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(aka Bike) Part 960 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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The following day, I took five children to see some dormice–except they were all asleep still. I did handle one or two for them to actually see and touch, then I left them to Neal’s tender mercies. It’ll be good practice for when he and Gloria have babies. His face was a picture. Then when he powered up his computer, I knew he was going to Youtube. I went to the Dean’s office, or to be more precise, his secretary’s office.
I retrieved the bunch of flowers from the car and knocked on Marjorie’s door. I was suddenly overcome by a fit of giggles when I thought of the nursery rhyme, Seesaw Marjorie Daw, Johnnie shall have a new master. I was still in this idiotic phase when she called me to come in. It took me a moment to control myself.
“Something funny, Lady Cameron?”
“Only the electrical discharges in my brain which pass for thoughts.”
“I see, you had a funny thought?”
“Yes, I just deposited five of my six kids on Neal for a few minutes while I popped up here to see you. The look on his face.”
“Yes, I’m sure–“ she chuckled.
“Oh, these are for you.” I handed her the flowers.
“That’s very kind of you, is there a reason?”
“Just a gift and a thank you for your handling of yesterday’s funeral.”
“Shouldn’t I be giving you a gift, after all it was my granddaughter who died, and you did do us all a favour with your poem.”
“I’m glad it met the occasion.”
“It did, and so did you–what a difference with your jeans and sweatshirt compared to yesterday’s suit and hat.”
“It wasn’t over the top was it?”
“No, it was perfect and I know Mitzi would have been delighted to have seen it. You cut quite a dash, Lady Cameron.”
“You were suitably elegant yourself, Mrs Perkins.”
“Thank you. If you don’t mind, I have work to do and I’m sure Neal needs rescuing from your brood.”
“Of course–I’m really sorry you lost Mitzi. I’d like to have known her.”
“You would have liked her, although she wasn’t as female looking as you, you really are remarkably good aren’t you?”
“Am I? I don’t think about it,” I lied.
“Cathy Watts, even in her short time before her transition, looked quite feminine–I presume that was why you did the bike riding?”
“If it was it didn’t work–I wasn’t good enough to race with the men’s team.”
She looked at me as if I was stupid, “Wasn’t that always going to be obvious–you’re a female, they lack the musculature and strength, men are always going to win on those terms.”
“According to my legal status–I was a man.”
“Stuff and nonsense, if you were then there was something very wrong with your hormones. I’ve never seen someone who transitioned in their twenties develop hips like yours.”
“I don’t think I ever actually went through puberty–least, not when everyone else did. In those days, although I knew I should have been a girl, if my body had changed like the rest of the boys, I wouldn’t have been teased quite as much.”
“Ah, but to your great good fortune it didn’t, and you grew up a woman.”
“It would seem that way. I’d better go and rescue Neal.”
“Yes, oh and, Cathy?”
“Yes, Marjorie,” I reciprocated her dropping of formal address.
“Nobody was any the wiser yesterday.”
“It’s not important, is it?”
“It’s important enough to bring you into the university to check though, isn’t it?”
Damn, am I that transparent? I shrugged, “No, I came to speak to you and see how you were.”
“You always were a poor liar, Catherine Watts. Off you go.” She winked at me as I left.
The children were collected, none had been fed to the dormice to boost their protein levels, so I took them–the children, not the dormice, they were still hibernating–do pay attention–for some pizza and ice cream. For them, almost the ultimate treat.
After that, seeing as it was a fine day, I took them out to the coast and we had a walk along the shoreline looking for interesting things which get washed up, and animals and birds we might see. I keep a pair of small binoculars in the car and we saw a few oystercatchers and other waders. The two boys were more interested than the girls, which wasn’t entirely surprising–more men than women bird-watch–I just happen to be in a minority–nothing new there then.
Back to the house and dinner–I cooked chicken thighs in a casserole. it went down quite well, as did the yoghurts afterwards. Fresh air seemed to give them an appetite. Julie said she was quite happy at home with Stella and Puddin’ and they’d gone for a walk themselves with the baby in the push chair. She enjoyed her chicken too, Puddin’ that is. I liquidise some of it, and chop the meat very fine and she laps it up–well not literally, she’s not a kitten, oh forget it.
The rest of the week saw me trying to organise the house, the children and Maureen, who began to do a detailed costing of the parts we needed to do one or two jobs. She considered she had enough contacts to be able to get some of the supplies at wholesale prices–I just told her not to do anything illegal, because of the position of Simon and Tom, and of course, myself. She smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I won’t be doing anything to embarrass you.”
