I'm proud of you both. Now..." and Jane replayed her conversation with Judge Ruth.

"Charlotte, do you remember an older man named George Strom, the CEO for Taylor's?"

Jane's question caused Charlotte to get her 'thinking' look on her face, before she asked, "He was the big shot who wanted to take me to Federal Court if I wasn't punished by Judge Ruth."

Jane nodded her head then said, "Yes, that's the man. Judge Ruth thought something wasn't right when Mr. Strom stood up in Court, out of turn, and made that declaration. Ruth also gave him a hefty fine for his outburst. Because Ruth felt something was going on with the man, she had her investigators start looking into the man's life. And so far they've hit nothing but gold. She wouldn't tell me what they'd found, for fear that the case soon to be brought against him would be thrown out of Court. She also contacted your parents, Charlotte, and found out your dad's firm had already started an investigation the minute you were sent to me." Jane took a sip of her tea before continuing. "And according to Ruth, your dad's firm has hit more than gold. They've struck diamonds, but what type of diamonds she again wouldn't say. Ruth did say the case against Mr. Strom would be stronger if a confession could be obtained from Toby Camber, the boy arriving on Monday. And that's where Marie and I need your help. Francis, you know what we will do to Toby after he arrives here at the house, you've experienced it yourself. Because you've been here the longest, I want you to be the good, obedient girl, who's learned the proper way to act. Charlotte, because you've been here the least amount of time, I need you to be the girl who is still acting your old way, whiny when something doesn't suit you, petulant, and in some cases defiant. I will give you a nod of my head when I want you to act in some manner to what I might have said. And Francis, I want you to correct Charlotte when the three of you are together, waiting for me or Marie to call either of you. Also, explain our ways to Toby, though I expect him to scoff at your instructions, which is good. Do you girls think you can do this? Can you act your hearts out?"

Jane and Marie watched as the girls looked at each other, before big smiles broke out on their faces. Still looking at each other, they said almost in unison, "Definitely Aunt Jane." Then Francis said, "If it helps clear Charles' name, definitely."

When the girls were again looking at Jane, she focused on Charlotte and said, "Charlotte, there will be times I force you to wear clothing that might be embarrassing to you, in order to make Toby think about his choices of actions and attitudes. Will you be able to tolerate those embarrassing times? Will you be able to work through those embarrassing moments and maintain the act?"

Charlotte's face took on an extremely serious look, before she said to Jane, "Aunt Jane, Tante Marie. You both have been nothing but kind to me the entire time I've been here, though strict when my mind wandered. I did volunteer to become a girl to help clear my name, and if I must endure being embarrassed, then I will endure the embarrassment. If it will help to clear my name."

Then Jane clapped her hands and said, "Bien, we have a plan. But now you two need to get ready for bed, we have our appointments at the salon tomorrow. Charlotte, Marie will attend to you, showing you how to thoroughly cleanse your face before you shower. Make sure to wear a shower cap, we don't want to spend time drying your hair. I will attend to Francis," and she looked at Francis and smiled before continuing with, "and make sure she still remembers everything that needs done. Go now, you both need your sleep."

When the girls stood up from the sofa, Jane wasn't expecting Francis to put her arms around her in a hug and whisper in her ear, "Thank you, Aunt Jane. For everything," before she and Charlotte left the library.

Marie saw the worried look on Jane's face and told her dear friend, "Chéri, they will do just as you ask. It may take time, but Toby will give us what we want. And perhaps Sandy can instill a measure of fear in the boy, she is rather good at that aspect."

Jane turned to her old and dear friend and told her, "Oh, Marie, I'm not worried about the girls, they've set themselves a goal and will achieve it. No, I'm worried about Charles' life after his name is cleared. Word will get out about the charges brought against him and even though his name is cleared, others will still think ill of him. How will he remake his life with this hanging over his head?"

Marie just smiled at Jane and said, "Dear, he just will. It's what makes him such a fine young man. His compass points in the right direction, and he follows it, and seems to always have done so. Let's not think about that time, yet. Let's think about Monday and the boy coming to us who started all this merde. Oui?"

Jane laughed out loud, then asked Marie, "You aren't upset by all this, are you Marie?"

Marie looked at Jane then asked, "Qu'est-ce qui t'a fait croire ça, chérie ?" Both women laughed, as they left their chairs and headed to the respective bedrooms.

