(aka Bike) Part 896 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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The Monday morning saw us back to normal–breakfast, girls to school, boys ready to catch the bus to their school, Simon back to work, Tom back to the university and Julie and I off to do some food shopping after dropping the girls off to school.
I’d got her accepted as an apprentice at a hairdressers but her college course wouldn’t start until September–which was a pity. However, the shop were happy to take her as a Saturday girl from the following week. They didn’t provide uniforms and she had to wear all black clothing, trousers or skirts–not too revealing. She was miffed at that but I smirked, considering she was wearing a very short mini skirt which practically showed her knickers, or possibly would have done were it not for her thick opaque tights.
We went to Asda and added a few inexpensive items to her wardrobe–all in funereal black. She seemed happy enough with the effect. I just hoped she wasn’t going to go Goth on me. They talk about the terrible twos, I think they must be a dawdle compared to the terrible teens–and I’ve missed half of Julie’s already. Mind you so has she.
I allowed her to grab some more makeup as well as the clothing, then we did the food shopping–and I was already nearly a hundred pounds adrift. By the time we’d filled the trolley with food, my deficit was doubled–then, six kids and three adults eat quite a lot of food.
We loaded the car and drove home, awaiting me was an update on the adoption of the girls, a letter agreeing to my fostering of the two boys, and a bill for the car–which essentially explained that they couldn’t find anything wrong. Maybe I should try using the blue energy on it next time?
Thinking about the fostering, when I asked the two boys if they wanted to stay with me, Danny’s reply was typical of him. “That’s a no brainer,” he said and Billy agreed with him.
Before he went back, I’d asked Simon his opinion about coming clean with the kids about my history.
“What’s that going to prove?”
“I know what they might be going through–or two of them, at least.”
“I thought Trish knew, anyway?”
“She seems to have forgotten or maybe didn’t take it on board.”
“Didn’t take it on board? Come off it, Cathy, she’s as bright as a button, if she’s been told, she took it on board–however, it might suit her to ignore it, because it might shatter her illusion of you as her perfect mother.”
“That’s a point. What about Julie? Should I tell her?”
“What for? How long have you got to prove anything to anyone–you’ve left all that behind: you’re my wife now, a woman and a foster mum–what would exposing your past do except damage to the children. The girls have seen your body naked–they didn’t notice anything wrong with it–you’re lucky that your hips seemed to spread a bit and your waist narrowed. Let’s face it–without being told no one would think you were ever Charlie, would they?”
“I hope not–I just wondered if it might help Julie learn patience if she knew I’d had to wait as well.”
“Patience–my arse–that girl is a typical teen, everything yesterday if not sooner and then it’s ignored the next day–attention span of a gnat, morals of an alley cat, and lazy to boot.”
“She’s been better lately.”
“She’d better, if she wants to collect her earnings. I mean how much have you spent on clothes for her?”
“I don’t know, I’ve not been keeping account of it.”
“Well I’m going to dock her some of it to help pay you back and some for her reluctance to get off her bum and help.”
“So how much are you going to give her?”
“Nothing–she owes you.”
“Si, you can’t do that,” I wailed.
“If she worked for the bank, we’d have sacked her on the first day.”
“Just pay her, I’ll take the hit for the clothes for now–I’m supposed to be fostering her, after all.”
“Only because no one else would take her on.”
“Well, I could be said to be uniquely placed to understand her position.”
“Why, were you bone idle, too?”
“No–didn’t get the chance–my father had me up and doing chores or exercising. My only escape was to be studying–fortunately, I was quite good at that.”
“So he did you a favour in a way?”
“Perhaps–I know he was abusive to me for a period, but he was still my dad, and I did love him.” I felt a tear form in my eye which perched for a long moment on the edge of my lashes before plopping down my face.
“Hey, don’t cry–of course he loved you, he told you often enough.”
“Yeah, only because the stroke changed everything. I wonder if he would have without it?”
“That’s a pointless question isn’t it, as we can never know one way or the other.”
“Yeah, I suppose you’re right, Si–so what should I do?”
“Yeah about telling the kids.”
“I told you–don’t.”
