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(aka Bike) Part 860 by Angharad |
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The meal at the hotel was delicious–I had tuna steak with salad, and a fruit salad for desert. The boys had small steaks, the girls had chicken–they each followed Livvie who decided she wanted chicken and chips–in a four star restaurant, I ask you? Simon had lobster–I nearly threw up when I realised it was alive when he chose it from the tank. Stella had some salmon concoction–which I thought I’d done at home before now, and mine wasn’t as portion controlled. Puddin’ had some jars of food I’d made and blended for Stella.
Henry had steak and kidney pudding, and Monica a shark steak with salad. Monica’s choice seemed somewhat Freudian to me, but maybe I’m just hypersensitive–certainly she hasn’t tried it on with me since and I suspect the kids are all safe with her. She may be predatory but not paedophilic, that was Simon’s opinion and I assumed he was right. If I ever found that she’d made improper advances or contact with any of the children–I’d be defending a murder rap, and she knew it.
The children were made to sit quietly for an hour or so after eating, then we went off to the pool. For an hour, they splashed and played in the water. I was pleased that the two boys could swim after a fashion and the life guard there coached them a little so they were doing even better afterwards. I encouraged Meems to try and swim a bit but she decided after her previous experience, she wasn’t going to. Monica sat with her in the paddling pool and eventually Stella came in with Puddin’ who squealed and giggled in the water.
I did manage a couple of lengths and became quite out of breath quite quickly–reminding myself how unfit I was. The boys still with the swimming coach and Monica and Stella happy to see to the girls, I dried and changed and went to the gym. It didn’t take me long to goad Simon into racing on the stationary bikes, without traffic to distract him and little chance of falling off, he gave it his best shot and for a while he was ahead. We were on these posh ones with the computerised screen so you can race, the bike adjusts for the supposed course you are riding–we were doing one from the Tour de France, although I’m not sure if Simon realised it. Once we got into the hill climbs, he fell behind and stayed there. We didn’t finish the ride–it was nearly two hundred kilometres and neither of us were up to more than half that. So my first attempt at an etap de Tour failed miserably.
“Are we going to take these kids then?”
“Take them where?” I asked my husband, who could occasionally be obscure.
“The boys–like foster them?”
“I don’t know, why?”
“I’m just asking, that’s all.”
“Why does everyone want me to foster them?”
“They seem nice enough kids–so they’ve had problems in the past, maybe we could help get them on the straight and narrow.”
“Simon, we’re a family not the probation service.”
“I know, and they are getting attached to us–especially you.”
“Me? Why me?” I felt myself blushing.
“Sounds like you’re the first real mother they’ve had.”
“Maybe it’s a father figure they need?” I retaliated.
“Could be, or just balanced parents?” he mused and I pretended to have a twitch and a limp–he sniggered, “You can’t get out of it that easily.”
“Simon, this is serious stuff, I mean if they were to stay with us permanently, what would happen to the girls with regard to inheritances?”
“Dunno–maybe they’ll be a thing of the past by then–I mean they’re hardly important now are they, unless you want to book a restaurant table.”
"I don’t know, both the boys are older than the girls and theoretically would inherit first.”
“Oh God, what a can of worms that would be–Malcolm the second tried to resolve it a thousand years ago because he had two daughters and no sons and they were still squabbling about it hundreds of years later. Couldn’t we just adopt the girls and foster the boys–I mean if they stay with us we could help to set them up when they leave school or do university?”
“Aren’t we doing double standards then? Favouring the girls over the boys? Won’t they resent it if they found out?”
“Tell them from the beginning–you can stay with us if you want, but we’ll only ever foster you not adopt you. See they’ll understand–after all with you there, they’ll have a more comfortable billet than they would with their charitable homes or council run places.”
“Yes–but it’s still double standards, which when they realised were happening, they’d consider we didn’t love them as much as the girls.”
“We don’t–leastways, I don’t.” Simon seemed happy with what to me was a time-bomb.
“We’d be setting ourselves up for all sorts of things later on–they could go right off the rails because we’d be doing exactly what their previous parents had done, put their own needs first. It’s effectively, a massive rejection. Just imagine what would happen if Stella had become the crown princess to your estate usurping your claims.”
“I’d do what my ancestors did.”
“Which was?”
“Kill her and take it.” He sniggered, “Crude but effective.”
“I don’t think that’s allowed even in Scottish law, is it?”
“It worked for Robbie Bruce.”
“I think the law might have been different in those days, and Edward the second isn’t on the throne any longer. Wasn’t he the one killed at Berkley Castle?”
“With a red hot poker up his um–you know,” Simon smirked.
