Complicit in a Lie Revisited Chapter 22

Complicit In a Lie
Revisited Chapter 22

By Jamie Lee

Author's Note: When I first wrote Complicit In a Lie, I had no thoughts, or ideas, to write a sequel. But thanks to a few readers, who asked about a sequel, ideas formed that made writing this sequel possible. It is necessary to have read Complicit In a Lie to understand why Charles is now with Jane, who the boy arriving in Kingston is and how he's involved in Charles' Court case. And to understand where Mr. Corporate, George Strom, fits into this story. This story starts off after Charles says, "When do we start," in Complicit in a Lie. So if you haven't read Complicit In a Lie, the beginning of this story won't make any sense. Hint hint!

Chapter 22

It was a strange time at the Winsome Girls' School for Wayward Boys, strange in that one boy was there to keep him out of Federal Court, who also volunteered to be one of Jane's girls. Another boy, who by all accounts, was an angry, mean, terrible boy, involved with false accusations and shoplifting. Who, upon arriving at the Winsome Girls' School for Wayward Boys, was found to be everything but angry, mean, and a terrible boy, who they discovered needed immediate medical attention because he'd had been severely beaten. And who had to be removed from the Kingston hospital because of a threat on his life, is now being treated and recovering at the Winsome Girls' School for Wayward Boy, aka Seasons House. Indeed, it is a strange time, this time.

Charlotte opened the backdoor to the house and let Jane enter her home first. She followed behind Jane, this time closing the door behind her. Because they'd been in the stable, both women took off their shoes and went their separate ways to replace them. Both did replace their shoes, along with a shower, clean clothes and reapplied makeup. As usual, Jane reappeared first, clean and wearing clean clothes, but still trying to ignore her monster's pleadings. Charlotte was a few minutes behind Jane in returning to the living room, also cleaned and wearing fresh clothing and makeup, but battling with herself not to do what she so desired to do. Two monsters were fighting to be freed, to do what they felt should be done to all who were involved with the crimes that had been committed. But chains and locks seemed to restrained them, as they were told once more, it wasn't the right thing to do.

When Toby saw Jane, he asked, "Is Charlotte alright, Aunt Jane? She left rather quickly after you showed me that picture of the man. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Charlotte had walked into the living room just as Toby asked his questions. Jane nodded her head in Charlotte's direction, then watched as the two stared at each other. Charlotte then looked at Jane, who knew the question Charlotte was asking by her look. Jane's hands were hanging in front of her, the back of one palm over the other. In answer to Charlotte's unasked question, Jane's hands never went higher than they were, but she rotated both hands outward, basically telling Charlotte, 'It's up to you, whether or not you reveal yourself.' Charlotte then looked at Marie, who with facial expressions and a head shake, was telling Charlotte, 'keep me out of this, it's not my call.' Then Marie flicked her head in Jane's direction. Charlotte again looked to Jane, who, this time, remained motionless.

Marie had sent Francis back to her lessons in the library. When she heard muffled voices, she left the library and walked to the living room, ending up standing next to Jane. Jane could tell Francis was about to ask a question, but softly told Francis to keep quiet. As Francis watched, Charlotte looked to Marie, who ran through several facial expressions while shaking her head. Then, she flicked her head in Jane's direction. Jane felt it more than saw it, and reached out to grasp Francis' wrist, keeping her motionless and by her side.

All four could see anger rising on Charlotte's face. She was starting to get angry because in this instance, she didn't know what to do. Then, when her anger reached it's peak, she said in an angry voice, I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't!

She then looked at Jane and told her, I don't know what to do, Aunt Jane! What do I do? Tell me!

Jane remained stoic, unmoved, on the outside. What she had to let play out was killing her on the inside, knowing it had to be done. "Charlotte, you are well trained to handle physical situations, and situations you are familiar with. But when it comes to situations like this one, you try to defer to others. Our lives will always encounter situations that are out of our comfort zones, those zones we know well and have handled well. We must also learn how to handle, deal with if you will, those situations we've never encountered, knowing there could be consequences one way or the other. You are now faced with one of those situations, and you must decide how to deal with. Neither Marie or I will advise you of which path you should take. Neither will I tell you if consequences will be attached to either decision you make."

Tears were slowly sliding down Francis' cheeks. Francis had come to care deeply for Charlotte, Charles, deeply as one brother could care for their brother. It pained her to see Charlotte in such anguish, but knew she couldn't say or do anything. Even as painful as it was to watch, Francis knew Charlotte's only option was to make her own decision in this matter.

Toby sat on the couch watching the interaction between Jane, Charlotte, and Marie. He even saw how upset Francis was, as tears were sliding down her face. "Aunt Jane, what's going on? Was it something I said? If it is, I'm sorry for upsetting everyone."

