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(aka Bike) Part 884 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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It puzzled me how quickly the chap at Southampton had cracked the encryption on the memory stick, so I voiced my query.
“Ah, I know the answer to that;” Gareth said smugly. “Two things, it wasn’t a very good stick and the encryption may well have been faulty, and it seems the machine he used was the one it belonged to.”
“So was that Perryman’s?” I asked, almost holding my breath.
“I’m not absolutely sure, but apparently he was supposed to be organising that part of it, so it could be.”
“Ironic, isn’t it, while I think anyone who abuses children needs to be dealt with, I actually feel sorry for him.”
“Cathy, you saw those photos, the three or four we were shown. They were disgraceful.” Gareth was right.
A day or so ago, I’d have agreed, but I suppose he was now a patient of mine, and that altered my attitude to him. As a parent, if he’d done that to any of my kids, I’d have killed him–I think, we can never be sure. Oh stop thinking–just look forward to seeing your children safe and sound, and be glad Tom seems to have won the first battle.
We chatted more about how we could maintain the initiative now we’d taken it, and those two seemed well able to deal with the politics whilst I dealt with some of the overall administration, leading a team who would do more of the day to day stuff and leave me to watch over the science.
I needed to send some data to other species leaders, including someone at Sussex. Then at some point, I’d need to visit those with any problems, which is fine if it’s an hour’s drive away, but not if it’s as far as Glasgow or even Aberdeen, or Aberystwyth for that matter. I had to consider the children as well as my job–even though my interpretation of results was what was hopefully going to get me a PhD–one day.
Once at the hotel in Southsea and settled into our suite–I was able to change out of my glad rags and go to see what my kids were up to. The girls were swimming, each with their own personal coach–I was delighted to see that Mima was able to put her previous experience behind her–the day I discovered how powerful the blue energy could be and how I could actually use it, or it, me. I was never quite sure which did what and who was in charge.
I watched the girls swimming–they were having such fun, and when they saw me they squealed and waved, each running up to me to kiss me and then jump back into the water. It looked very much as if each of them could swim reasonably well or was on the way to achieving it.
I mused some more upon the blue energy or whatever colour seemed to manifest itself. For a moment, I wondered if everything had been planned by something, to test or teach me. It was a tall order for me to even consider such a thing without thinking of the G word and pooh-poohing the whole lot.
In my world Darwin was king, he counted earthworms, disgusted with his beliefs when his daughter died. Mine didn’t die, but I was already agnostic purely on logical grounds. What if we were both wrong? Hmmm, I didn’t like that much–maybe there was some alternative explanation that didn’t involve gods or a whole pantheon of nebulous beings who were as useful as a wet cream cracker.
Nah, there was nothing–the energy was itself, it didn’t need numinous entities, it probably worked on some physical system such as energy gradients–yeah that was it.
Problem solved.
Unfortunately, my monkey mind wasn’t quite finished–how did it know where to happen? It had to be that I was some sort of catalyst, which caused it to come and then it did what it did using me as an aerial or channel. See, easy-peasy. Unless, I was led to do these things as a test or training exercise–my cooperation being ensured by it being needed by Tom, Meems and Henry. If that was true, then I wanted no more to do with it–at the same time, I had to be careful: what happened if one of those already mentioned or another member of my family needed my help and I’d washed my hands of it? No–don’t go there; also it brings it round to a conscious entity and I don’t like that anymore than I like the idea of anything but being in control. Why me? Why can’t I just go and count dormice instead of all these moralistic dilemmas?
God only exists as an anagram of dog–there, I’ve committed blasphemy, I’ll wait for the thunderbolt, Tichfield or otherwise.
I called the girls to finish their swim and get dressed. Once they were ready, I took them with me in search of the boys. The two lads were having a contest on two stationary bikes seeing who could get the furthest on a TdF computerised screen. I think it might be the same one I tried with Simon before Christmas.
I looked for Julie–she wasn’t with them, then the penny dropped. I called the beauty salon and she was there with Stella, Puddin’ being looked after by the baby sitting service.
