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(aka Bike) Part 994 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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We drove back to the house, once we had disengaged Trish from her arguing gear. She was rather full of herself, suggesting what she’d read about Kierkegaard had helped her in outflanking the nun, whereas Nietzsche’s ideas hadn’t.
I looked in the rear view mirror, wondering if I’d actually picked up an alien by mistake–I mean, it happens all the time in sci-fi stories, perhaps we’d just wandered into one. Nah–damn it, it was Trish. Precocious doesn’t seem to cover it.
Gareth’s four by four was still in the drive; good it would make killing him easier. Tom was home, he could help me dig the hole afterwards. I let the children in and asked them to find Julie for a drink and a biscuit, I’d get dinner sorted shortly–I had an act of murder to perform, but it shouldn’t take long.
“You snake in the grass,” I said loudly at Gareth.
“Me? Why?”
“You told the Echo, and don’t tell me you didn’t, because it could only have been you.”
“It wasn’t me, what’s the Echo got to do with it?”
“You thought I’d agree to do it to save face of all concerned–well tough, I’m not doing it.”
“I’m still waiting on your answer, so how could I tell the Echo?”
“Don’t give me that rubbish, you told them–I’m sure of it.”
“I didn’t, I wouldn’t–not without your agreement.”
“Sorry, Gareth, I don’t believe you and I thought you were such a sweet man. Seems I was wrong.”
“I haven’t told anyone, honestly.”
“Yes, Taffy was Welsman Taffy was a liar, Taffy I hope your pants are on fire.”
“They’re not actually, I didn’t tell any lies. I’d never lie to you–I respect you too much.”
“What about all the fake emails, the reverse psychology–it nearly worked. You nearly had me going.”
“Tom said it would.”
“You discussed this with Tom–before you even came to see me?” I gasped, I was horrified.
“He was in on the nomination–who do you think recommended you?”
“Did he fake the emails, too?”
“The emails aren’t fake, they’re real–they all want you to do it.”
“But they think I’m some sort of bimbo, don’t they?”
“No, I asked Gordon to do that, he was my prof at Cambridge.”
“You tried to trick me,” I accused, “how can I trust you?”
“It wasn’t my idea, and I’m sorry.”
“Whose idea was it so I can kill them–slowly?”
“Och, that wis mine, hen. I thocht ye’d go fa it.”
“Daddy, how could you?”
“I wanted ye tae dae this job, it’s sae important, it needs someone who’s up tae it.”
“There are six people on the list, all with greater experience than I, why not one of them?”
“Because, ye’re thae best, Cathy. Is that guid enough fer ye?”
“It’s not about being an academic,” interjected Gareth, “or not just that, it’s about being the front person for the committee–for that we needed someone who was presentable and articulate and who could communicate. You are so good at that, as your dormouse film showed. As Tom said, you’re the best.”
“But I hadn’t agreed, so why did you tell the Echo?” I accused Gareth again.
“I didn’t, I keep telling...”
“Um, that wis me.”
I turned to face Tom, “Daddy, how could you?”
“I thocht young Gareth would convince ye tae dae it. I never dreamt fer one second ye’d turn him doon.”
I felt completely stunned by this revelation, I’d been betrayed by my own family and I’d accused the wrong person.
“I owe you an apology, Gareth, for the Echo business, but you were all scheming to manipulate me into the position–so I have to say no. If you’d asked me properly, I would have considered it.”
“Tom is going to have a lot of egg on his face,” Gareth said quietly to me.
“That’s not my problem.”
“It could cost him his job.”
“He should have thought of that, shouldn’t he?”
“Perhaps, but it’s also going to make the university position pretty dire.”
“None of which is my fault.”
“What if the dormice have to go–they could anyway in the drive for efficiencies.”
“They’d better not, because I’ll get the whole place closed down.”
“A whole university? Come off it, Cathy, no one has that sort of influence.”
“Don’t bet on it.”
“With you about, I wouldn’t dream of it. Look, just saying yes would resolve all of these things and instead of failure, Tom is seen as a saviour of the university, the dormouse project and the mammal mapping scheme.”
