(aka Bike) Part 807 by Angharad |
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On the way home, we stopped for lunch. Simon decided to have a curry, hoping it would neutralise his transmitter–from the smell of it, he might have been right. However, the last time he had one he ended up Vindaloo half the night.
I wasn’t very hungry so just had some salad.
“I was astonished to see you charging off after that gunman, last night,” he said breaking up a poppadam.
“If I’d known it wasn’t Myrtle, I’d have run the other way.”
“I think you looked better in that dress than he did.”
“Oh, I don’t know, I think he looked sweet.”
“If he gets a chance, he won’t miss next time.”
“I’m hoping by then we’ll have sorted this nonsense. I mean, Austin Powers would have made a better job of it than Ambrose is.”
“Who’s Ambrose?” asked Simon.
“That’s Bill’s real name.”
“Ah, I think I can see why he calls himself, Bill.”
“I’m still making my mind up about whether or not I want to kill Bill.”
“Didn’t someone make a film with that as a stupid title?”
“Martin Scorcese, I think, with Uma Thurman.”
“Oh, Emma Peel, maybe it’s not such a dumb film after all.”
“There is only one Emma Peel and that was Diana Rigg.” I felt very hot all of a sudden.
“You alright?”
“No, I feel very strange.” I got up and lurched out to the ladies, where I was violently sick, followed a couple of minutes later with the most awful stomach pains and diarrhoea. I only just made it to the loo in time–well changing ends and pulling down knickers---too much information.
I sat there my bum smarting and a horrible taste in my mouth. I really needed to clean my teeth, but my toothbrush was in my bag in the car. I managed to stand on wobbly legs and tidy myself up, then looking down into the pan spotted the capsule floating in amongst the...you know. I pulled the flush and watched while it disappeared down the hole. Hopefully there weren’t any more bugs on my car, so we–well, me, was free of MI-whatever tracking me.
I washed and went back out to Simon, who looked quite concerned. He stood and helped me back into my chair. “Are you sure you’re alright, you look very washed out?”
“I’ve been sick and cleaned out the other end–oh and Bill’s little pill floated away with it.”
“You were sick, it’s not radiation sickness or swine flu?”
“I think food poisoning from that sandwich is much more likely.”
“Could be, are you going to be okay to drive home?”
“Yes, I’ll be okay, but I’d really like to clean my teeth.”
“Where’s your toothbrush?”
“In my sponge bag in my case.”
“Don’t tell me, in your car?”
“Yes,” I smiled weakly.
“I suppose you’d like me to get it for you?”
“That would be very kind of you, Simon.” I smiled again and passed him my car keys.
He rose from the table and went out to the car park. I got a glass of water from the bar.
“I couldn’t be bothered to hunt for it, so I brought your case in.”
“Careful, my lappy’s in there.”
He had just placed my case on the floor when there was a terrific ‘BOOM' from outside and glass from one of the windows showered the room. Fortunately, we were standing away from it, although a couple who were near it ended up with multiple cuts. It took a moment to adjust to the shock, and I realised I was sitting on the floor and Simon had fallen over a dislodged chair. Thankfully, he wasn’t hurt.
“What the %$#k was that?” he said extricating himself from the furniture.
People were dusting themselves off. “Stay here, if it’s gas there could be another one,” I cautioned.
“Jesus,” said a male voice, “that car just exploded. It’s taken out a couple of others too.” We both rushed to the door, the remnants of my lovely VW were all over the car park and the Mondeo was damaged as well.
“Oh no,” I said as I swooned and Simon just managed to catch me. I came to, lying on a bed in a strange room. “Where am I?”
“You’re okay, Babes, I decided to rent a room for the night.”
“What happened?”
“Your car blew up, the police are still out there. Sadly the Mondeo is a write-off too.”
“That was my daddy’s car,” I said and burst into tears.
“I know, Babes, but at least we saved your laptop.”
“Yeah,” I sobbed, “but Paddington was in my car.”
“But you weren’t. I can get you another bear.”
“I would have been dead if my tummy hadn’t played up.”
“Looks like.” He said and hugged me while I trembled in shock.
The rest of the day was spent sleeping or talking to police. It was on the verge of being considered a terrorist attack, and I had a nice chap from Special Branch come to interview me. We told him the whole story. He knew of Myrtle and wondered why she had been so unpleasant. I told him that I didn’t want to see any of them ever again, but I wanted my family back. He told me he’d make some enquiries and see if he could speed things up.
When I talked it over with Simon, neither of us could decide who’d planted the bomb and whether it had been there for some time or done while we were in the pub. We were stranded for the night and normally, we might have taken advantage of a hotel room, but that night neither of us felt much like anything at all. How James Bond and his heroines can sh@g after he’s just killed all the baddies, I don’t know.
“I called Dad while you were asleep, he’s sending transport for us tomorrow, he’s also organising some cars for you and Tom.”
“Thanks, I’m not sure I want to drive one again–did you see what was left of the driver’s seat.”
“I don’t remember seeing the driver’s seat,” he said.
“Exactly, there wasn’t one, it was completely destroyed with the blast.”
“Goodness, your arse would have been sore then.”
“Soaring, I think, in orbit around the moon.”
