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(aka Bike) Part 1039 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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As we ate, I tried to learn a little more about Billie’s original home life–when I thought about it I felt guilty, I tended to think more in terms of getting Danny and her into our routine, rather than understanding what hers had been. Maybe I wasn’t such a wonderful mother after all?
“When did you go into the home, sweetheart?”
“When I was four I think, they put me into nursery class.”
“And your father did this?”
“He said I was a bad influence on my younger brother.”
“And you were four?”
“Yes, I think so.”
“So you were at the children’s home longer than you were with your dad?”
She counted on her fingers, “Yes.”
“Did you like it at the home?”
“My dad’s home? I can’t remember–the other place was okay, they like looked after you, but not as well as you and Daddy do.”
“So you’d still like us to adopt you?”
“Oh yes, please, Mummy–I want to be your daughter, like Trish and Livvie and Mima are.”
“I see. For the moment, I think we’ll have to keep the daughter bit our little secret, so you’ll still have to go to school as a boy. Then if you still want to be a girl, we’ll see about things after the summer holiday. Dr Stephanie will have had a better chance to assess your needs as well, so we’ll all know what to do a bit more by then.”
“I don’t want to go back to being a boy, Mummy.”
“I’m sorry, sweetheart, but we don’t have a choice. We need to handle this very carefully or the social services people will be trying to take you away–thinking I’m trying to corrupt you or something equally nasty.”
She pouted at me, but I thought I needed to set some firm boundaries about how we were going to do this. I still felt that the girly stuff was based more on need for attention and affection than an identity thing, in which case it would soon fade.
I thought I’d better have a chat with Nora Cunningham, see if there’s any history of this with Billie–I wondered if she was in today. Billie and I roused the others, and I helped the girls shower each other and dry their hair. I left them to dress themselves.
Billie grumbled about having to be a boy again, and I agreed she could stay home today–but only today. I asked Simon to call the school while we took the girls in to their school. On the drive there, I had to tell Trish and Livvie to stop the hard sell to Billie.
“And who is this young lady?” asked Sister Maria, probably fully aware of the truth of the matter.
“This is my sister, Billie,” gushed Trish.
“And would you like to show her over the school?”
Before I could say anything, Trish and Livvie had dragged her off and Sister Maria had invited me to her office. “I’m not sure how to ask this, but wasn’t Billie, Trish’s brother, when I last saw her?”
“Um–yes, a few things have happened since then.”
“So I see.”
I explained what had happened in a quick précis, and Sister Maria looked aghast and shook her head. “So that little darlin’ has had to cope with rejection from her dad, and blaming herself with killing her mother, and was abused by her uncle–bejabers, Lady Cameron, you do know how to pick ‘em.”
“I was horrified when she said she wanted to be a girl. I mean, what are social services going to say if they find out? They’re going to think I’m some sort of pervert who feminises boys.”
“Surely with Dr Cauldwell’s help you can prove that you’re doing what is required of a caring and compassionate foster mum?”
“If it comes to that, I hope so too. I did contact her as soon as I heard what Billie wanted to do.”
The phone rang on the desk and the headmistress picked it up, mouthing, ‘excuse me’. I pointed at the door and she shook her head. “Hold on, I’ll ask her.” The headmistress covered the phone and said, “Billie is apparently in the year five classroom, and she’s been offered the chance to sit in with the girls of her own age to see how she likes our lessons–she says she’d like to.”
“She’s only been doing this for a couple of days;” I said in a horrified voice, “Is it wise to expose her to this? What happens if she’s rumbled–nine year old girls can be quite cruel?”
“How about if we leave her for one lesson and see how she copes. If you phone in we’ll say if you should come and get her or if she could stay longer.”
“I don’t know, Sister Maria. I think it’s too soon, and I’m concerned that she’ll be discovered, and then what do we do if she does transition and needs a new school?”
“Well just let her stay for the first lesson, and then take her off home.”
“What is it?” I was concerned it was religious education.
The headmistress looked at her timetables, “Year five — history.”
“That should be innocuous enough,” I said, sighing and wondering how Billie and history interacted.
“Um–perhaps: we’ve been looking at what history is in relation to us as individuals.”
“What do you mean?”
