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(aka Bike) Part 1064 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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“Are we safe now, Mummy?”
“I think so, sweetie–well, you will be, I suspect the police may want to roast my arse somewhat.”
“I sort of interrupted their game.”
“Aren’t girls allowed to play it then?”
“Only if you’re in the official team.”
We pulled into the drive and immediately a police officer asked me to go with him. I followed him into the study. The Chief Inspector was there.
“You couldn’t resist getting involved, could you?”
“He had one of my children.”
“I don’t care if he had you by the balls, you should have kept out of it. I told you that pretty directly.”
“Chief Inspector, with all due respect he managed to evade two of your pursuit cars.”
“I’m aware of that, but we had him under obs via the helicopter. What did you throw into his van before he crashed?”
“A fire extinguisher, why?”
“What sort?”
“A powder one, once you pull the pin out it doesn’t stop until it’s empty.”
“That would explain why he ran up the embankment. It was very clever trick but it could have been a lethal one.”
“I noticed that the road was practically clear of traffic.”
“We had a stinger set up down the road.”
“So how come I didn’t see it?”
“We withdrew it as soon as we realised you’d stopped him. You interfered in a police operation, you could have been hurt, so could the daughter you so wanted to protect. I thought you were intelligent, Lady Cameron, I seem to have misapprehended you.”
“What happens now?”
“I want to talk to your daughter and get a statement. Then we all go home. I shall talk with my superiors and what they recommend is what will happen. If that means prosecuting you, then it’s your own fault.”
“I accept that risk. Do you know how the people in the van are? There had to be at least three of them.”
“They managed to survive your attack and the crash only gave them cuts and bruises–thankfully. If they’d been badly injured, it could have resulted in my arresting you.”
“What about the two pursuit cars–how are they?”
“I don’t know, one was hurt, we’re still waiting on that. The bin went through the windscreen.”
“I know, I saw it.”
“And still you went on the attack?”
“I let you have a second go before I did.”
“Oh thanks, you were too kind.”
I shrugged.
“This isn’t over yet, and don’t think your in laws will save you just because they own a bank.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it. I acted on my own, I’ll defend myself if necessary.”
“Please send in your daughter.”
I went and spoke with Tom and then saw the rest of the kids. They all hugged me, especially Billie. “I’m glad you’re both safe, Mummy.”
“Me too,” I replied and hugged her, “Sorry I had to dash off to drop the money.”
“That’s okay, Mummy.” We hugged again.
“Mummy?” Trish had a puzzled look on her face.
“Yes, darling.”
“They said you stopped the van from escaping–how did you do it?”
I explained what had happened and the trick with the extinguisher.
“That was so kewl, Mummy.” Trish seemed in genuine awe.
“Not really, the police seemed to consider I was being foolhardy, and possibly if I hadn’t been so cross with the man, I might agree with them.”
“He wasn’t very nice, was he?”
“No, sweetheart, he wasn’t. He shouldn’t have pushed the old lady down, in doing so he caused two people to die. Then when he kidnapped two of my girls, I’m afraid I had to become actively involved.”
“You’re like Nepotism, the ancient god of revenge,” suggested Trish.
“I think you might mean, nemesis, nepotism is something else entirely,” I corrected her.
She looked confused, “What’s nepotism then, Mummy?”
“In simple terms, jobs for the boys.”
“Does that mean girls don’t get them?”
“No, it could mean jobs for the girls too. It’s people getting jobs or positions of power because of who they are rather than what they are or what they can do. So it’s like Sadam Hussain making his sons head of this or that because they were his sons not because they were the best people to do the job.”
“Is that like Grampa Henry giving Daddy his job?” asked Trish trying to work through things.
“I don’t think either of them would like it if you suggested it, and I suspect it isn’t quite true–remember Daddy has a degree in economics, so he is qualified to do his job.”
“Do you have a degree, Mummy?”
“Yes, sweetheart, I have two, a BSc and a MSc.”
“Is that why you work for the bank, too?”
“Partly, they needed an ecological adviser and I was asked to do it.”
“Do you think Gramps will give me a job?”
“I don’t know, sweetheart, what are you going to study?”
Trish rubbed her chin for a moment, “I don’t know, Mummy, maybe I’ll count dormice, too.”
“Well, my study areas are changing, now we’ve got the go ahead to microchip them, we’ll have far more information about individual animals.”
“I wanna win the bike race,” said Billie.
“Which one?” asked Trish.
“The big one.”
“Like the Tour de France?” asked Trish waiting to pounce.
“Yeah, that one.”
“You can’t, dummy, it’s for men only.”
“Yeah, well that’s not fair–so I’m gonna be the first lady to win it.”
“You can’t dummy, it’s only for men to ride in.”