As the headmistress now, Jane told Toby, "Yes, Toby, it has to do with what you've said. But it's more than that. It also deals with everything connected to you and the things you've done. And because of what you said in the latter, Charlotte has a decision she has to make on her own, and that is causing her consternation.

Her anger still smoldering, Charlotte faced Toby, her voice tightly controlled as she said, "You asked if you could help! You sit there safe in this house and asked if you could help!" With those few words, the dam broke and Charlotte held nothing back. "YOU RUINED MY LIFE! YOU TOOK ME AWAY FROM MY PARENTS, SCHOOL, AND MY FRIENDS WITH YOUR LIE! I SO WANT TO BREAK YOU INTO LITTLE PIECES BECAUSE OF WHAT YOUR LIE HAS DONE TO MY LIFE. AND DON'T THINK FOR ONE MINUTE I CAN'T DO IT! I CAN PUT YOU BACK INTO THAT HOSPITAL WITH LITTLE EFFORT!"

Both Jane and Marie saw Charlotte in her readying position, both readying themselves to intervene if necessary. But they also saw both of Charlotte's hands were balled into fists, something she'd never do when in her ready position. The two women relaxed slightly, but remained alert.

After what Charlotte said, then yelled, Toby was confused. How had his lie ruined Charlotte's life? He looked at Marie, who was looking at him. He then looked at Aunt Jane, who was also looking at him. Then he looked at Francis, who while still upset but also looking at him. He then looked at Charlotte, who was physically shaking with anger and tears dripping off her cheeks. Then he again looked at Francis, then Charlotte, then Marie, then Jane. Then again at only Francis then Charlotte. Then he sat there thinking. It wasn't long before all four women could see the light come on in Toby's eyes. He looked at Jane and quietly said, "Petticoat punishment. You use petticoat punishment." Jane sagely nodded her head, before he turned his head to look at Charlotte, saying, "You're Charles, aren't you? You're the boy that was at Taylor's that day I was arrested. I wouldn't blame you if you did break me into little pieces, after everything I've done, I probably deserve it." Tears slowly slid out of Toby's eyes as he looked down at his lap.

More under control, this time, Charlotte got out, "You don't understand, do you?" Toby's raised his head and looked at Charlotte. "You don't understand, do you?" She repeated. She raised her voice slightly as she continued with, "I can't do what I'd like to do to you and everyone involved in this whole mess. I can't because it isn't the right thing for me to do. If I did what I wanted, it'd make me no better that those who started this whole shoplifting spree. Yes, I'm Charles Thorton. And yes, Aunt Jane uses petticoat punishment to help boys like you and Francis see there's a better way to live and behave. You likely won't experience it because of your injuries, and because you're likely to be a witness for the prosecution against Strom and any others you saw. I will also tell you that I volunteered to be one of Aunt Jane's girls, and I've actually learned something about myself along the way. That's one of the things she wants to happen, that we learn about ourselves. Even though you may never experience presenting as a girl, you too have learned something in the short time you've here. And we've learned something about you as well. You aren't who you pretended to be at Taylor's or in the holding cell. You, and me, are actually where Aunt Jane wants all of the boys who come her to be before leaving. And... I'm sorry I got upset with you, yelled at you." She looked at Jane before continuing with, "I guess this whole mess is bothering me more than I realized." With that, Charlotte turned and went up to her bedroom to shower, change clothes, and freshen her face.

Nothing was said for some time, as Toby sat looking at the floor. Then, just as Jane and Marie heard footsteps starting down the stairs, Toby said in a wistful voice, "God, I've really messed up. But what choice did I have? Do as I was told or get the hell beat out of me? I guess I do deserve to get my butt kicked."

It was Francis who answered with, "You could have gone to the police." Jane and Marie looked at Francis, and then at each other, thinking it might be time for Frank to leave Seasons House.

Toby was shaking his head and still looking at the floor as he answered, "I tried that, Francis. When I first found out what my brother was going to force me to do. Those old scars I have on my back are the result of him catching me before I got to the front door of the police department." He then looked at Francis and told her, "No Francis, nothing I tried did any good. Even trying to run away did no good. I don't know how he did it, but my brother always found me. Some of the pink scars were his doing for me trying to run away."

Then a new voice joined the conversation. "You could have killed him. With all the scars you had, it would have been considered self-defense. No jury would have convicted you after seeing the scars you bare." All eyes turned to the voice, and saw Charlotte walking towards the living room. "Or, you could have shown your dad what he was doing to you."

