Melissa Tawn

First Woman Cardinal of the Catholic Church -- an update

It has been brought to my attention that Pope Francis is considering appointing the Irish theological scholar Linda Hogan as the first woman cardinal of the Catholic church. I wonder if he got the idea from the story I posted here many years ago.

Melissa Tawn

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I'm back

I just wanted people to know that I am back visiting this site on a regular basis. I don't know when I will start posting stories again -- I have been busy writing more mainline fiction (under another name, which I don't intend to reveal). I notice that during the three years I have been away there has been a certain amount of interest in my old stories but people rarely left comments. I would appreciate some feedback to let me know if additional stories would be of interest.

Melissa Tawn

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I am afraid that because of changed circumstances in my life, it is highly unlikely that I will be able to post any new stories in the foreseeable future, perhaps forever. I would therefore like to thank Erin for allowing me to post stories here for several years, despite the relatively low readership, and to the few people who continued to take an interest in what I wrote.

I with the site continued success.


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W. O. P.

W. O. P.

By Melissa Tawn

Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

---Emma Lazarus, 1883



By Melissa Tawn
An expensive yacht glided into the harbor of Platanos on the Aegean island of Leros. On the deck of the yacht, two exquisite beauties were sunbathing in matching bikinis. One of them was Italian film and television superstar Gina Rossi, at the age of 40 still a stunner, and the other was … her son.

The First SRS

The First SRS

By Melissa Tawn

The first successful male-to-female sex-change surgery occurred in December of 1952, when American ex-soldier George William Jorgensen was transformed by Danish doctors into Christine Jorgensen. (Two such operations had been performed by German doctor Magnus Hirschfeld in the 1930’s, but neither of them was considered fully successful and so they are generally not counted.) The Jorgensen case received extensive international publicity and led to SRS becoming an accepted medical procedure. Before her operation, Christine had been under the care of Johns Hopkins University endocrinologist Dr. Harry Benjamin. Earlier, there had been another such patient, but that case was classified “Top Secret”.



By Melissa Tawn
Sometimes I can feel him entering me ... How can I feel what I have never experienced and am not equipped physically to ever experience? … Perhaps this is what the monks mean, when they pose their riddle about the sound of one hand clapping?


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