(aka Bike) Part 987 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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After dinner, Simon asked if I wanted him to take me to Southampton or to stay and organise the children. I was quite capable of driving myself, but I’m often so tired after healing that someone to bring me home sounded good.
“That would be super, thank you, darling.” I almost purred at him trying to restore our relationship to ‘pre Julie bollocking’ levels.
“Can I come too,” asked Julie. She was pleading with her eyes and while part of me thought she would be in the way, she had a point to prove to herself, and such things help in growing up.
“On one condition,” I stipulated.
“Okay.” She nodded to give emphasis to her answer.
“You do exactly what I say, and I mean exactly, do you understand?”
“Yes, Mummy, I promise I will.”
“I hope that you actually mean it this time.”
She looked very chastened and Simon was about to say something but bit his tongue. “I do, Mummy, I swear I do.”
I nodded at Simon, who said nothing, his expression looking irritated, and I presumed, with me, but I felt a need to make sure Julie knew what she was saying, and as a sub-adult, she should understand my point and her answer.
I asked Stella and Tom if they would do the honours. Tom was quite happy, it had been a while since he’d put the children to bed. Stella was less pleased but seeing as she knew how serious things were, she’d help out. I presumed she meant Maureen’s condition, but I wasn’t entirely sure. I didn’t seek clarification.
The journey to Southampton, about twenty miles, was mostly in silence. Julie sat quietly in the back of Simon’s Jaguar, and Simon only spoke when pointing out something as we passed it. We arrived in Southampton about eight and discovered that the afternoon staff were still on duty, and the sister was adamant that visiting time was over. Despite my attempts to wheedle my way in, we were turned away.
After a brief discussion we considered either a pub or the cinema, Julie and Simon fancied watching Ironman some corny superhero film sequel. I agreed and slept through most of it even if the attractive Robert Downey Jr was in it. I still hadn’t forgiven him for his absurd portrayal of Sherlock Holmes.
At approximately ten thirty we tried again and were more successful. I explained to the night sister that we had been turned away earlier and she nodded us in. “Just don’t embarrass me with any miracles tonight; I don’t want her walking back to Portsmouth with you, okay?”
“I’m only interested in stabilising her, so her body can do the rest.”
“I suppose you’re standing in for Raphael, are you?”
“Who?” I asked completely unaware of what she was talking about.
“The Archangel Raphael, isn’t he the healer?”
“Is he? Oh yes, in the Apocrypha.”
“You know your Bible, lady, why doesn’t that surprise me?”
“It doesn’t mean that I actually believe any of it though, does it? It was shoved down my throat as a child–my neck is still sore.”
“Pity, there’s wisdom there as well as nonsense.”
“Probably, look much as I’d love a discourse on the merits of the King James over the Standard English versions, I really need to see my cousin.”
“You know where she is, oh who’s this, another cousin?”
“It would be a third cousin then this is my adopted daughter, Julie.”
“I was going to say, if she’s your daughter you must have been a child bride or certainly a gymslip mother.”
“Neither,” I smiled and Simon was smirking behind her. “She’s adopted as, I said, she ran away from religious parents and ended up with me, a real sinner.”
“Oh I’m sure you’re an awful woman.”
“I suspect I’d be an even worse man.”
She roared with laughter and Simon and Julie nearly wet themselves. Simon stood with his arm around Julie, so perhaps he was unconsciously protecting her. He left me to fend for myself. It was good to see them bonding, but I’m supposed to be his bloody wife.
I entered the small side room in which Maureen lay. The bruising looked even more Technicolor than yesterday. I could quite easily see how Julie had run away, but I tried to focus on the person underneath all the bruising.
I sat and held her hand, “Hello, Maureen, it’s Cathy come back to torment you again.” Her hand twitched which I’m sure was her trying to squeeze my hand. “Did you try to squeeze my hand?”
Her reply, at least I hoped it was rather than just an uncontrolled reflex, was another faint squeeze. “I hope that means you can hear me.”
Another twitch and I was pretty sure we had some communication. “I’ve brought Julie with me, is it alright if she sits in with us?” The hand twitched again. “Is that a yes?” Another twitch.
“Hello, Maureen, it’s Julie,” she said very timidly in a voice which was almost shaking with emotion.
“Do you mind if she holds your other hand for a bit?” I asked. The hand twitched.
Julie gave me a horrified look and I hissed at her to do exactly as I said. She sat the other side of the bed and reluctantly held the discoloured and bandaged hand, the drip emerging from the wrist and a pulse meter thing on her finger.
I waited until Julie got herself–comfortable–was probably the wrong word–but you know what I mean. She stopped fidgeting and I began what I hoped would be a healing session.
“Listen to my voice, and only my voice, Maureen. As I talk; come as close as you can to me from wherever you currently are. Follow my voice, it will lead you to the light. Can you hear me clearly?” The hand twitched. “Good, now tune into my voice and come towards me, look for the blue or white light. When you see it, let me know.” I continued saying this and after a few minutes, another twitch. “Can you see a light?” I got a response. “Is it blue?” Nothing happened. “Is it white?” a definite response. Apparently in hypnotherapy, this is known as an IMR, an ideo motor response. How do I know? I read an article on it a while back.
I continued with my healing, noticing that Julie was slumped in the chair still holding Maureen’s hand, but her eyes were closed. I wondered if she was asleep–apparently she wasn’t, but more of that in a moment.