“Okay, my lord and master has spoken.”
“Laird, if we’re being technically correct.”
“Bloody porridge bashers,” I muttered less than quietly.
“At least I’m not a bloody Welshman who couldn’t swim,” he retorted and we bickered in fun for a few more minutes, making up insults which became increasingly ridiculous.
“So, you’re sure then?” I asked.
“Sure, about what?”
“Not telling the kids?”
“What do you want me to do–take out a full page advert in the Times?”
“No point, I read the Guardian if you remember.”
“The answer’s still the same–N–O–spells NO.”
“Okay, I’ll think about it then.” I said as I wandered towards the bedroom door and darted out of it when I heard him come up behind me. He chased me down the stairs, catching me only because I couldn’t run and laugh at the same time.
“Huh, and you tell me off for getting physical,” huffed Julie as Simon pulled me to him and kissed me.
“When you’re married, your husband can do with you what he likes,” called Simon.
“Can we start looking for my wedding dress then?” she called back and his face fell.
Back to the present–I reflected on the weekend and resolved to speak with Steph Cauldwell before Julie went in to see her tomorrow–if only to make sure she knew what was happening to my charge.
Almost before I could blink, here I was standing at reception booking Julie in to see her. We sat and waited a few minutes, then she was called. I went with her, and Julie went into the consulting room while I beckoned Steph out to have my quick word.
“No prob–I’ll up the hormones, that should cool it a bit.”
“I hope so–I’m just worried that she’s going to get into a situation in which she’ll get hurt.”
“I thought that had happened once already?”
“Yeah, if I only thought she had learned from it, I wouldn’t be so concerned.”
“Don’t forget, if she thinks she can wind you up, she will–she’s a teenager–all angst and acne,” she winked and went into her room.

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Angst and acne
Brilliant Angharad and Bonzi.
You certainly do come up with some memorable lines.
Prized Sayings
Bike Resources
Don't forget
to notify the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations!
Angharad ;)
Heavy sigh...
Unfortunately, there are already 7200 hits for the phrase "angst and acne" on Google, so when you write in to Oxford University Press, be sure to explain that this is the definitive quote.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
And this had only been up an hour, so...
...it just shows you how quickly ideas get stolen!
Angharad ;)
Things happen at internet speed these days. It could have gotten stolen that quickly.
Julie, Julie, Julie... (Okay, the original was Judy for that quote, but hey, we're all friends here.)
I've read about girls like her. When they finally get to be themselves, the release in pressure (of being something else) is such that they go WAY OVERBOARD on so much. Add in the teen issues, and an appreciated audience, and you get this youngster.
The boys - I think their reaction to becoming officially "fostered" is no surprise, or as one said, a "no brainer".
I don't know whether Simon's right in not telling the kids about Cathy's past. Sooner or later, someone will throw it in their face. When that happens (Brown-cow's offspring would have done so had she known. Brown-Cow tried to.) the brown stuff will hit the fan. I hope the kids will be able to continue to trust her. Cathy & co. (those that know) need to decide how to handle the problem once (not if) it happens.
Not Much To Handle
Cathy is so evidently a woman that only the most callow, ax-grinding, vindictive, coup-seeking troll could pretend to be upset about her birth gender status. She's well within her rights to no longer consider her previous legal gender even relevant. No one else who matters does.
And THAT is what she should tell anyone who questions her.
I have to agree with the
I have to agree with the good doctor, regarding teenagers and their childish attitudes which they then couple to semi-adult attitudes as needed. I also love Simon's idea of teaching Julie the facts of life as they relate to the working world. She does need a lesson in this and one that will stick with her. Jan
Bike pt 896.
Love seeing Si and Cath talking about things. Mebbbe julie needs a good scare, or needs to hear from another girl like her that Cathy blue lights.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
It's not an issue
Simon's right.
Cathy's birth anomaly is history; if it comes up in the future, deal with it then as a "So what?" It's not a problem for Simon, so what business is it of anyone else?
Another great chapter.
What if the Blue Light backfires?