Wincing as he got off the couch, and as he took off his shirt, turned so Charlotte saw his back, and asked her, "And keep getting this done to you. Take a good look Charlotte, then ask yourself what you'd have done to keep this from happening to you over and over again. And the new ones you see, the raw ones, are because I got caught at Taylor's. Done by my brother, at the warehouse, as directed by that bastard Strom." Wincing again as he put his shirt back on, and turning to face Charlotte, he continued with, "I thought about killing my brother after the first time he slapped me silly. Then again when he started using anything he could get his hands on. Then again when he beat me because I was going to the police. Then when he and Strom tied me between those poles and he beat me to unconsciousness. Yeah, Charlotte, I thought about killing him. But as you told me, it wouldn't have been the right thing for me to do. I'd have been no better than he and Strom. And, that isn't me. All I can say to you is that I'm terribly sorry for dragging you into this whole mess. It's happened, it can't be changed, I can't go back using a time machine and do something different to ensure the outcome would be different." Toby stood looking at Charlotte, who had slowly walked into the living room and until she was standing an arms distance from Toby. Toby stood his ground, he didn't move a muscle, as Charlotte stepped right up to him, put her arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug. As Marie, Jane, and Francis watched, Toby put his arms around Charlotte's neck and they both stood and cried on each other's shoulder.

Pushing back from each other after several minutes, tears still fresh on their faces, it was Toby who, looking at Charlotte, started laughing as he said, "Maintenant tu ressembles à un raton laveur (Now you look like a raccoon)."

With a deadpan look on her face, she stared at Toby, then turned her head to a chuckling Francis. "Vous réalisez tous les deux que je peux créer des énigmes avec vous deux, n'est-ce pas (You both realize that I can create puzzles with you two, don't you)?" Charlotte told Francis, as she turned back to look at Toby. She turned to look back at Francis again and told her, "Et tu n'as pas l'air beaucoup mieux." Letting go of Toby, Charlotte turned to face Francis and in a 'we have to do this again' voice, said, "Well, come on girl. Let's not wait to be told to do this, again." She rolled her eyes, shook her head, and chuckling, Francis walked over to Charlotte, took her hand and together they walked to the staris and to their bedrooms, where they'll clean their faces and reapply their makeup. Again.

It was plain to Jane and Marie that Toby was still in pain, as he turned towards Jane and wincing, started walking in her direction. Marie came up beside him to help support him, before telling him, "Lean on me, cher. Salle de bain, oui?" When Toby nodded, she then said, "Good, you can deal with you face while there."

While Toby was in the bathroom, Marie looked at Jane's expression, saying, "You're going to ask me if we made the right decision letting Charlotte tell Toby everything, aren't you? He realized it on his own, after Charlotte's outburst. And so far... " and Marie kept her hands waist high and rolled them outwards, palms up, shrugging her shoulders at the same time. "We can never really know the outcome of our decisions until the fruit has ripened." Just after saying that, Toby slowly made his way out of the downstairs bathroom.

Marie gently took Toby's arm, hearing, "Just a minute, tante Marie," from Toby. Looking at Jane he asked, "You're concerned what I'll do with the information I discovered concerning your activities here, aren't you Aunt Jane?" When Jane gave Toby a questioning look, he told her, "I heard what tante Marie asked you as I was opening the door. A dog may be extremely scared because of how it was treated by its previous caregiver. But if the next person taking care of that dog, takes time, has patience, is gentle, provides food, water, and a warm place to stay, will eventually win that dog's trust. After everything you've done for me Aunt Jane, tante Marie, I could never violate your trust. Your story, as they say, is not mine to tell. It would no more be my story to tell even had I become one of your girls, Aunt Jane. I will never forget how you saved my life, even if it wasn't done your usual way." Toby then took a step forward toward the couch.

Marie looked at Jane after Toby had spoken. The two women had been together so long, and through a lot together, that each could read the other's facial expression and know what was being asked or said. Now, as Marie looked at Jane, Jane's facial expression told Marie, 'well, that answers that question.'

Francis and Charlotte returned just as Marie was helping Toby sit back down on the couch. They stood in the middle of the living room and waited for Jane's inspection. Seeing how the girls were standing, Marie looked at Jane and raised her eyebrows, silently asking, 'what's going on?' Jane looked at the girls, thought for a minute, then squeezed her eyes shut, opened them, then slowly shook her head. She looked at Marie and silently told her with an eyeroll, looking to the ceiling and a slow head shake, 'they're trying to help me center myself.' Jane put on her headmistress face and slowly walked over to the girls. In her best headmistress voice, Jane went at the girls standing in front of her. "So, you two think you've reapplied your makeup properly. Did you remember to change your dresses, shoes, lingerie at the same time?" Jane stepped up and closely inspected each girls makeup. "Well, I see your makeup application is getting better. It still needs work, though. I see you finally learned how to brush your hair, Francis. It's about time." Now she stepped back and began looking at their clothing, hosiery, and shoes. She adjusted Charlotte's dress at the shoulders, straighten Francis' dress in the back. Jane stepped back and still in headmistress mode, complained, "When will you two ever learn how to put on a dress properly? Charlotte, your dress was too high at your shoulders, And you, Francis, still can't get your dress straight in the back. Both of you, back upstairs and change dresses. And this time get it right. Or you'll be changing dresses until you get it right. NOW GO!"