“Yeah, you said that an’ I don’t care, ‘cos I’m gonna win it.”
“How are you gonna beat men, even Mummy can’t beat men racing.”
“She beat Daddy.”
“He doesn’t count,” Trish was getting into killer mode and I needed to stop it.
“Right, who’s for pizza tonight?” It worked like a charm even if it meant I’d have to eat cardboard for dinner.
While we were waiting for it to arrive, I sent a text to Simon: ‘Got girls back, plod not impressd wiv my initiativ. Luv C xxx.’
He sent one back a little while later. ’Sod plod, have QC will travel if nec. Si xxx’
I replied, ‘Ty, lol, C xxx.’
The police packed up and as they left, the Chief Inspector asked me if I’d had Julie checked over by a doctor. I asked why and he suggested I speak with her.
After dinner–I don’t like pizza–I drew Julie to one side, “The police suggested you should have a check up by a doctor, why, what happened?”
She blushed and tears formed in her eyes.
“What happened, sweetheart, did he hurt you?”
She blushed and tears ran down her face, “He made me have sex with him.”
I hugged her, “Oh, sweetheart, I’m so sorry.”
“I told him I was on, so he did it up my back end.”
I began to wish he had been hurt, like enough to kill him. I got Stella to watch the others while I went and talked with Julie. He’d apparently fancied her as soon as he saw her, and it was one of the reasons for letting Billie go, Julie had told him she’d do it with him if he let Billie go.
I hugged her and thanked her for protecting her sister. I also decided that I would take her to the hospital.
“What for–I’m not bleeding that much?”
“He’s a known drug abuser, he could be carrying all sorts of diseases.”
“Oh, does that mean I’m going to die?”
“No of course not, but the sooner we get them to do some tests, the quicker we can sort you out. Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
“You’d have killed him.”
“That’s why.”
“C’mon, let’s get you down the hospital and get some advice.”

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That crook is going to need some serious protection.
I could see Cathy letting the plod handle the rest of the case if not for that!
As it is, sounds like there may be a bit of a contest to see who gets to him first.
Donny boy...
...deserves all that he gets, and more.
Thanks A+B, I guess we're going to have a long wait to see if Julie has contracted any diseases, plus she'll need ongoing tests on a regular basis.
The charge sheet for Donny boy is certainly going to be lengthy (if he lasts that long).
Pretty Sickening
Bike Resources
Unlike making Cathy and Julie completely female, disease is something the BLT can handle. Looks like they get a break for a change.
Thank you.
Why didn’t you tell me earlier?â€
“You’d have killed him.â€
“That’s why.â€
I love, Lady C's faith, logic, and devotion to Family and the Children.
Keep 'Em coming..
Olivea Peterson
the saddest words yet
Julie gave so much to keep her sister safe, and the cost be be much greater than just the act. a great chapter,
6 out of 5 boxes of tissue and 5 gold stars
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
Cathy should have thrown a
firebomb in that van. Kidnap, rape, those lowlifes don't have much of a chance do they.
Julie knows her Mummy
Why didn’t you tell me earlier?â€
“You’d have killed him.â€
“That’s why.â€
Lets hope that viruses aren't immune to the blue light - I can just see Cathy with her hands on Julie visulizing little bugs in her daughters body and creating a shark to cruise around her bloodstream tearing them to bits and eating them. Yum yum... crunch... crunch... gulp.
and of course
Cathy's defense against any kind of police action is that Julie told her and she had a streak of temporary insanity.
A Goddess, actually:
Nemesis on Wikipedia
She shares certain attributes with the Furies/Erinyes:
Interestingly, the Erinyes and Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, were born from the same primeval act, the castration of Uranus.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Kill him anyway.
He's rapist!
He deserves to die. If Cathy can get away with somehow punishing him without the authorities or the courts realising it, then dispose of him. He's vermin!
Oops! My slip is showing. (Don't like rapists. Never have.)
The rest of the story was well good, as always.
Well the last bit was good as well but bad if you know what I mean.
Still lovin' it Angharad.
I Hope She Gets A Go At Him
I hope she gets a go at the guy who raped Julie. I would rip his package out and stuff everything down his throat! I just hope that Julie didn't contract HIV from him.
Daily Dormouse-1064
Cathy is not through with that cad, not after what he did to Julie.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Cad: A rake, short for rakehell, is a historic term applied to a man who is habituated to immoral conduct, frequently a heartless womaniser. Often a rake was a man who wasted his (usually inherited) fortune on gambling, wine, women and song, incurring lavish debts in the process.
Rape: In criminal law, rape is an assault by a person involving sexual intercourse with another person without that person's consent. Outside of law, the term is often used interchangeably with sexual assault,a closely related (but in most jurisdictions technically distinct) form of assault typically including rape and other forms of non-consensual sexual activity.
