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(aka Bike) Part 936 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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So Stella was right, Simon wasn’t having an affair, he was busy with affairs of state. I sent him the figures and an hour later, he texted me to say they were okay to him. He also said it was a good paper. That pleased me.
The next morning after breakfast, while Julie was practicing her ironing again–could say it was a pressing matter–she said to me, as I was making a casserole for dinner–“I think I’d like to have a mooch around Salisbury.”
“Okay, we’ll go there one weekend, take the other kids, too.”
“Um–I was thinking, maybe of taking up Siân on her offer.”
“What?” I almost dropped the knife on my foot. “You won’t if I have anything to do with it.”
“Why not? It sounds fun.”
“It won’t be if ever she gets your knickers off–who knows what she’ll say or do.”
“There’s one way to find out,” teased Julie.
“If you’re just winding me up, young lady, be careful–I react badly to it and people get hurt.”
“I wasn’t winding you up, Mummy, I was just thinking it might be fun.”
“Fine–go, but you’ll do it without my approval and I’m unsure how it will affect our relationship.”
“Why should it–like affect our relationship.”
“Because you’re going to put me through a weekend of uncertainty about you and your wellbeing.”
“Don’t be silly, Mummy, what could she do–even if she gets mad, she can only send me home with a flea in my ear. I mean she can hardly make me gay–can she?”
“What do I know–I’m only the woman who tries to keep this place running smoothly for you lot.”
“And we appreciate your efforts–but I’d like to do some things on my own too, Mummy, and Siân did offer, and you did say she has a partner.”
“I’m not happy about it–but you’re sixteen, so you must make up your own mind; just don’t expect me to support it.”
“Why are you so against it–she is a friend of yours?”
“We’ve both changed–me more than her–but notice it wasn’t me she was trying to tempt. She knows what I am, and she doesn’t want it–which is just as well, because I’m not interested anyway.”
“So why should that stop me?”
“Because you aren’t inside what it says on the tin. So what would happen, I don’t know.”
“Who says she’s interested in me–that might have been just to wind you up.”
“Yes it might have been–well it’s up to you, I disapprove of it–but you go if you want.”
“What if I was lesbian?”
“We can play what if, all day. But to answer your question–if you were, then I’d deal with it and still love you. Is that why you want to go–to find out?”
“Maybe–I like, dunno, do I? I dunno what I am,” she ran upstairs crying, and I had to move quickly to rescue one of Stella’s tops from the iron.”
I popped the casserole in the fast oven of the Aga to bring it up to cooking temperature–then in half an hour it would go in the slow oven and cook until tea time.
I let Julie deal with her feelings by herself–I had my own to cope with, and on top of my recent spat with Simon, I didn’t need those of an adolescent. If she wanted me, she knew where I was. If she sought succour from Stella–she’d get short shrift.
I finished the ironing, wondering if taking Julie in was such a good idea. I suppose it was–I was very fond of her, but teenage and adolescence is about finding yourself and giving everyone else a headache.
I took armfuls of ironing upstairs, dumped mine on the bed, Tom’s on his bed, gave Stella hers, she was changing Puddin’ who squirmed and weed on her clean nappy, much to my amusement and Stella’s annoyance.
I put the girl’s stuff on Trish’s bed, I’d come back in a moment to hang it up, then up to the boys room–they could hang up their own, but they wouldn’t unless I stood over them–so I’d be back to do that as well.
Taking a deep breath, I walked into Julie’s room after knocking. She clicked her phone off and looked very guilty. “Your clean laundry.” I handed over the clothes to her. “Well, was she there?” I said after a short pause.
Julie nodded.
“She’s coming to get me.”
“On Sunday.”
“Mothering Sunday–how nice.” With that I walked out of the room and went downstairs before I either strangled her or said something nasty.
“Alright if I do some nappies?” asked Stella who was in the kitchen.
I shrugged, and went to switch the kettle on.
“What’s the matter? I’ll leave them if you want.”
“No–it’s nothing to do with your nappies. I just lost my first argument with Julie. I forgot that teenagers are autonomous and only do what they want–if they can work out what they do want.”
“Oh–what about?”
“Siân invited her to Salisbury next weekend.”
“And you’re going to let her go–she’ll eat her.”
“At least she’d die with a smile on her face–it’s the disappointment in my judgement.”
“Why? How is that the problem–the problem is Offa’s Dyke and a young virgin.”
“Once she discovers Julie’s plumbing anomaly, I think it will resolve itself–it’s if Julie becomes hurt by the discovery that worries me.”