“That’s tantamount to blackmail.”
“How can I believe you after all the deceit?”
“I’m telling the truth.”
“I don’t know what to say.”
“Yes would be the obvious answer.”
“Why should I?”
“To protect all you value, your family, your work, the planet and not forgetting the dormice.”
“It is blackmail.”
“No–it’s your choice.”
“What about all my other responsibilities?”
“You could pass some of those onto others.”
“Oh yeah, bring in a nanny–that’ll make me look really good to my detractors, won’t it?”
“You could get a live-in help, to do your chores and help with the household.”
“The whole point of having the children was to give them a home with stable parents–only one of them isn’t often here.”
“I’m sure when he is, it’s worth it.”
“Sometimes. Look, what is this wretched post going to involve?”
“Coordinating the ecological future of Europe. You’d be looking at threats and solutions to protect and conserve species and habitats. We need to know what’s under threat–it’s fine to say wetlands, but exactly what is a wetland, and what is threatening it?
“The funding which is pretty tight, would mean delegating research and coordinating it and the results. The mammal survey you’re doing is going to provide us with a super database for modelling change. That’s been done for only a few million pounds which is small beer at this level.”
“How much time will I need to do it?”
“Couple of days a week, depends on how good you are at delegating.”
“Where are we going to be based?”
“If I’m chair, who will be secretary?”
“Um–I am, unless that’s a problem.”
“I need to speak to the children. I need their agreement before I can say yes.”
“You want me to come back?”
“Could you give me an hour?”
“Yeah sure–you won’t regret this.”
“I haven’t said yes–yet.”
He let himself out and I asked Julie to make me some tea. I had some strong words with Tom and told him that he’d really dropped me in it. He looked really down after I’d given him the only piece of my mind I could spare.
“If only you’d spoken to me, Daddy, that’s what hurts. I know you thought you were trying to help my career, but my children are part of it and it’s going to be very difficult for them as well. I really wished you had spoken to me.”
He apologised and there were tears in his eyes when I left his study. I stopped and turned back to hug him. “I’m goin’ tae resign, I’m tae auld fer this. I’m a daft auld gowk.”
With tears now in my eyes, I said, “Daddy, if you resign, I won’t even consider the job. If I’ve got to do this shit, so can you–besides, you can help pay for someone to help run this place.”
“Aye alricht.”
“And I know just the person, if she’ll take the job.”

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I knew it.
Come on! We all knew it really. Cathy's just too dedicated.
Crikey, am I the first again.
And I've got a good idea who'll be running the kids. They'll need a strong hand or at least a firm one. And someone who's walked the walk will be ideal.
I'm sure she'll weld the family into an excellent unit!
Still loving it.
Please, please don't stop at a 1000.
Love and hugs,
WHO ... ?
This is a very different kind of cliff hanger. Nobody is in danger, but WHO is Cathy thinking of?
Somehow, I doubt it is her sister in law, Stella, as she is a bit unstable and definitely has many ideas in opposition to Cathy when it comes to raising Cathy's kids.
And I don't think it could be Maureen, considering where she is, ( in transition, in the hospital, in doubt of herself ). So, WHO????
It’s not given to anyone to have no regrets; only to decide, through the choices we make, which regrets we’ll have,
David Weber – In Fury Born
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
I wonder who...?
I can think of at least five potential candidates. Yet I'm sure Angharad and Bonzi will come up with a surprise.
Stella, Julie, Maureen, Theresa, Nora
Parental Substitutes
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Dark Horse Candidate
As an verry long shot candidate I'm thinking Leon's mother.
Of course, if the writing team is very evil, they could be waiting for us to narrow the field down through our guesses just so that they could do something completely unexpected.
Michelle B
Did you find my list?
If you did, you'll have noticed that Theresa was one of my thoughts too.
Since then, I've come up with a candidate who's even more of a long shot.
Possibilities Secreted
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I think Cathy is going to go
I think Cathy is going to go after Tom's Secretary. She knows all about Cathy and she does have a firm hand when needed. Tom should be very ashamed of himself for what he did to his 'daughter' and without consulting her first; but that is a man for you, they don't always think first about others feelings, they just act in an authoritarian manner. Jan
It would serve Tom right to lose his position
I absolutely do not like where Cathy's life is going. She needs to stay around as the parent.