“Won’t most of your contacts be used to dealing with your previous persona?”
“Ma’am, I don’t look that much different, do I?”
“I don’t know, do I–I didn’t know you before.”
“No, ma’am, by the way, that poem was just right for poor ol’ Mitzi.”
“Thank you, Maureen, I’m glad it seemed apposite.”
“Opposite? Nah it was perfect.”
“No, Maureen, apposite–fitting, appropriate.”
“Oh, I misheard you, ma’am, I thought you said, opposite.”
I left her to measure up some more lengths of wood and so on. I’d reminded Tom she would be there and he told me to let him know how much. He gave me access to a thousand pounds, which I gulped and matched for funding for Maureen’s time and materials. I asked her to complete a simple time sheet–not to check up on her but to make sure she wasn’t underpaid.
By the end of that week, her efforts were starting to take shape when Julie was persuaded to let her get on with things, instead of talking. As I needed help with the house, I did have grounds for asking her to lend a hand–besides which, Simon is paying her.
The salon asked her to go in on the Friday as well as the Saturday, which meant me taking and collecting her both days. Their trainee was apparently off sick, so she was doing shampooing as well as cleaning up the mess–she thought it was good fun. I reminded her to use a good hand cream, as shampoos can dry the skin quite a lot.
On the Thursday before she did the two days at the salon, I was taking out some coffee for Maureen, when I overheard them chatting.
“Your mother is gorgeous, isn’t she?”
“I suppose so, I don’t like, think of her in those terms.”
“Nah, I s’pose not–but I think she’s amazing.”
“Oh she’s that alright. Have you noticed that any aches and pains you have when she’s around, just disappear?”
“I ‘adn’t thought about it, but yeah, now you come to mention it, my shoulders used to play up somethink rotten, now they seem easier. Why’s that? Am I distracted by her beauty?”
“Possibly,” Julie allowed, “but Trish an’ me, we think she’s really an angel.” I blushed when I heard this.
“I think you’re probably right, girl, she’s been a Godsend to me any rate.”
At this point I pretended to have only just arrived with the coffee–thank goodness I cover the mug with one of the plastic lids off a Pringle’s tube, or the coffee would have been cold. I’d have to ask Julie not to drop me in it re the healing I do occasionally. Why is life so complicated–or is it just mine?

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How funny...
...that healing gets mentioned. I've just been doing the chapter summaries for Sir George's heart attack and Henry's bullet wound...
Nice to see that the brood have finally got to meet the dormice - since Mima's the only one who's met them beforehand. But being April, I'd assume it won't be long before they awake from hibernation - so maybe in a few weeks time Cathy can pay a return visit, and they can meet Supermumâ„¢ (and the star performer in a certain YouTube video clip...)
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
But wait! There's more...
Maureen doesn't just have a job. She's getting an education too. How apposite!
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plastic lids off a Pringle’s tube
Dang! I do something similar with mugs of tea, but with the top of a whipped cream cheese tub. I try not to eat pringles...
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
I can go to bed now
EAFOAB is still a cracking good yarn, even after all this time, with such immortal lines as
"The children were collected, none had been fed to the dormice to boost their protein levels, so I took them—the children, not the dormice, they were still hibernating—do pay attention—for some pizza and ice cream."
Having had my daily fix, I can now think about going to bed.
By the way, where's the vote thingy gone? 'Spose I'll just have to comment more.
Hmmm Dormice do consume insects I believe
... now if her children start to 'bug' her too much ...
Sadly, Cathy is still a bit insecure that she has to check on whether she had been rumbled or not. She is a lot better but she's getting there and taking possession of all aspects of her life more firmly.
How wonderfully droll
As always you have a wonderful way with words. The bit below had me in stitches. Thank you so much.
She enjoyed her chicken too, Puddin’ that is. I liquidise some of it, and chop the meat very fine and she laps it up—well not literally, she’s not a kitten, oh forget it.
Non sum qualis eram
Bike pt 960
Well, Cathy's sense of humor is still as wonky as ever. I mean, rabid dormoice? LOL.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Your Wit
-- one might say the same thing about it! I mean, rabies?? Wheresoever did you find that thought rattling around in your head? I don't see any hint in the story that the dormice were sick, or acting strange, or even awake.
Well, I guess it's a good thing that you're a rabid fan. Now, just don't go biting anyone! I don't think there are shots for whatever you have.