Charlotte found it strange, yet nice, to sleep in a girls' nightie. The fabric was soft, yet somehow comforting to Charlotte. While the nightie only came down to almost below her panties, that fact didn't seem to bother Charlotte. It did take her some time before sleep became her friend, as her mind continued to provide possible ways to play the various scenes that would be playing out when Monday arrived. The last scene of her dream was of her time with her parents during a vacation to the mountains. but something didn't seem right, as the cliff they were standing on suddenly started violently shaking.

"Charlotte, il est temps de se lever. Nous avons le salon de coiffure aujourd'hui. Allez ma fille, dépêche-toi (We have the hair salon today. Come on girl, hurry up.)." Marie shook Charlotte again and said, "Allez ma fille, réveille-toi. Nous devons nous dépêcher (Come on girl, wake up. We must hurry.)."

In a slurred voice, Charlotte replied, "Tante Marie, encore cinq minutes. Je veux finir mon strongeau rêve (Aunt Marie, five more minutes. I want to finish my dream.)." Marie smirked, as she grabbed the edge of the covers near Charlotte's face, and abruptly pulled them to the foot of the bed. Charlotte let out a screech, before saying, "Not fair, Tante Marie. Not fair at all."

Marie just chuckled and told Charlotte, "Cheri, just be glad you are not one of our regular girls. It would have been much worse if you had acted as you just did. Our regular girls do what they're told when they're told. And any gémissements and their day starts on the wrong foot. Now, come, you must shower, do your face, and dress before breakfast. We are going to the salon today so you may experience what we girls do in such a mysterious place. Déplace-le! (Move it!)"

Charlotte chuckled then said, "Yes Aunt Marie," and got out of bed.
Marie sat in the chair which always held the robe when a new girl came to Seasons House. She watched as Charlotte selected matching panties and bra, opened the closet door, took the robe hanging on a hook on the inside of the closet door, and went into the bathroom to shower. "And cheri, don't bother washing your hair, they will do that at the salon. Just wear the cap as you shower."

Marie smiled as she heard, "Yes, Tante Marie." Charles Thorton was indeed a boy to be proud of, Marie thought to herself, as she too thought of the things Toby was going to experience while in Winsome Girls' School for Wayward boys. Things that were going to test the young man to his limits. And she just smiled.

Much like the noon and evening meals, Francis showed Charlotte how to set the dining room table for breakfast. And as she did for the evening meal, she set the table twice, showing Charlotte how it was to be done, before having Charlotte do it herself. Because of the little differences between the evening meal and breakfast, Charlotte caught on much faster. Once the girls were finished setting the table they went into the kitchen to help Marie prepare breakfast, again with Francis showing Charlotte what they needed to do. Once everything was ready, the girls each carried two trays to the dining room table as Marie carried the one tray with fruit bowls and muffins on it. Because of their upcoming new girl, Jane again covered the plan they agreed to, making sure the girls knew their parts in what would be an interesting play. A play meant to elicit a confession from Toby Camber. Jane then went on to talk about the salon, mostly to Charlotte, letting her know what would be done and by whom. And to let her know not to take anything from Sandy, one of the owners of Marisha Charlet. Jane looked at Marie after telling Charlotte about Sandy, and both women smiled at each other, knowing what Sandy would try to do with Charlotte. Only to receive better than she gave.

Breakfast over, dishes done and the kitchen straightened, both girls returned to their bedrooms to attend to their teeth and faces, before returning downstairs and led by Jane, out to Jane's car. As they drove Jane asked, "How did you sleep last night, Charlotte? The clothing you wore may have seemed strange, but if we are to give a stellar performance, our characters must remain in character at all times."

Charlotte just chuckled, then said, "Aunt Jane. You could have just asked how I felt sleeping in the nightie. It felt strange at first, but became rather comforting after a while. And I dreamt about my parents, and one of the vacations we took."

Jane just humphed, then said, "Such a petulant child. That's good Charlotte. Something said like that will cause me to get upset with you but not overly angry. Something that can be verbally corrected and made known isn't to happen again."

Charlotte nodded her head, and replied with, "Backtalk without being snarky. I understand Aunt Jane." Then Charlotte said, "I have a question, Aunt Jane, concerning Sandy."

Jane was interested in what question Charlotte wanted to ask about Sandy, so she told Charlotte, "Ask your question Charlotte," and waited.

"You said Sandy might try to play me," Charlotte began, "embarrass me, make fun of how I'm dressed. How much am I allowed to turn the tables on her?"

Jane laughed out loud before telling Charlotte, "My dear child. You may do anything short of being rude or vulgar. And make sure I'm within hearing when you attack. It should be rather interesting to see the worm turn for a change."