“That’s according to Marlowe, I saw a film of it once, years ago. I expect the evidence is scant, and even a modern forensic team would have difficulty investigating that, assuming his burial site is known.” I paused, “Simon, all this stuff about Edward and Robert Bruce is all very interesting, but it doesn’t move us very far forward does it?”
“Bruce outmanoeuvred Edward every time, at Bannockburn he surprised the English and caught them on ground favourable to his smaller lighter army.”
“That’s all fine and well, Simon, but what has that got to do with our little dilemma.”
“How do I know? I do what you tell me to do.”
I blushed and snorted, “Since when?”
“Okay, most of the time.”
“What time is that, Simon, Pacific Standard Time? It sure isn’t GMT.”
“Ooh, Cathy, you wound me to the heart.”
“Rubbish, you’re a banker they have them extracted at an early age–just before the lobotomy.”
“Hey, I resemble that remark–what’s a lobotomy, ever since my operation, I can’t remember things...” he sniggered and began walking like Boris Karloff’s Frankenstein.
I shook my head, we were no closer to resolving this matter–we’d need to consult Henry. So I steered my idiot husband towards the family suite. Henry wasn’t there, he was watching the kids in the pool and took some finding until I called his mobile.
“You can’t escape with these bloody things, can you?” he waved his cell phone before putting it back in his jacket pocket.
“Henry, dearest Pa-in-law..” I began and he rolled his eyes.
“Cathy, when you purr and rub yourself against my legs I can deny you nothing.”
I blushed and Simon who was having a drink nearly choked himself. “Oh great leader of men and commerce, guide us with your wisdom...”
“You are setting me up, you bitch, aren’t you?” he gave me a wink.
My expression was one of pure innocence–which is my usual state, mainly because I’m oblivious to what is really happening-- “Who me? How can you assert such a charge?” I feigned indignation–Simon was still choking, at this rate we could well find out about inheritance laws in a very short time.
I explained our predicament and he sat watching the children play for several minutes. “Do you know, I haven’t a clue–thank goodness we did our expansion the old fashioned way.” I winced at this, and he apologised for his insensitivity. “I’ll make some enquiries, we could always abolish the titles through the House.”
“House of Lords,” said Simon seeing the perplexed look on my face.
“That would be a solution, but it seems a rather blunt instrument for such a delicate matter.” I shrugged, we were no further forward and I suspected the legal situation would be a rather complex one seeing as none of the children were actually ours, in fact or law yet.
I suggested we invited the boys to stay longer if the option was permissible by the charity and the council, to play for time. Why do today what you can delay indefinitely with the help of a few lawyers? Oh boy.

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Bike pt 860.
What an interesting discussion and posible land mine obstacle course, but comparing Cathy to a cat will make Spike want to hibernate.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Brain Surgery
Reading this exchange:
“Rubbish, you’re a banker they have them extracted at an early age—just before the lobotomy.â€
“Hey, I resemble that remark—what’s a lobotomy, ever since my operation, I can’t remember things...†he sniggered and began walking like Boris Karloff’s Frankenstein.
...reminds me of the old joke:
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy!
I didn't think it would be long before Cathy and Simon decided to keep the boys. I'm sure they'll do well with the nurturing they'll receive.
I wonder how long it will be before Cathy faces reality and accepts outside assistance with the running of the home and family.
Psychic Synergies
Bike Resources
Well, it's a sort of procrastination to play for time while the adults research heredity and its impact upon the six children in the household (three long-term fostered awaiting a decision on adoption, two on a short-term placement hoping it becomes long-term, and one natural-born).
I'm sure it wasn't that unusual in the past to have large families, and each child had a title of some description. But even with the three girls alone, how would the titles be dished out? Mima's the youngest but first addition to the family. Trish and Livvie are similarly aged - I can't remember who's the older of the two.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I the past didn't they take care of younger children by
marrying off the daughers, sending a few sons into the military and sending at least one off to be a priest?
In the U.S.
It's so much simpler. We just have to divvy up the money. ;-)
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
I just gave most of it away
I suppose that what I did is fairly common among T folk. I had a fairly substantial amount of money, but in view of the way the Children treated me, I gave it away to charitable causes. I imagine that this will give them further reason to hate me. Why do I not care much?
Khadijah Gwen
You cared enough to mention it, my sweet sister...
...because it's not about money, it's about lost love and broken relationships...Your heart has been hurt, and because they still don't accept you it's like being hurt every day. And who wants to live with that? You have my utmost respect, admiration and love.