Maybe she could like bite her finger so it couldn't get out and it'd back up and make all the rest of the parts for her. I would be fun to see her with morning sickness and a basket ball belly.
Don't go giving her ideas.
She's got more than enough of her own, already, that Angharad :) And more than's good for her - you mark my words.
Not sure
just what Cathy would gain by telling everyone her true origins, Maybe she thinks it might give her some brownie points with Julie and that might help her in some way control Julie's raging libido!!!... Other than that i can't think of a single reason for Cathy to say something.... So perhaps Cathy should just let things carry on as they are....After all its worked for her okay so far!....
>> her true origins
The blue light is a giveaway. She's obviously an evolved Atlantean being who his visiting present-day Earth through the multi-dimensional gateway from the Golden Age of Atlantis twenty thousand years in the past.
The secret is being revealed only to a select few visitors to this web site, themselves drawn to it through psychic resonance with the triangulated axis of energy spanning the cosmic nexus between Atlantis, Arkansas, Mount Shasta, and the stellar focal point of Arcturus, known to the ancient Polynesians as HÅkÅ«leÊ»a, Star of Joy.
At this hour we're being prepared for our own journey to Lemuria, where the Ninth Secret Teaching of Cathy will be disclosed to a suffering humanity.
Hint: The Dormice are the Key! Note the "coincidence" of their names, which contain the word "Door." QED
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Bringing up Julie!
Don't we all know it! They're a real pain!!
Cathy's going to have her work cut out with that one. A headstrong, transexual knowall who thinks Cathy knows nothing about transexualism because she doesn't know cathy's walked the walk.
I think Cathy should tell Julie about her past. It will take away most of Julia's ammunition in the forthcoming arguments about 'What's best for Julia!'
Beverly Taff.
This is wierd. I haven't changed my password but the site wont dispayl all my thingies at the side like 'Submit Story'!
I still have my doubts about Jule being TS. She acts more like a transvestitte. I use TV vs CD here Because what I see is a gay person using a female persona to attract males. Also, they really dont seem to care what they wearing cept for it to look what they believe is attractive to the male, hence, the trashy look, instead of blending in with the general female population as most transsexuals are prone.
TS = transsexual MtF Ftm
TS's often hetro as pre-ops, i've noticed in many of my friends often change sexual preferences after hormone therapy is introduced. I've sat wondering if this is because they were too scarred to come clean about that preference would identify them as being gay. general indoctrination of societial normals for a long period of time could account for this behaveriorial change as the belief of, well, I'm on hormones, I look like a girl, so, I must like boys
MtF = Male to Female
FtM = Female to male
Cross Dresser = CD = usally a MtF and most often very hetro , females that crosdress rarely are caused problems, unless, TOMBOY gets attached to them
Transvestitte = TV = usally a gay person that uses feminity to attract males,some times like transsexuals use cosmetic surgury to get what they want. tho, rarely will resort to bottom surgury
Transgender = inclusive term to include all of above
Intersexed = the rarest of the rare, but the truest of form
i've listed some LABELS not all of us agree with, in fact I'm pretty sure not all of agree to them. I used to chat on msn & elsewhere and sometimes when trying to use a general label to an individual things got heated up quite qickly. No wonder the so called NORMALS get confused when trying to attach a LABEL to us. we cant even agree amungst ourselves.
PS - I'm not sure is applicatable now, but I've seen the CD vs TV labels reversed in UK, where as in USA we almost always refer to a CD as a hetro male crossdresser and the TV being a gay crossdresser.
See no standard , confusion reigns (giggles)
Cathy is a woman who had a birth defect, that has been straightened out. The defect has caused her a lot of real grief, and the scars are slowly healing. She is all woman.
I find the total disregard of the police station incident a bit off putting though. I would think I would hear something as a followup. The trial of the inspector, if nothing else.
Cathy, stand clear of Gwen, she has evil thoughts
I still like " catfish with the croup". The heck with the Oxford book of quotes, that one's going into Cefin's Book of Quotations.
I still get confused with the breakdown of descriptions, but it does seem that as a Yank, that CD vs TV makes a lot of sense, even though they're used universally.
Again, the comments are educational.