“I shall never be able to look at the moon in the same light again,” he said and as he held me I started to snigger.
“You silly fool,” I said quietly cuddling into him, and he laughed.

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Is Bill legit, or not?!
Is Bill legit, or not?! You're doing a great job keeping us guessing Angharad! Keep up the good work! :)
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Play on Words
"However, the last time he had one he ended up Vindaloo half the night."
You're shameless! ;-D
Ang, that was, that was, that ....
was the worst bit of potty humor I have read in ages.
I am as impressed as Cathy's lovely tush would have been *impressed* if she had driven her car.
Who planted the bomb? Ruskies? Bill, Myrtle? One of those shifty characters on Blue Peter?
Or has Spike finally gone nuts? You are what you eat.
International affairs, kidnappings but by which side? Loony spies, dead bodies all over the place, exploding cars. Just another quiet day.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Exploding cars?
Thought I read exploding cigars. Not much of a gag anymore. OTOH, maybe Bill (or Myrtle) smoke. ;-)
At first I thought it might be the capsule that exploded. That would have been a gut-wrenching experience. :-)
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Karen, I'll hate to say it but I must ...
poo poo your last comment.
Potty humor ROCKS!
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. I get the impression Bonzi is behind all of this crazyness.
John in Wauwatosa
Call for Instector Clouseau…
…to discover who planted the “BEUMBâ€. “It could have deaded me,†as Bluebottle—another famous Peter Sellars character—would certainly have said.
You're just trying to curry favor with your Indian readers. BTW, punsters aren't shameless, they're filled with shame and are just trying to dump some on others.
if he had a weak tikka, he
if he had a weak tikka, he could have ended up in a korma!
Timely Loo Break
OK, Now just who is responsible? Angharad, you can keep this spy yarn going for a while yet. Are you thinking about a Thanksgiving, or Christmas spectacular?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Being a heathen Celt
I don't celebrate thanksgiving - although maybe we should, we got rid of boatloads of bigots - never did find out where they went, but you know the sort - they'd have voted to ban gay marriage and so on. I suppose they ended up on the Maine-land, somewhere, or became republicans (they fought a war to avoid having the king on their pound notes or was it stamps?)
PS I voted Jedhi at the last election - had to add it to the list.
I was wondering where
they all came from... I guess you kicked them out, like you kicked the Acadians out of Nova Scotia, huh... :-)
How'd the Jedi write-in campaign go in the last elections?
Hysterical comments when in danger!
I can so see those two making those comments after the fact. We do such strange things under stress.
I was once in a man lift, about 110feet from the ground, working on bridge lighting at night in the middle of a frightfully windy rain storm. Once I looked down and it looked as if one of the wheels on the machine had lifted from the ground and then settled back. I was piloting the machine and my partner was changing bulbs. Suddenly a strong gust came up and I could see both the wheels on one side of the machine leave the ground. Without saying anything, I quickly swung the basket over toward the bridge arch and sat it down there with a huge metallic clank. I looked over at my partner, and he was gripping the rail with both hands and said, "I have never been so scared in my life!". Feeling so hysterical that I was giddy, I said to him, "what's the matter, you want to live forever?" (Yes, I know that I stold a line from an old movie, but it was all I could think of at the time. :)
True story.
Why is it?
that the comments are usually more interesting than my stories?
Been a while...
...since you last made that jest.
Meanwhile, with the cars being blown up, let's hope Simon's curry takes effect PDQ - the sooner his tracker's out of his system, the better.
And might I suggest setting very sensitive motion-triggered car alarms to the transport Harry's sending up? That way, anyone attempting to fit trackers or bombs to the cars would at the very least get 120 dB of noise, as well as anyone in the vicinity looking in their direction.
If Henry knows any ex-SAS chaps, they'd come in very useful - both as bodyguards and searching for signs of 'tampering' with cars / houses etc.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I think that...
they may not be more interesting, but they're safer, for the characters, than your story! :-)
Up in the
Vindaloo half the night!! I did think about making a joke about a certain Johnny Cash classic...But decided that maybe it was'nt in good taste, So me being the nice sweet person i am ,I'll leave up to those of you who know your music and love your curry to work it out!!
Back to the story now... Whoever it was who set the bomb, Certainly was'nt taking any prisoners, Maybe now is the time for Simon to use all his family connections and wealth to get some proper protection in place...You know the sort of thing ex SAS men (or whatever the American version is) and get some proper security in place..Next time Cathy and Simon might not be so lucky !!!
On a serious note
Perhaps the bomb was intended as a warning, so it was detonated when they weren't in the car on purpose. One of those messages to say if they don't play along the next one won't go off early (or late, whatever). Kinda underlining the point that they are not safe, nor presumably is their family.
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Maybe the bomb....
was designed to go off - when the "pill" from Bill was a certain distance away? A tour of the sewers is a long way away.. :=)
It's amazing how a little
"humor" can settle things down. Even if it's a bit "out there"...
Interesting partial wrap up. Nice that Cathy can get rid of her "pill". That's done like some animals I've known...
Well,at least no favorite bikes were on board
It's because Bond really liked killing, gave him a woodie.
Drat, the Mondeo also. May be Simon will give you the keys to the Jag ?
The mileage was faked by VW on the diesel Golfs anyway.