Thanks Angharad
Thanks Angharad, you have a wonderful way with words and you are so funny. This is my vote for tonight.
Morag NicLeoìd
Lots of Fun Tonight
Thanks Angharad.
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I wish ...
... Cathy was real. I could do with a flash of blue light on my neck and shoulders. I've tried an osteopath with minimal improvement. It's looking more and more likely that my longer bike rides are a thing of the past; it's 60 miles maximum from now on and even that gets painful.
This is NOT a vote. I'm doing my best to forget about voting until 6th May ... at least!
…as always Ange. Vote vote.
My vote is here. I do wish
My vote is here. I do wish that Cathy would inform Maureen to stop calling her ma'am, as it a) makes Cathy sound old and stuffy, b) she doesn't have anyone else calling her that, and c)she and Maureen are becoming friends even if Maureen is employed by Cathy. I am also glad that Julie and Maureen are becoming rather good friends, I just hope she doesn't 'out' Cathy by accident. Jan
So Maureen has both
a job and a medical plan. I guess even at 16 Julie still has a bit of kid in her.... “but Trish an’ me, we think she’s really an angel.†So sweet.
Another Vote for Bike 960, Ang, and Bonzi [EOM]
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
XX,XY or one of the thousands of other combinations.
Ah ha, we are getting down to it now, aren't we? Just from my own inexpert research, and what I have observed in my own life time, in perhaps 10 years we will know the why?
In the late nineteenth century, a German biochemist found the nucleic acids, long-chain polymers of nucleotides, were made up of sugar, phosphoric acid, and several nitrogen-containing bases. Later it was found that the sugar in nucleic acid can be ribose or deoxyribose, giving two forms: RNA and DNA.
It looks like DNA was first postulated in 1943, and by 1948 discovered that many proteins take the form of an alpha helix. Skipping ahead 50 years, they are finding the gene responsible for a number of different things. You have to know that some of the conservative types are frothing at the mouth to find the cure for being gay; in their mind there is a huge moral burden there.
So, I think that by 2020, we will have a very good idea what makes T folk. Just guessing by the way my body laps up Estrogen, I am fairly certain that they'll find something. So, I would not be surprised at all to see that Cathy has something going on.
Many Blessings
Cathy the angel...
I'm an atheist and so angels are not something I usually think about, but I want to share something apropos with everyone. A religious acquaintance once told me he thought that we (trans folk) are angels sent to test people. I thought it was a lovely thought, especially contrasted with what we're usually likened to. I blushed, too.
here is my vote
for this latest episode of "bike".
I did wonder
just what Julie was going to say to Maureen, She does seem to have a way of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, But at least in this case Maureen seems to agree with Julie and why wouldn't she , After all her shoulder seems to prove the point...... But then what would you expect, When you have two people with the blue light in the house!
Heres my vote....After all we do all need to show Angharad, Just how much we love her work.
No, Cathy...
It's not just you that has a complicated life. Though, you DO appear to compress your complexities.
Yes, Julie DOES need to watch what she's saying about the family. *sighs* Hopefully, foot-in-mouth doesn't happen with her. It could muck things up a lot. *sighs* Yeah, I know. I should talk. But, honest, I'm TRYING to be better and occasionally think before I say things. Honest, I am.
It does sound like Maureen knows what she's doing with the contracting work. The proof, they say is in the pudding. (No, I didn't say puddin. That kids different.) I wonder if Julie'll decide she wants to be a contractor, after her days in the shop. And, that's likely to last until the day she has to work out in the rain... Teen enthusiasms.
My Vote
As I cannot just ‘vote and go’ at present, I can only reiterate that I am hopelessly addicted to EAFOAB
Another great chapter
Anne G.
It seems...
...that the dodecaphiles missed episode 80 dozen.
Angharad :)
As well, the twenty-lovers missed a chance to score.
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Definitely in the Bad Pun Category!
But I loved it!
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
But, Isn't This #960?
But, isn't this #960 (= 80 x 12)? (Yes, colour me thick, if you need to, but **do** answer the question and/or explain Ang's comment (with pictures, if you think it will help)).
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
But they all disappeared! Must have been an aggravating time to be on the site. Comments are better.
NO Spike, Did I miss her passing ?
Cathy you are too cute to be cunning. Of course she knew you were checking up on passing (not like Spike), because you still doubt that you are a beautiful woman, and have been for ever. Not even 'gaydar' can shake you out.
Trust Maureen, she knows what she's doing. Sounds like she would look like me in pink lipstick.