“Can we go, Mummy?” asked the girls in unison. I called the salon again, who said they were quiet and could do facials or hair cuts for all of us if we liked. I opted for haircuts.
I was informed that Henry and Monica would be arriving later on and Simon was following on as soon as he could. I felt better already. With my trusty partner by my side, life was a great deal easier.
Gareth was invited to stay for dinner and to use the gym or pool if he wanted. He was tempted, but had to get back to the office–they couldn’t live without him–he joked.
We returned from the salon to find the dirty clothes we’d worn that day had been cleaned or laundered and returned–wow, how’s that for five star treatment. Then they reminded me, my pa-in-law owned it.
Henry sent me a text, inviting everyone to dinner in the Green Room restaurant. That meant dressing up. The girls loved it, the boys were half hearted, Tom was appalled and I was feeling lazy until Stella insisted I wear a very smart cocktail dress. So it was on with the slap–at least my hair was tidy–and polished nails and so on.
While I was doing creative things with my face and being pestered by three young women–Julie had had the works, so looked better than I was ever going to–I had the telly on in the background, not something I usually do.
’Reports are coming in of a police investigation at Southampton University, where a computer was removed along with several digital memory devices. Police are waiting to interview a member of staff who was injured in an accident on the campus, and who is currently in hospital under police guard about this matter.
I shuddered, so Perryman was under investigation–I still felt sorry for him, but despised him for what he’d done to me and to all those children. I supposed he had it coming, and this time he’d need to do some seriously clever talking to get out of it.
I had just finished getting ready when I was interrupted by Julie saying there was a policeman who wanted to speak to me. I had no idea what he wanted. All the things I’d been involved with had more or less been resolved. I hoped it didn’t mean something had happened to Simon or Henry and Monica.
“Lady Catherine Cameron?”
“I’m Inspector Lane, this is Detective Constable Fish.” He introduced himself and a rather plain young woman who was with him. “I need to speak to you about the incident at Southampton University earlier today.”
“Yes okay, please have a seat.”
“We’ve spoken with Luke Perryman. He suggested the memory device was yours. He thought he saw you drop it when you were trying to kill him.”
“Come again?”
“He alleges you dropped the memory stick and tried to kill him to cover your past crimes. I’m afraid that I’m going to have to ask you to come to the police station and make a statement. You do not have to say anything. But it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence.”
“Is this for real?”
“I’m afraid so, Lady Cameron.”
“I have to ask someone to watch my children–Stella, I have to go down the police station. Can you or Tom or Julie keep an eye on the kids? The boys are still down at the gym as far as I know.”
“What have you got to go down there for? I’ll get Tom.” Stella rushed out of the room.
Tom stormed in, “Whit’s goin’ on here? Are ye arrestin’ ma dochter?”
“No sir, just asking her to make a statement.”
“Aboot whit?”
“The thing with Perryman. He’s accusing me of owning the memory stick.”
“Whit? That’s bluidy ridiculous–he drapped it, it worked on his computer, this is jes’ plain daft.”
“I’m sorry, Professor, I’m just doing my job. This way please, Lady Cameron.”
“Aye, thae concentration camp guerds said the same thing afore we hanged them.”
“There’s no need for that, Professor,” said the inspector.
I pulled on a coat and took my bag with me. “I’ll be okay, Daddy, don’t worry,” I tried to cheer him up.
“If ye’re no back here in half an’ ‘oor, I’ll be doon there wi’ a writ fer wrangfu’ arrest.”
“Stay calm, Professor, we’re just sorting out a few loose ends.”
“Aye, weel Cathy hae better be loose in half an’ ‘oor or I’ll be doon there and yer future career wi’ depend upon hoo mony tickets ye can dispense fer parkin’ offences.”

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Beverly Taff. Thanks for
Beverly Taff.
Thanks for posting 884 Angharad. I see you changed your mind then.
You're right, this really is a warm friendly site.