They arrived at the salon earlier than their appointed time, and could see no one but Carolyn and Sandy by the reception desk. They entered the salon, and were greeted by Sandy. "Welcome ladies, as you can see Carolyn and I are free to start on these two lovely ladies right away." She looked at Charlotte and asked, "So you're Charlotte? My you are a pretty thing. How do you like being a young lady so far?" Charlotte could feel the compassion radiating from Carolyn, while it wasn't hard to miss the predatory look on Sandy's face. The woman oozed of mischief. Charlotte got the same feeling from her as he got from James Conner, and hoped it didn't come down to another hospitalization. Jane saw Charlotte staring at Sandy, and observed Charlotte's hands once again going through that rhythmic pattern, stopping with her hands folded in front of her. Sandy's smile grew wider, she even licked her lips.

Jane knew Sandy could get overly excited when she had a new girl at the salon for the first time. She reveled in humiliating the new girl, threatening to expose the boy dressed as a girl, if that new girl didn't act like she was enjoying the experience. Only this time, Jane saw something more on Sandy's face, something that said Sandy was going to try and do more with Charlotte than just humiliation and embarrassment. Something that could get Sandy hurt, so she acted. "Sandy, dear girl. Whatever thoughts you have about Charlotte best be put out of your mind. She quite handedly put a man half again her size in the hospital with a broken collar bone and both bones in his right forearm. You do not possess the necessary skills to take this one on, mentally or physically. So I suggest you get to know our Charlotte and style her hair to suit her facial features. The one you want will be here Monday." Jane had been using Marisha Chalet long enough to read the faces of both women. Sandy's face was telling Jane, 'fuck you Jane Thompson, I'll do what I want.' Jane sighed and just shook her head. Some lessons had to be learned the hard way, as Sandy was about to find out.

Carolyn could feel the tension building between Sandy, Jane, and Charlotte, and diffused it with, "Charlotte, come with me and will get started waxing you."

It didn't escape Carolyn's hearing, or Janes, as Sandy muttered, "Shit."

When Carolyn and Charlotte reached the waxing booth, Carolyn opened the door and let Charlotte enter first, before following her and closing the door behind her. When she turned to face Charlotte she could see Charlotte was alert and waiting, but waiting in a way Carolyn recognized. "Charlotte, I'm not Sandy. I have no intention of hurting you on purpose, though waxing can sting, but that's its nature. So, please, relax. And let's talk. Okay?" Charlotte saw the sincerity on Carolyn's face, and did relax, sitting down next to Carolyn where the woman indicated. Charlotte never reacted as Carolyn said, "Charlotte, I know you're a boy who is staying with Jane and why you're there. She also told me, and I told Sandy, you volunteered to present as a girl in order to try and clear your name. Very few of the boys who arrive at Jane's school get the choice of not becoming a girl, that alone makes you very special. I need to ask something of you and I hope you'll give me your word of honor on it. Sandy can get a bit crazy when a new girl arrives at Jane's and is brought here for the first time. Please, if she tries to get physical with you, try not to break anything. She would go stir crazy if she couldn't come here every day we're open."

Carolyn saw the smirk form on Charlotte's lips, and heard, "I give you my word of honor, I will try not to break anything. I do possess the knowledge to disable for an extended period of time, and if necessary, she may end up without the use of one of her arms for the rest of the day. It would be good to caution her before she starts on my hair."

Carolyn knew Sandy would be furious not being able to use both arms the rest of the day, but at least nothing would be broken. "Fair enough, Charlotte. Let's get you waxed, okay? Have you ever been waxed before? I know some boys do have it done, that's why I asked." When Charlotte shook her head, Carolyn then explained what would be done. She also told Charlotte it would sting as the wax was quickly removed, but she would then apply a lotion which would lessen the pain. "AND," Carolyn almost shouted, "should you need something to drink, say so. I don't need you passing out from dehydration." She also told Charlotte, "After we get you waxed, I'm going to glue breast forms onto your chest, so you won't have to use those inserts Jane has been having you use." When Charlotte was about to say something, Carolyn held up her hand and told her, "Don't worry. They can be removed without any problems. I'd like you to go behind that screen," and she pointed to a privacy screen placed in the corner of the room, "and completely undress. Wrap one of the towels your'll find behind that screen around you before coming out." Carolyn chuckled at the look on Charlotte's face and answered it with, "Yes, I will see everything on your body as you're being waxed. If you'll just relax everything will be fine. Go, get undressed." Carolyn chuckled again as Charlotte shrugged her shoulders before walking behind the screen.