“The girls have been working in groups, sharing their personal histories and writing up a project.”
“Maybe I should collect her now?”
“Let’s see what happens, shall we–if she’s going to live as a girl, she’ll have to learn to be as tough and adaptable as her younger sister.”
“Trish is a very special girl in all senses of the word.”
“Oh I think we already know that–did I tell you she corrected her teacher again, who made the mistake of mentioning dormice and not knowing as much about them as a certain young lady. It certainly made her check her facts, and she found she was in error.”
“What did she say about dormice?” I was intrigued.
“She got their longevity confused, she thought they only lived about two years and it’s actually...”
“About five, of which they will have probably slept half to two thirds,” I finished for her.
“Of course–it’s your subject, isn’t it?”
“I know a bit about them.”
“Enough to make a wonderful film about them–look; why don’t you go and take a little walk and see how she is in half an hour’s time. I’ll make sure the teacher doesn’t let anything untoward happen.”
I accepted her invitation to take a short walk against my better judgement. Part of me felt, cynically, that they were recruiting another, that Billie had been tricked into staying and was possibly even now trying to escape a fate worse than death as a class of nine year old girls tore her to pieces–emotionally, anyway.
I didn’t walk any further than the car, where I sat and called Simon. He’d seen Stephanie off to work and given her a reasonable breakfast with decent coffee–not that disgusting stuff, Tom drinks. I explained why I was late coming home and he was concerned for Billie.
“How could you let that happen?”
“Teachers are trained to recognise child abuse. Because she was challenging me over Billie’s change of appearance, I had to let her continue or risk someone saying something in official circles.”
“How do you know that isn’t what they’re doing now–strip searching her or whatever? They’re Catholics–it could be the Spanish Inquisition for all you know.”
What I did know, was that if he’d started the Monty Python sketch, I’d have become mysteriously disconnected.
At half past nine, I went back into the school and Sister Maria led me to the year five class. “Good morning girls,” she said and they all replied, “Good morning, Sister Maria.” She continued, “This lovely lady is a real lady, Lady Cameron, who will be presenting the prizes on speech day. How do we address guests?”
“Good morning, Lady Cameron.”
“Good morning, girls.” I smiled back all the time my knees felt like jelly.
“Now girls, who would like to give Lady Cameron an example of the personal history exercise, we’ve been doing? Yes, Genevieve, you’ll start us off.”
“Thank you, Sister Maria, Lady Cameron. My family originates in France, where my grandfather worked with the resistance to the Nazi invasion. He later escaped to England where he worked with General De Gaulle and met my grandmother. After the end of the war, he came to live in England, where they had three daughters; my mother, Anne-Marie, is the youngest....”
Billie seemed genuinely disappointed to leave the class, and hugged with the other girls in her group. However, I felt safer to have got her out of a potentially risky situation before she blew her cover, especially if she ended up there next term.

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It has been very nice to not have to deal with many interpersonal crises these last two episodes. Yes, Billie is a situation; however, overall things seem to be a bit calmer - a bit more restful.
Wonder where this one's going.
Bit risky to expose a kid who might not be all that she thinks she is to the trauma of a monetheist faith. History shows that such faiths don't treat TG individuals well, especially those that are not yet certain of their status.
Be interesting to see where this one goes.
Still lovin' it.
Love and hugs.
Another tack.
Looks like we're off on another tack. Edumucation or summat.
Me thinks Cathy had better get the kid out a religious school and give Billie/y a chance to determine what she really want's before immersing her in potential for more trouble.
As I remember none of the monetheastic faiths give transgendered people an easy time. Cathy must have had a blond moment for letting Billie/y get sucked into staying at such a school before she's really certain of Billie/y's orientation.
Wonder where this one is going. Shudder to think.
Still loving it though.
Dodged another bullet. For now!
Bike pt 1039
Can't help but think that Billie will cause a few problems before things are settled.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Yep...there she goes...
that little incorrigible child survivor of sexual molestation. Should have known she'd be such a handful. How inconsiderate of her.
Always got a perverse pleasure from correcting
teachers in school. Most are so incredibly sensitive about being shown as now knowing as much as their pupils.
This situation with Billie is liable to become VERY sticky!