I'm reading Bike 884 now after I voted for you. Thanks for all your help. Jus' one thing' - Where's the edit button.
Beverly Taff.
This is wierd. I haven't changed my password but the site wont dispayl all my thingies at the side like 'Submit Story'!
If you're wanting to edit your own post (such as this one), there is a line at the bottom that starts with the word edit; you can use that to edit posts you make.
Unfortunately, The Edit selection sometimes vanishes...
Because of the way posts are stored, once a post has been replied to, it can no longer be edited.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Eh? What's this ?
Wee Puddin' sending messages on a computer already? And Beverly writing messages tae hersen?
We're all mad here.
It almost goes without saying, except that it didn't, and Puddin' is surprisingly advanced in her age-related skillset. Children these days are issued iPhones along with their nappies.
Never jam today...
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Why am I not suprised...
at the turn of events in this chapter.
The policeman's sentence
Anything you say may be taken down and used in evidence against you.
sounds an awful lot like an American Miranda reading, which is generally only used upon arrest. And yet he states that she is not.
I'm glad to see the police are taking this seriously, but unhappy for Cathy that she has to deal with this. Being in the UK, isn't there a high likelihood of the incident being taped?
cathy is accused, by
cathy is accused, by perryman, of serious crimes. though i doubt the police would take such things seriously, they have to go through the motions or it compromises the case they setting up against him.
Just a different
...aspect of our legal systems, I guess. The police here are allowed to question you without Miranda-ing you if they aren't arresting you.
i think the term is "if they
i think the term is "if they don't accuse you", or in other words, if they question you in regard to crimes in which you didn't participate.
far as i know, you don't have to be arrested to be questioned about crimes you are accused of.
not in the UK, nor USA, nor over here.
another thought though, once it hits the papers peeps that have an axe to grind would prolly try to cash in on Ãt.
the child service worker cathy kicked out of her house comes to mind, and maybe brown cow.
for julie'sparents it would be proof enough that cathy is doing some perverse stuff with their son...
well, maybe others can think of some more
Police / CCTV
There are lots of CCTV cameras in the UK, but:
a) not everywhere is covered
b) not all cameras work
c) many cameras have a pretty lousy resolution
As for the police statement:
You have the right to remain silent, but anything you do say will be taken down and may be used in evidence against you.
was the old Caution, but courtesy of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, this form is usually used:
You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention, when questioned, something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence.
In this case, taking Cathy to the station is probably a formality so she can produce a signed statement, and probably enlighten them about his recent conduct. If (as seems to be implied) the USB flash drive was Southampton branded and could be traced back to a Southampton computer, that would immediately clear Cathy, as she wouldn't have access to Southampton computer facilities - and had only been in the university for a few minutes beforehand.
It's a shame the fall couldn't have damaged the emotional centres of Perryman's brain as well as the bits responsible for sexual orientation...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Wewy Sewious
You said itBG27 This being Britain, I'm afraid our experience with our poor plods is that they often get the wrong person, and sometimes they can get really confused. Luckily we dont let them all run around waving guns, but a few of them nowdays do have them, and you'cve probably heard how they go shooting the wrong person - a man carrying a table leg wrapped up was killed because they thought it was a gun, a Brazilian electrician was taken for an Arab terrorist and had 6 bullets in his head before they could swap their reading for their long distamce glasses, and about 300 of them were told to break into someone's suburban house at 4 am one morning to look for a non-existent bomb factory, and shot one of the sons as he came downstair in his nightie to see what all the noise was.
You really need to keep well away from policemen in the UK. They may still have the image of "Bobbies on bicycles" in the USA, but things have changed recently. They seem to recruit the wrong kinds of people. They attack people making licenced demonstrations against some government lunacy with trunchions, or surround them and keep them standing without a chance to go for a pee or have any refreshment for hours and hours, they arrest people including tourists for taking photos in the street, they run pedestrians over when having car chases, and the ones who do get guns have parkinsonism in their trigger fingers and bad eyesight. And dont ask them the way to somewhere, they will probably arrest you for loitering or breaking some new law they made up on the spot!