“You don’t think Siân would hit her do you?”
“No, of course not–I don’t even know if she would try to seduce her. There is no such thing as a typical lesbian–they’re not all promiscuous womanisers–I mean they say the same about nurses.”
“Well it’s true about nurses–especially the gay ones–and a particular doctor we both know.”
“Okay, Stella, let’s accept you had an unfortunate experience with Siân, but you were both drunk and she might tell it differently.”
“Why? What did she say–bloody Welsh liar.”
“She didn’t say anything–nor was she surprised you weren’t married.
“The tart. We both know why I’m still single.”
“I told her about Des.”
“Oh–so you know I’m not gay–it’s all her. If she says anything different to my story, you know she’s lying.”
“Stella–I don’t give a shit if you’re gay, straight or figure of eight–you’re a mature woman–you can theoretically deal with your sexuality. Julie is still a child–that’s what I’m concerned about.”
“Of course.”
“I’m not a child,” said Julie walking into the kitchen. “I’m legally old enough to have sex.”
“Fine–carry on, just don’t come crying to me about it afterwards.” Why did I say that? I meant the exact opposite–oh bugger–I’m not very good at confrontational situations.
“I won’t–don’t worry.” Julie turned on her heel and went back upstairs.
“Well said,” Stella nodded at me.
“No it wasn’t, I completely messed it up.”
“But you were congruent with your own feelings.”
“That’s beside the point–what if it all goes wrong? I don’t want to fish her body out of a river or cut it down from a tree. She is still a child underneath all that paint and padding–emotionally, she’s about ten or twelve. This is all her hormones talking not her brain–that’s still pupating and is probably a gooey mess inside her skull.”
“Yuck–too graphic. So what’re you going to do?”
“That’s the sixty four dollar question.”
“And your answer is?”
“Oh go and wash your nappies–I’m going to speak with Mata Hari.”
“Our femme fatale, in the hope I prevent an equally sticky end.”
“What are you on about?”
“Mata Hari, was shot by the French as a spy. She did try espionage but she wasn’t very good at it.”
“You’re a mine of useless information aren’t you?”
“Especially about dormice.”
“Is espionage prevalent amongst dormice then?”
“Oh terribly–didn’t you know?”
“I’m going to wash my nappies before I get drawn into a long, drawn-out nonsense argument or shaggy dog story.”
“Suit yourself, I’m going to speak with Julie.”

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Cathy's Role As Mum
Cathy is finding out that teenagers do have a mind of their own and don't always make the best choices. I guess Cathy has to come to a point where she has to allow Julie to make her own mistakes and learn from them. Hopefully, Sian's intentions are pure and there is nothing nefarious in her invitation. We shall see what happens. I guess.
Let's Play Teasing Mummy
I don't know why it is so, but something seems to happen to the human brain of normal humans once they get old - like over 25 - 30. They forget all about how they had been when they were in their teens and when they were children. Only a few of us, who lack the growing up gene, and stay as permanent teenagers, can still play the same games as teens do, and enjoy them still.
It is the favorite game of teens to wind up and reduce to quivering wrecks any old people they have around them.
Who Me? Naah, wasn't anywhere near them!
Wuthering Dormice-936
Tell Sian about Julie BEFORE they leave. THEN let her decide about Julie. But like Cathy, the idea of a tragic end seems all to real.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
As all parents come to
As all parents come to realize and know when it is dealing with teens, you can teach and give guidance about life and things that can hurt them, but in the end it is they who must decide how they will respond. You can only hope and pray that as their parent, they did learn well from you and will honor you by remaining true to their parent's upbringing.
This is all the more important with Julie, as Cathy has rightly told her, she is not everything she seems to be on the outside. I just hope that Cathy does not have to come and get Julie and pick up the pieces of a 'shattered young girl'. Jan
I think
Cathy is finding out just how much teens like to wind up the rents. And then, once they take a position, they believe they have to follow thru no matter what or lose face. They also do and say things, just to get a reaction. Ain't this fun?
Hopefully Cathy and Julie will have calmed down enough to have a sensible conversation about the proposed visit to Siân. A sensible first step would be to pre-warn Siân that Julie is TG. There's no-one in Cathy's household who could act as a suitable chaperone (I doubt the boys would be interested, the other girls are too young really, Stella's got Puddin' and doesn't like Siân anyway, Cathy's got the other children to look after, and Simon / Tom wouldn't be interested in girly shopping - even if they were available). So how about instead of Siân picking Julie up alone, she either brings along her partner for the pickup, or Cathy drives Julie over there. At either location, a rough outline of the planned activities can be discussed, and Cathy can 'vet' both Siân's partner, and get a glimpse of the nature of their relationship.