All through the grilling, neither girl reacted. It had been their plan, and Francis' chance to practice letting what someone said roll off her back. Their plan was to also help Jane remember who she is and why they were with her, helping to center herself after all that had occurred. And it worked.

To Toby, sitting there watching the action before him, it seemed Jane was really being hard on both girls. Then he saw the gleam in the eyes of both girls, and knew they'd planned this from the beginning. Once that realization occurred, he clamped his hand over his mouth to quell the laughter that seemed interested in being heard. He pressed his hand tighter over his mouth as Jane turned to Marie after the girls had gone up stairs and said, "Nothing. No reaction at all. Both of them should have at least cringed, or looked like they didn't want to get changed again. But... nothing. Marie, I'm losing my touch."

It was only when Jane turned to look at Marie did she see Marie's hand covering her mouth, and her eyes were dancing. And it was only when Jane gave Marie the stink eye that Marie started laughing. Calming down, Marie spoke. "Chère, what has kept your attention this entire time? Like this one over here," and she nodded her head towards Toby, "I saw what those two were doing the minute they stood in the middle of this room. And like this one," and she again motioned with her head towards Toby, "I was having a terrible time not laughing once I understood what those two filles pétulantes were doing but couldn't spoil their moment with laughter. Jane, they helped you center yourself by making you inspect them, criticize them, and making them go change their dresses. And where you would have had Francis shaking with fear, she let your words fade past her. That she could have only learned from Charlotte. Ah... they return."

Bedroom doors could be heard opening and closing, before steps were heard walking toward the stairs. Marie had walked over to the couch and sat down to Toby's right. She didn't want to miss a minute of the show that was about to start. The girls came down the stairs as they'd learned to do. As they walked towards the living room, they saw Jane slowly pacing the floor with her hands behind her back. Francis looked at Charlotte, Charlotte looked at Francis, and the silent message they exchanged was, 'oh crap.' Both wondered if they'd gone to far in helping Aunt Jane regain her center. She was, after all, their headmistress. They walked into the living room and stopped in the middle of the room facing a pacing Jane. Still pacing, Jane was laughing on the inside as she started with, "Just how long does it take you two to change one, single, solitary dress?" Jane stopped pacing, turned to face the girls and continued her fun. "Why, in the time it took you two to change one, single, solitary dress, I could have stripped bare naked, showered, dressed, reapplied my makeup, and returned in a shorter amount of time than it took you two to change one, single, solitary dress. What were you girls doing up there all this time? Huh? Maybe getting 'friendly' perhaps? Well, girls, since you seem to have so much time on your hands, you get to deal with our evening meal. You'll set the dining room table. You'll fix the meal and clean up after our meal is over. And after you've cleaned the dishes and kitchen, if I find one speck of dust anywhere in that kitchen, you two will spend whatever time it takes scrubbing the kitchen walls from ceiling to floor. Do you two understand what I've just told you? If you do, then why are you two imitating a Greek statue? MOVE. NOW!"

While Jane had her fun letting the girls have it about changing their dresses, she'd bent over so she was eye to eye with the girls. Because Jane herself had told them to go, neither girl had to ask to be excused. So, when Jane told the girls to move, and now, she was still bent over at their eye level. Francis looked at Charlotte, Charlotte looked at Francis, and together, the girls stepped forward and each kissed Jane on each of her cheeks. Telling her, as they started for the kitchen, "We love you too, Aunt Jane."

Marie and Toby are sitting on the couch, watching the entire scene play out. Now, after what the girls just did, they're watching as a woman with an indomitable will, was frozen in place. Still bent over, but with a stunned expression on her face. It started with Marie as a snort. From a snort it went to a chuckle. And from a chuckle it went to full blown laughter. Marie's laughter was infectious, and despite himself, Toby joined her. They laughed even harder as Jane turned to face them, still bent over, and said, "Je m'occuperai de toi plus tard, vieille femme. Et toi, mon garçon, tu peux encore devenir une de mes filles. Blessures ou pas. Il y a beaucoup de robes qui cachent les cicatrices (I'll deal with you later, old woman. And you, my boy, can still become one of my girls. Injuries or not. There are many dresses that hide the scars)."

Chapter 23

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