A good update to the never-ending adventures of Cathy &c.
Trish and Livvie are a right pair of madams - not content with pushing Billy, who's already confused enough over his gender - what with the abuse, his androgynous features, and knowledge of Trish's background (although not Cathy and probably not Julie) - in the direction they prefer, but just to try and prove the grass is greener, convince him to join in a lesson (no doubt in the hope of joining them there next term).
Talking to Nora is a good idea - see if Billy showed any signs of wobbling over gender identity when he was in the home; regular appointments with Stephanie are a must, and the blue light psychotherapy tried with Danny last year are all good ideas. Let Billy have the opportunity to find out that life as a boy needn't be as hard as it has been, so over the summer holidays he can come to an informed decision over the direction he goes in.
And if by the end of the summer holidays (s)he still wants to be a girl, as long as (s)he's absolutely certain of (her)his gender identity and knows how much personal history is wise to reveal to whom, (s)he might be OK at the school - after all, Sister Maria has had TGs there before, and currently has one enrolled in Year 1...
EAFOAB Episode Summaries
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
“I told you so!â€
With these developments, it looks like Cathy’s soon going to be transporting four children to Sister Maria’s school. Certainly, the Audi wouldn’t have coped, and she was right to insist on a bigger vehicle.
Thanks A&B for the biology lesson on dormice. I couldn’t help but think about Spike, and wonder whether captivity means that dormice live longer. Still, it would seem that everyone’s favourite grandmother might be coming to the end of her days.
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Ever get the feeling
that things are getting ever so slightly out of control!! Because right at this moment i would imagine that is exactly how Cathy is feeling when she thinks about events so far at the school.... Billie taken off to meet the girls, And then asked to stay for lessons.... I really really hope things go well for Billie, But don't you just get the feeling that at any moment things could go so very wrong
not convinced
I have to say I'm really not convinced about Billy...err, Billie. I think the poor kid is seeking acceptance and believes that being a girl is where it's at, especially in this slightly oddball family. Cathy really needs to take Livie and Trish in hand, subversive is all very well, but this could get painful and Billie will feel it. Gee, aint off court parenting easy, imperfections all round. Funny that, all's perfect where I live...cough.
Wasn't Billie the one that
Wasn't Billie the one that used to bully Trish at the home? Is it possible he did so, because he saw in Trish what he believed himself to be, that is a girl? Hoepfully, Billie can get the help s/he needs right now and Cathy will be able to formulate a real plan of action to assist Billie to 'find her/his real person'. Jan
interesting chapter
well This is another chapter, I'm surprized at comments.
no one has commented what I seen straight away. Billie wasnt outed. If any TG is likely to get sniffed out by someone. It's gonna be the pre-teen/teen girls. WHY? simple! they are scrutinizing their world and their place in it along with they now hitting the puberty stages, and looking for role models. they are the ones that form groups and scrutinize every single advertizement in their magazines. will read every article from HOW TO to letters on what to do or not do.
with little or no instruction Billie has gone into a class, granted where maybe class focus was on something else, but i guarentee, most of the focus, was on the new kid. And to not notice anything has got to be the strangest thing I've ever heard. not impossible I guess. but, next to it
Angharad - this is great writing with def alot of twists & turns. and I love how you take very serious issues & twist & turn them around. This is definately one of the few stories I've ever read by anyone, where I've actually think, stop, rethink, things thru on what has occured and then reassess my entire opinion on some of it, or give it more open look at it.
PS - I still think Billy is a boy and prob. not even a TG. Just a small boy whom has had a heck of a background & history & needs alot of help to overcome. DEF needs seeing to by a medical DR and some ADULT look at family history to see if smallness is heredity. He's four yrs older the Meema at least, yet I think it was stated he's simular in size. that def. doesnt sound right medically
She (or he, as time will tell) is basically in a healing situation.
Which brings up another point, the dad is still out there. He is worse than the Uncle, and that is saying something. He would think nothing of screwing this kids life up even more.
Sister Nun of this, and Sister Nun of that.
Help from an unexpected quarter, I may change my opinion on teaching nuns.
Why is Simon upset, I would think Catherine is the expert on this subject.
Speaking of dormice, have we forgotten Spike ?