Rapist: Someone who commits rape.
The person in question is not a cad. He is a rapist. There's a reason why many states used to excute rapists even if the victim survived. Nothing like tradition.
In most jurisdictions, a rape can occur even if there is consent.
In the case of a minor child, the child cannot legally consent, so any such purported consent is meaningless.
The fact that the so-called consent was offered under duress would also be a factor nullifying any "consent" defence, since both children were in danger of their lives and had been kidnapped, which would furnish the necessary force required for traditional prosecution.
In addition, many jurisdictions extend the crime of rape to other situations, as in the case of a policeman who forces sexual intercourse under colour of authority, a medical doctor, counselor, or other medical worker who rapes by means of deception, fraud, or trickery. This may be extended to any individual who impersonates another, as by pretending to be a woman's husband or boyfriend. In these sorts of cases, the required element of force may be supplied by the mere effort required to perform intercourse, or may implied by disparity in physical strength or mere possession of any weapon.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Rape, second meaning: used perjuratively to describe the invasion of a land by an armed force that is poorly controlled and in which the wealth of the invaded land is stolen by the invaders, who leave it and/or its people ruined. In this sense it need not involve sexual assaults. Sometimes, this use extended in commerce to mean the hostile take-over of one company by another, or a spectacular grabbing of a market by a competitor.
Rape, third meaning: a crop plant with yellow flowers and a slightly poisonous pollen, grown for the oil pressed from its seeds. The mash left afterwards is used as cattle feed.
Magical feature of the language we call English - every word we use can have at least two different meanings, as well as there being at least two different words to describe any one object, action or quality. Most other languages just do not have this.
Rape, rob, ravish, and rieve are from the same ancient root, so sometimes many words were originally one word.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Pity the blue light
won't let her kill the man but maybe change him a little bit? hmmm?
I am sure the blue light can help with any HIV though?
Fucking low lifes. I hope Cathy gets a go at him.
Administered soon after exposure, an anti-retroviral drug cocktail can keep HIV from infecting a person. Hopefully, Cathy will be able to persuade someone at A&E to treat Julie. If she has been exposed, it will save a lot of grief and a lifetime of treatment. If she hasn't been exposed, it's just a waste of a small handful of pills. Seems a no-brainer.
If a picture is worth 1000 words, this is at least part of my story.
instead of death,
Forgive him and let him live with the Horror of what he did. for through forgiveness, we show that we are one with the Light. I spent a lot of time communing with the goddess. It is a hard decision but even if it were my daughter eventually i would see this. True my first reaction was he needs to die. That is instinct, but our intelligence and heart(love) make us better than those that are but animals, and we should show mercy.
6 out of 5 boxes of tissue and 5 gold stars
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
I understand...
It is my understanding that if the perp gets sent to prison, and word gets out that he raped a "kid"... He'll be lucky to "live" to regret this... Or at least that's the case over here.
It was not total charity I was feeling.
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
Prisons in the UK have set rules dealing with prisoners who might be in danger. It is known as Rule 45 (for people who have dealt with the prison service in the past it was known for many many many years as Rule 43). Basically prisoners are kept away from others for their safety. The downside is they are often in their cells for longer. Also there is nothing stopping another Rule 45 prisoner who is in the segregated wing, attacking,
Now i'm worried
both for Julie and Cathy, Julie because heaven only knows what that piece of vermin might have given her, And Cathy because of what she might do, If she ever comes across drugged up Donny....
Presumably as well as examine and treat Julie, the hospital will also be a source of evidence - proving that she was indeed violated through the anus.
So, our perp is guilty of one count of involuntary (unlawful act) manslaughter, two counts of kidnap, and one of rape.
The victim of the bag snatching's husband probably won't be factored in - looking at the Wikipedia article on Manslaughter in English Law, as the perps didn't threaten or assault him directly, they couldn't be held responsible for his death: R v Carey, C and F 2006 EWCA Crim 17.
And interestingly, kidnapping is a common law criminal offence - it and murder are the last two significant offences which haven't been codified into statue yet.
So, unless he does a Luke Perryman, he's in for a long stretch behind bars. Given the crimes he's committed, a life sentence would probably be most likely (can be set for involuntary manslaughter and rape; minimum for kidnapping/false imprisonment where a ransom is demanded is 8 years. Source: CPS sentencing guidelines).
EAFOAB Episode Summaries
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
…what a lot of comments. I think you really excelled with this one Angie.
We both hope that Julie is going to be all right after her distressing experience.
PS. I think this makes it a round two dozen comments. Well deserved. :)
It's never too late.
Where there is life, there is still the chance of a grisly, horrible death.
This is Great Briton after all, they might get released before trial .
In the US the police would be sued, because of the high-speed chase.