If you do run into one, be very very polite and smile and try to look harmless. An American accent will probably help - our government is extra polite to Americans.
Open and shut
She was in the lift with Tom and Dr. Gareth when the accident happened, according to 882. I wonder, can she make some kind of filing a false police report counter-charge against Perryman?
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
False testimony
Perryman will almost certainly be under caution as well, so it won't exactly help his (already very fragile) case...
Then if the media print anything about Cathy's involvement other than giving a statement (e.g. hinting that she was the paedophile), she'd have a very good case for libel against them. Especially as High Street Bank would be able to afford very expensive lawyers...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
unfortunately, all the press has to say is "lady c. was accused of possesion of child porn." and ommit that she was accused by the guy whose device the child porn was on.
I Hope
She's smart enough to keep her mouth shut until Simon and his Dad and the attorneys get there. Its amazing how many innocent people are in jail cause they couldn't keep their mouths shut.
And I almost forgot.......fingerprints, and I am sure the Geeks have a way of telling what puter it was used in.
Cathy Should Have Let The Bastard Die!
Cathy should have let the bastard die from his injuries. Hopefully there is a CCTV tape showing that it was dropped by him. He probably thought that if he got her out of the picture, he would take over the survey and get the funding for Southhampton. Apparently there are plenty of people who know about Perryman's dirty secret. I hope his goose will be well done by the time Cathy gets through with him!
Guess after that accusation from him
I have to agree.
I suspect the blue light
... knows what it is doing. Saving him was a good thing if for only one reason, so he can be alive to take his punishment.
Dieing immediately is too good for him.
The problem is, I doubt Perryman knows that his encryption is broken and like other posters have said, the stick can be linked. All you have to do is use a program such as USBDeview apparently, which lists all usb devices that has been used on a particular computer. This is intuitive since a usb memory stick user will not get a 'new hardware installed' message if a usb stick had been previously used on a particular computer.
He is so dead :-).
I'd think that the police would be more careful.
Saying anything like the inspector said is impulsive and ill-advised. The first thing that should happen is that Cathy should have immediate access to her lawyer.
The train was the 'Titfield Thunderbolt', which ran on a fictitious railway branch line, and which British Railways wanted to close against popular local opinion. The film, a comedy made mainly at Ealing studios, was released in March 1953.
Now thats what i call
an unexpected turn of events! But if Perryman thinks this might get him off, Then i fear he will be mistaken! The police may be fools, But even they cannot be taken in by the obnoxious Perryman, I just hope that when they finally accept that they already have the culprit in custody, That they make sure he gets an even longer sentence....Better still throw away the key!!!
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
Yep. I'd definitely have let Perryman die.
Certainly the Plod can't be that dense. They know Perryman was an associate of a convicted pedophile. Oh, well. Maybe one of them will show a spark of intelligence, before they torment Cathy too much.
I don't trust police
Cathy needs to get the family lawyer there for any kind of questioning. PLEASE!
I'm sure if Henry hears that she's been taken to the station he'll get the gears in motion.
I think what this is leading to
... is what will annoy me the most. Perryman will probably try to drag her name through the mud merely because she is trans. God forbid there is this ridiculous dsm grouping of us with pedophiles and such. Shit.
We are grouped with pedophiles?????
Now that is something I did not know. That is certainly prejudicial. I have always wondered about a few things and now I understand. :(
...Here is a link if I may suggest, to a site that deals with exactly what Kimmie had explained in her comment. The article is entitled Myth, Stereotype, and Cross-Gender Identity in the DSM-IV and you can find it here:,
along with links to other articles and sites regarding the issue of the broad term, Paraphelia. Briefly, the summary is as follows, from the same article:
Our examination of the present classification of Transvestic Fetishism and Gender Identity Disorder has raised substantive questions with disturbing answers. We believe that there is ample evidence to review the policy of gender pathologization with a reasoned dialogue inclusive of the gender community and socio-cultural researchers and open to the possibility that difference is not disease, nonconformity is not pathology, and uniqueness is not illness. (bold emphasis mine)
Thanks for pointing that out, Kimmie.