Possa Dio riccamente vi benedica, tutto il mio amore, Andrea
Love, Andrea Lena
I am boringly unsuicidal
As I search my heart, yes the hurt is still there but I gave it away because I did not want certain predatorial relatives to abscond with it, and I did not want to see months of probate, and law suits. I have given them over to a loving God who can see their point of view too. I can't see an easy way out of the transgender dilema. It makes no sense to anyone. All we know is that we must do it or die.
didn't you just enjoy your money yourself? It's no sin to enjoy your hard won earnings. You can still be spiritual and live comfortably.
Once again
Cathy Sensible has come up against Simple Simon, If ever a solution would not work it's Simon's idea of adopting the girls and fostering the boys, Cathy's reasoning is spot on, Just imagine how you would feel if you were the child and found out that your sisters had more legal rights than you had, While i'm sure Cathy and Simon would love them equally, This is one idea that is best forgotten!!!
Happy new year Angharad and Bonzi (Even if is still the old year in dear old Blighty!!!)
still waiting
... to see if Stupid Simon will grow up and take responsibility for being the primary responsibility for rearing the boys since he wants them that much. He is still trying to fob off that responsibility onto Cathy.
It seems Simon would like to have those two boys as 'Pals' as I do not recall since this series started that Simon has much of a social life. He does not seem to have any friends that I know of. If he did, surely they would come over now and again.
Cathy does not seem to have much in the way of friends either she can hang with.
Finally, I do not respect Cathy's taste in men as I have liked Simon less and less as the series has worn on - not that men taste that good in the first place - BLEAH !
In this case procrastination is the right decision in the short run. Taking time to think through the consequences today will prevent or minimize problems tomorrow.
It's obvious Simon wants the boys. He's the one who keeps bringing up the subject. As I found throughout my life, responsibility is the best way to maturity. Responsibility always made me a better person and the lack of it never worked in my favor. Having the two boys will make Simon more of a parent. Yes the girls love him, but he seems excluded sometimes. With the boys around, Simon seems more engaged. Bringing them into the fold will strengthen the family.
But... It always seems to come down to the money and in this case inherited titles. You can always divide the money by five, but not so with inherited titles and property. I hope the Camerons find a workable solution, without denouncing their titles. Since nobility are always accused of being too interbred, I have a solution. It is simple and a bit off the wall (Musings from the 'Twilight Zone' and the 'Outer Limits'.), but...
The children will be adopted family but are not blood relations. Just pair up Trish and Livy with Danny and Billy, and keep it all in the family. This does leave Meems out, but maybe Simon and Cathy can find another boy to add to the family?
This issue also could have been addressed if Puddin was a boy. Then Meems or one of the other girls could pair off == three and three. But the best solution is to have another boy adopted.
~There is no reality, only perception~
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
I feel sorry for Cathy, all
I feel sorry for Cathy, all this decision making is making my head hurt. A favorite saying of mine is "procrastination takes time", certainly seems to hold true here. I always was of the understanding that each child got a "piece of the title" by something being created for them by the crown? How about Meems being "Duchess of the Garden Shed" or some such?
actually when you come right down to it, by the time it gets to who gets what title and such, Cathy and Simon would be long gone and would not have to worry about it. Jan
Line of succession
I see it like this. right now, it is only the 3 girls being adopted. The 2 boys right now are in a probationary period. I would tell the boys that they are being fostered for now like for one year and that after that period was up and they wanted to remain with Simon and Cathy that then they would adopt them. By then the adoption of the girls would hopefully be completed putting the girls ahead of the boys in the line of succession for any Titles. I would imagine that the date that the children became a legal child of the parents would supersede the actual birth date of said child.
At this point
Peerage isn't that important, as the boys need love. Having bratty younger sisters will be good for them, since they will still be loved by said sisters. One really huge happy family.
BTW, I predict a really huge minivan in Cathy's future.
Gonna need a castle soon...
I'm beginning to wonder if I'm ever going to make it to the current narrative thread. It takes a surprising amount of time to read the better part of 1000 chapters.
At this rate, they're going to need to move into the castle just to have enough room for everyone...
Seems obvious to me at this point that Nora (it was Nora, right, the home lady? Too many characters, starting to lose track...) is going to end up with a situation in the Cameron household. After all, she did make the possibly not joking crack about an ageing au pair some time back. Of course, what's obvious to me has nothing to do with what Bonzi & staff have already written and which I have not yet managed to read.
Don't give up the titles
I have a solution, have the boys move to a Tanya Allen story for a week, then come back. Poof, problem solved.
Great discourse on titles and how they get passed down, helps us Colonists.
It's all quite simple
just have it go by the date they joined the family? Go from the time that they became legally responsible for the child, at the date when they were first approved as foster children or first adopted.