Carolyn kept up a steady stream of questions, trying to learn more about Charlotte, her family, school, and plans after school. When Charlotte finally came out from behind the screen, she had a towel wrapped about her waist, something Carolyn explained by saying, "Right now! You can get away with that towel wrapped around your waist as a boy, but girls wrap towels around their chests to cover their breasts, which you'll have to remember after you receive your own breasts." As Carolyn watched, Charlotte shifted the towel so it was wrapped around her chest, just high enough to cover her breast if she had any of her own. What Charlotte didn't know was as she shifted the towel, she exposed her groin until she had the towel wrapped around her again. Carolyn decided she didn't need to know that at the moment.

Carolyn had Charlotte get up on the table and lie on her stomach, before removing the towel. She had Charlotte place her hands under her chin, then turn her head so her head was resting on her hands. She then told Charlotte, "Okay, Charlotte. I'm going to start on the back of your right leg. The wax will be hot but not scalding hot. I'll then put a cloth strip over the wax, let the wax cool, then quickly pull the cloth strip and wax off together. Are you ready?"

Charlotte laughed, then said, "Miss Carolyn, whether or not I'm ready, you're still going to wax that leg and the rest of me. This will be an experience I may never forget."

Carolyn decided to do a small patch first, just to see how well Charlotte tolerated the pain. She was rather shocked, as she pulled the cooled wax off that patch that Charlotte remained silent. Worried, Carolyn asked, "Charlotte, are you all right? Should I continue or do you want to stop for a moment?"

Charlotte chuckled, yet again, and told Carolyn, "I've been punched during some of my training that hurt much worse than what you just did. To me, what you're doing isn't painful, just a bothersome sting. And you better continue, I don't think Jane would like me to have only one bald spot on my legs."

Carolyn laughed before saying, "No she wouldn't Charlotte. Okay, here we go." When all of Charlotte's backside had been waxed, Carolyn had her turn over onto her back, placing a small towel over her groin for modesty, and again started on her legs before moving higher on her body.

Carolyn was giving Charlotte's face a long look until Charlotte asked, "Why are you eyeing me like a piece of meat on a plate?"

Carolyn shook herself, chuckled, then said, "Oh, sorry. I was studying your eyebrows, trying to decide how much to remove to give your eyebrows a more feminine look." She then took one finger and, tracing Charlotte's eyebrows, said, "I think if I remove hair here and here you will look much better." Charlotte felt Carolyn trace a line above and below both eyebrows, and because she couldn't see how she would look afterwards, Charlotte decided to just let what would happen, happen. Hair grows back, right? "Okay, Charlotte, I need you to close your eyes, so we don't remove any of your lashes. They are pretty the way they are."

This time, waxing her eyebrows to shape them, had an entirely different effect on Charlotte. Maybe it was because she'd closed her eyes, maybe it was because of the experience of waxing. Whatever the true reason, Charlotte felt completely relaxed as Carolyn waxed her eyebrows. In fact, Charlotte was almost asleep when Carolyn told her, "There, that looks much better. You're going to really knock them dead." Carolyn stood checking her work and noticed Charlotte hadn't said anything because of her comment. She also noticed Charlotte was breathing deeper than she had been. Then it hit her, the girl was asleep. She gently shook Charlotte and said, "Charlotte, honey, wake up, I've a question you need to answer."

"Hmm... what... a... question? Whoa, I must have fallen asleep. Sorry Carolyn, I just felt so relaxed as you did my eyebrows."

Carolyn laughed, then gently stroked Charlotte's left cheek and said, "That's all right, dear. You're the first of Jane's boys who've ever fallen asleep on me while being waxed. And the first one who hasn't moaned and groaned while being waxed. But yes, I've a question for you." And Carolyn moved slightly to her left and pointed to Charlotte's groin. "I know no one is going to see your groin but you and possbly Jane and Marie, that you've already learned. I can do two things to your groin, if you want, so that you look more feminine down there."

As Carolyn watched, Charlotte put her 'thinking' face on and thought back to everything she'd read about Petticoat Punishment when she was doing the paper on behavior for her Human Sexuality class. She remembered something bout 'tucking' but nothing more, so she asked Carolyn, "From the reading I've done, there's something called 'tucking,' but what else can you do to make me look more feminine down there? What would you do if I were a real girl?"