After all, Siân and Stella both left medical school several years ago - we know Stella was practising for several years before Cathy appeared on the scene and events conspired to persuade Stella to quit (initially temporary, but looking more permanent by the year). So, especially as Siân's now got a partner, there's a fair chance she has settled down and doesn't have such a rampant libido as back then. And being a qualified medical practitioner, she probably wouldn't go in for excessive "bedroom antics" or anything that would directly put Julie in danger.
I'd say it's unlikely Siân would do anything to harm Julie, but the compromises above should help ease Cathy's fears (slightly). And as Julie was probably unaware that Sunday is Mothering Sunday / Mother's Day, perhaps one further compromise could be sought - postpone the trip for a week.
If the trip goes well, then perhaps some time in future Siân could be issued with an invite to come down and meet the rest of the clan. And if they're still friendly after that, how about an invite to a lavish 'do' up in Scotland in a few months' time? :)
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Information, Information, Information
The main problem is that Cathy doesn't know her old friend Sian well enough and she certainly doesn't know if she can trust her. The best thing Cathy can do is take Julie to Sian's and casually ignore any sexual advances Sian might make towards Julie whilst still being handy if anything turns ugly. At least Cathy is in a position to take physical steps to prevent any untoward violence stemming from Sian's possibly unexpected discoveries.
It will be an interesting lesson in 'growing up' for Julie if she can surmount a situation like this without inviting physical harm or emotional harm. Julie's a tough kid. She'll survive the emotional harm because teeagers are resiliant. (Even 10 or 12-year-old teenagers) but any physical dangers stemming from Sian's misanthropy must be prepared for by Cathy.
personally, If they did end up playing 'doctors-and-nurses I think it's Sian who would get the worst shock. Transsexuals are not all that common and many people never knowingly come accross them in their whole lives.
I wouldn't be at all surprised if Sian's clock is ticking and she wants a baby. If after any shock of discovery, she manages to maintain her poise and then determines that Julie is stil potent, she might carpe diem.
Cathy's uncertainty surrounding lesbianism is a major factor in this scenario.
Can't wait to see the outcome. 'Sian meets Julie,' - sounds like, - 'Godzilla meets King Kong.'
Roll on the next ephisode.
Cheers Angharad.
Mmmmm ! Seems like
Cathy has a problem here, Faced with a recalcitrant daughter who is determined to do her own thing...Just what can she do?
Seems to me like Stanman has suggested, That maybe a phone-call to a certain lady doctor might be in order, Hopefully with Siân being a doctor she will react in the right way and at the very least treat Julie as the daughter of a good friend.... Who just happens to have a plumbing problem.
The real lesson
... for all trans girls - especially pre-op ones - is that they must tell any potential partner what they are before it goes too far.
It lets both parties save face.
Even for post-ops, the rule of thumb is if you want to be involved in a serious relationship, you really should tell ahead. A one night stand, not so much as you'll never see that person again so who cares.
It's the price for being who we are.
Nuh-uh. Time to take a stand.
Maybe I'm just old, but I'm sorry, you do NOT allow a fragile 16-year old to stay with a much older stranger if you even remotely suspect that sex might be on the agenda. No matter how much she kicks and screams. Cathy's personal morals aside, surely if the fostering agency EVER got a whiff of that, ALL those kids would be yanked in a heartbeat.
I think i'd call my lesbian friend & inform her about statutory rape. The adult & minor thang. yes, lesbian's can be convicted as well as males.
OH YEA in Oregon, since Cathy knowingly knew that this is a possibility she can be charged with this also and I'm sure about 30 more things since she's fostering a minor ... it could & would jeapordize all the other children in her care, also now with Stella knowing her child could be removed from her custody too.
in this State Letting Julie go up there would open a serious can O worms
UK laws could be different, but I'm sure at minimum the foster/child welfare people would go nuts if found out
No Statutory Rape
No Statutory Rape law applies, since she is 16. Different country, different ages. Personally I think it makes more sense overall, but opinions differ.
Phew, Ang, I'm so far out of my depth, I can only comment on
The ironing. Julie is good practice for the next three coming along. Don't think they will be any different. At age 13 girls become demon possessed, a natural exorcism is hormonally performed at about age 18 or 19. If you don't believe in demons, they become aliens (UFO type).
If you threaten, or strongly warn Sian, she may, out of spite, do something upsetting.