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Possa Dio riccamente vi benedica, tutto il mio amore, Andrea
Love, Andrea Lena
Wuthering Dormice-884
Cathy needs to wait for her attorney. These policemen could be in cahoots with Perryman.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
The Police
Who says they are really the police?
They Russian Mafia has been after Cathy to hold her hostage, and 2 times it was someone saying that they were the police. When in fact, they weren't. I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw one of them, and Cathy shouldn't be going by herself.
Sorry, I know Perryman is a big time pervert and A__hole, but his position is to good for the criminals not to jump on and get control of Cathy. So far, the LOCAL police really doesn't have a good track record. Would you trust them?
Bingo! Paranoid but bingo, Joni W
As Perryman appears to be someone into child porn and posible paediphilia he would be an easy blackmail target for the Russian Mafia or even worse, Social Services. They hate Cathy almost as intensely. Hey gang, where there is smoke there is fire and all that jazz. Plus Ang and Bonzi have been known to like to bash their herione on a regular basis.
I agree, are these real police, fakes, bought off or what?
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Careful Cathy!
Don't forget that in addition to this current situation, you're also fostering six children, and plan to adopt some or all of them.
If Ms. Dorrit and the Social Services people learn of these ‘allegations’ (after all, no smoke without fire is there?), then you may be facing more ‘unsubstantiated accusations’ from that quarter, and loss of those children.
You need your solicitor there pronto, so get someone to give Rushton Henstridge a call—urgently!
Precarious Situation
Bike Resources
Gad, the plod have got it wrong again!
There are so many witnesses to what happened, I can't imagine how this can get too wonkie. Of course now that the child porn ring has been exposed, would they actually try to hurt her, or even Gareth? Now, I'm going to be a mess until the next chapter or even more!
Well, I actually forced a doper who had just beaten me up, and was high, out of my apartment with my (NO GUN TALK) um thing, and then she called the cops and they came and detained me, cuffs and all in the black and white! So, this is not so far fetched is it?
Of course as soon as they ran the doper's record, they quickly saw that she'd just gotten out of stir after 7 years. She shoulda behaved, and she coulda.
The first thing out of
The first thing out of Cathy's mouth is wanting her attorney, that is if the laws of Great Britian allow for that. Then she should just sit there until the attorney arrives. Somehow, I do believe there will be "hell to pay" when her "pa-in-law" finds out about all this and shows up at the stationhouse. Poor Cathy, she just can't get a day of rest from anything. She might think about changing her name to "Pauline" as she definitely fits the old "Perils of Pauline" mode. Jan
Not that I'm not surprised, but I'd hoped that Perryman wouldn't continue down his filthy path.
It'll be interesting to see HOW Perryman suggests Cathy might have been trying to kill him - as he was already on the floor. Perhaps her "guessing" what was wrong with him might have had something to do with it. Wonder if he'll see the light (pun intended) eventually.
These ARE real inspectors, aren't they? They're not folks from the Echo trying to get yet another story?
computers, flash disks, and hardware AEFOB-884
As the story seems to indicate, the person investigating the flash disk (USB?) is computer literate.
This is a good thing as all hardware manufactured after 1992 has a "hard" identity set into it and this "identity" is cross shared by various computers which connect to it. Thus not only might the program (and encryption) which is needed to open the images would be on the computer(a) involved but so would the ID designations and electronic serial number of the flash disk. So unless Perryman was in a position to place the flash disk into a computer used by Cathy there would be no electronic tie to her and thus he could not prove any involvment on her part other than to claim he gave her the flash disk which would sink his ship. However, apparently being a vindictive soul he might just do that.
Thank you Angharad
Just to sort out a few loose ends, my rosey, red Irish ass. Bonzi, you bugger ! Is our Authoress off her meds again? This blaming of the poor cat has to end.