Carolyn had a questioning look on her face and asked Charlotte, "Where did you read bout 'tucking?' Boys who come to Jane never have a clue how they can appear more feminine by 'tucking' their penis back between their legs." Charlotte then explained the paper she had to write for her Human Sexuality class, and how she came across references to behavior modifications. And when she followed the references, came across articles bout Petticoat Punishment. And how 'tucking' hides a boy's penis so he has a more feminine appearance. Carolyn was nodding her head after Charlotte finished her explanation. "Jane said you were a special boy. Now I see why. You already knew what was going to happen before it even happened. And maybe that's part of the reason you fell asleep just now. Yes, 'tucking' is one method to hide your 'little boy,' but there is another method that's temporary and can be reversed without any problems. Using that method, you won't have to keep 'retucking' yourself every time you take your panites off or pull them down to pee. As to what do real girls have done? It varies from girl to girl. Some girls want to be completely hairless, so they shave their groin. Some want just a small patch of hair, and some want small patches of hair that are heart shaped. And some have a narrow patch of hair, and ask the sides to be waxed. You, though, aren't going to be showing your patch of hair to a lover, so maybe we should temporarily hide your 'little boy' and shape what hair you do have?"

Carolyn again watched as Charlotte thought about what she was just told, and heard her mutter, "In for a penny, in for a pound," before Charlotte told her, "If I'm going to do this right, then I need to look as feminine as possible down there. Hide my...little boy, and shape what hair I do have. You did say hiding my penis can be reversed, and hair does grow back, right?"

Carolyn nodded her head and replied, "Yes, I did say it can be easily reversed. And yes, hair will grow back. You just lie there and I'll be back in a moment."

Charlotte watched as Carolyn picked up a large towel and draped it over her body, telling her, "So you don't get too chilled," before leaving the room. Jane saw Carolyn coming out of the waxing room, caught her eye, and saw Carolyn just nod her head, telling Jane Charlotte was going the route the two women had discussed. Jane only smiled. It wasn't long before Carolyn returned to the waxing room carrying a small box and a small tube of adhesive. She smiled at Jane before opening the door and going inside.

Charlotte's questions, in her mind, started the moment Carolyn came back into the room carrying a small box and a small tube. She watched as Carolyn sat everything down on the small table opposite the tble she was lying on. Then her questions escaped her mind and she asked, "What's in the box? And what is in the tube?"

Before Carolyn answered Charlotte's questions, Charlotte watched as Carolyn took a pair of disposable gloves out of a box of gloves lying on the same table. After putting them on, Carolyn pointed to the small box and said, "I'll show you what's in here in a moment. As to what's in the tube? It's surgical adhesive, used by doctors to close wounds and used with stitches to keep infections at bay. I'll use it to hide your penis, and in a few weeks, the glue will wear off. So if you're here very long, we'll have to hide your 'little boy' again in a few weeks. Now, I want you to just relax as much as possible. This time, you may experience some pain, but it won't last. And it may seem strange at first, but you will soon adjust to the feeling. And remember. When you pee you will have to sit down, or you'll make a big mess."

Charlotte laughed at Carolyn's last comment. "Carolyn, with all I have to wear, sitting to pee isn't an option." Carolyn laughed with Charlotte, before she removed the towel covering her body and the towel covering her groin. "Okay, here we go," was all Carolyn said, as Charlotte laid back and concentrated on what she felt as Carolyn went to work on her groin. She did wince at one point, even emitting a small cry, but otherwise endured what Carolyn was doing to her groin. It wasn't long before Carolyn said, "There. All done. Now let's do something with your hair."

Charlotte lifted her head to look at her groin, only to see that her penis was nowhere to be seen. She laid her head back down and said, "If only mom could see me now." Carolyn just smiled as she went to work on what hair Charlotte had on her groin. Charlotte didn't try to watch what Carolyn was doing, but heard an electric clipper running for a few moments, before feeling the heat from the wax being applied.

What she wasn't expecting was the pain that shot up her body to her brain, as Carloyn pulled the cloth and wax off. "Yiiiii...please tell me you left some skin down there?"

Carolyn felt bad and chuckled at the same time, telling Charlotte, "I'm sorry, Charlotte. I should have told you this part might really hurt. Your groin region is much more sensitive than the rest of your body. And yes, you still have skin down there. Okay, here we go again." More wax was applied, another strip of cloth was applied, but Charlotte was ready this time, and only hissed as the cloth and wax were removed. As Carolyn had previously done, she rubbed the lotion into Charlotte's skin where she'd removed hair, causing the stinging/burning feeling to subside.

Chapter 5

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