The ecology be damned.
They should just move out and find their own place, leave that old shithead living by himself.
Ah Ang
You do keep things rolling along don't you. Pretty sure we all at least suspected Cathy would feel obligated to say yes eventually. Having Tom drop her in it was a bit of a surprise but it sort of fits his position as Prof and mentor almost despite the surrogate father angle. Securing and enhancing his University without quite seeing the ramifications to his 'family' and Cathy in particular. A bit of shamefaced is fair and humble curry for a wee while too.
Still I have no doubt Cathy can delegate wonderfully which should be fun here and there, plus a lot of it could be done outside from home. Well, except no doubt the numerous largely useless meetings that will ensue, sigh. I lurve bureaucracy, cough....
What a lot's going on!
Tom and Gareth are badgering Cathy to take this university post.
Meanwhile, Maureen's in hospital in Southampton, and there's a certain event planned at the Southsea hotel at the weekend (whenever that may be - the past few episodes have covered a couple of hours worth of time!)
Now, the housekeeper business. Julie was originally given that role, under Stella's tutelage - but as she's still a teenager and already has a part time job (and boyfriend!) Cathy's probably thinking of someone else. Perhaps someone from Maureen's support group? Practically every other sympathetic female we've encountered already has a job - unless I've missed something or someone, as I can't see any likely candidates in either the List of Major Characters or List of Minor Characters PS and I have compiled as part of the Summaries.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Bike pt 994
I wonder if Tom treated his daughter like he treats Cathy? He once AGAIN pulled a fast one without thinking out the consequences. And whoever Cathy picks as a nanny to help her should be accepting of Julie and Trish.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Someone's Thinking About Nothing, S.T.A.N.
Tom never got a chance to accept his daughter. She killed herself before he ever came around.
He's not a bad man, quite the contrary. There's no point in maligning him, or of bringing his daughter into this.
If a picture is worth 1000 words, this is at least part of my story.
Oh Nanny
I think Maureen would make a good nanny once she recovered, a little rough around the edges but a goos sergent major to run the camp, she will need a place to recover and this would keep her off the street as well.
That was the first name
That popped into my head. She will know most of the secrets, including Cathy's deeper on (the TG history is minor by comparison). All in all, it is shaping up to be interesting.
I wonder if the kids or Simon will approve of a new nanny, only time will tell
Silly Tom,
Fancy going to all that trouble to persuade Cathy, You would have thought after living with her through all her trials and tribulations he would have realised that she is one strong minded lady, And if her mind is made up nothing will change it.....Except maybe love....Lucky for Tom then that because Cathy loves her daddy, It seems he might get what he wanted. Although something tells me if he wants something in the future, He might be a little more straight forward in asking....
Only six more to go to reach 1000!
Well, one thing is clear, more or less, I think: the epic is not going to end at chapter 1000. Far too many things left to happen. Rather like Real Life really, innit?
What unlimited imagination our beloved Author must have, to be able to keep this up, every day for over three years.
She deserves a Medal.
Tom should know better.
When Cathy gets her hackles up, all rational thought runs away. Someone needs to point that out to her -- once she is calm.
Well Tom is consistant. I dont remember how far back in storyline, but I do remember trying to convince her that she was destine for far geater things than just her dormice ... he was actually fortelling her he was using her even back then that he forsaw her most likely in this very position. but to to the newspaper thing ???
AND with Simon's insecurities with this new dude both Cathy & Stella pining over,and him stuck in London, he's gonna freak out major league.
The nuns have no chance
Wait, wait, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche ? Just what is Trish's IQ ? Are there try-outs for Jeopardy in UK ?
Give me an M, give me an A, give me a U. Shoot, most cheerleaders can't spell Maureen.(or cavalry). It's the pompoms.
Just think of Mrs Brown-Cow. and what she's thinking reading the Echo over coffee. DO IT, DO IT !
Before retiring, I was a senior field engineer for an environmental Agency. Semi-tree hugger.