I led Maureen from wherever she was towards the light, rising on it to come closer to consciousness when she felt able, but to allow the light to heal her, even when I wasn’t there in person, I had established a link with the universe so it would be permeating her body all the time, helping to heal her more quickly.
I sat quietly for a moment trying to tune into her energies so I could help the light get into her, and it would show me where she was in the healing cycle–don’t ask, I know what I mean.
Suddenly, I got a very lucid impression of Julie floundering in like deep water, surrounded by strange creatures which I could only describe as fishy demons. As I seemed to drift towards her, someone else swam–I think that’s the correct term–and attacked the demons. It was Maureen–and she was fighting for Julie, not the other way round. What was going on?
As I got closer, and no amount of effort on my part would speed up my approach, Maureen pushed or threw Julie towards me, and I grabbed her and pulled her into the light, taking her up to the surface, where Simon took her into a small boat.
I immediately descended into the depths again, my light scanning for Maureen, but I could see neither her nor the demons, whom I presume had taken her. I felt my heart sink and tears ran down my face. I spun around and shone my light but it seemed ineffectual in the darkness that surrounded me. It was my fault, if I hadn’t brought Julie...
I searched high and low, mainly low, my light seeming to grow fainter as my despair grew. It was like a very lucid dream, somewhere in the bathysphere, where such odd things as luminous fish occur and the pressure from the depth is incredible.
I began to think I would never find her and blamed myself, then something wonderful happened. Just as I was feeling as depressed as I think I’d ever felt, I saw a tiny blue light. I turned and realising it was something guiding me, I followed as quickly as I could.
I began to feel hope rising in me and my light began to shine more brightly again, which again increased my confidence and this in turn made me stronger and naturally the light grew stronger too.
The tiny light descended and I followed, moving more quickly and feeling so much stronger. Suddenly before me in a cave I saw Maureen, about to be devoured by the demons and my bubble of light was too big to enter. I had got here but was going to have to simply watch as I failed her again.
The little light floated into the cave, which in the beam of my light turned out to be a starfish. One of the demons grabbed it and was about to put it in its mouth when my anger boiled and I broke out of my bubble and convincing myself I carried the light within me, swam into the cave, snatched the starfish back and pushed the demon away. Where I’d touched him, a blue flame began and he began to be consumed by it.
His companions turned from the hapless Maureen and came at me. I lost count of how many there were, they grabbed and snapped at me, and each time, I touched them they combusted into this blue fire.
Fearing that I might also damage or harm Maureen, I very carefully manoeuvred her into the bubble, and followed the starfish back up to the surface, where once again Simon was waiting for me.
He touched me on the shoulder and I jumped back into wakefulness. “What?” I gasped.
“Hey, Babes, it looked like you were having a nightmare.”
“Oh, Mummy, that was a horrible dream, but you and Maureen saved me.”
“Don’t forget, Daddy, he was there, too.”
“Of course, thank you, Daddy.”
“What did I do?” asked Simon looking perplexed.
“You were there, Darling, you were there for us all.”
“I was? Um, yes, I was.” He said puffing his chest out.
Maureen’s hand closed tightly on mine, squeezed twice and then relaxed. I knew then she was on the mend.

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Thank you Angharad and Bonzi for helping Cathy help
Maureen and Julie.
It will be interesting to see what this means to Julie in her struggles. maybe she will be better about minding Cathy from now on?
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
The Dream
Thanks Angharad and Bonzi.
It's good to see that Maureen is on the mend.
The dream stuff was pretty weird though.
Positively Surreal
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Ooooh !!!
you had me worried a few times in the dream sequence Angharad, I really thought that was it for Julie or Maureen and that Evil would triumph in the shape of the demons....Thankfully the Blue Light came good just in the nick of time, And i was finally able to stop holding my breath.
Anyway Angharad thanks for that chapter.....It was certainly a different way of Showing the Blue Light at work.
Powerful dream
Wonder what it means - seemed very powerful though. Seems to me like it bound Julie even closer to Simon and Cathy. Glad Cathy was able to bring Maureen back too.
Has Cathy helped Maureen and Julie defeat their internal demons? What about her own?
Now, did this sound anything like Harry Potter and the tri-wizard tournament to anyone else? Will Cathy be battling dragons next?
nor playing quidditch.
Bike pt 987
Maureen, being the soldier that she is, fought for Julie's Soul against her demons. When Cathy joined in with Simon, they became an anchor for Maureen who needed them to save Julie. After Cathy helped Maureen to win in the dream, the dream endedwith everybody happy. I also suspect that those demons represent Maureen's fight for self. I could be wrong, ut as a Christian, that is my take on it. Please, if you disagree, post a blogso that this excellent chapter is not hurt by a flame war.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
There are no right or wrong answers
I hope my story telling speaks to each reader individually. We each interpret the symbolism in our own way, in the same way we make sense of what happens in the world outside and how we integrate it into our own realities.
Some may see it as a spiritual struggle, others might see it as a purely psychological event. Enjoy it in your own terms and I hope, be tolerant of each other's view point.
The mind looking and feeling like a cave or a cavern is an interesting perception. Lots of dark corners or strange denizens.
I wrote of something similar in Mindful.
Yes a most interesting perception.
D'you ever have strange dreams like that Angharad? That is entering minds and finding stuff.
Obviously a union of minds and an exciting development.
Lets see where the new Julie goes with this.
Loved it, as ever.
As you said, everyone will make of this episode what they will, but it seems as though during the dream sequence, Julie still has/had some "issues" which needed dealing with, which initially seemed to take priority over Maureen's physical healing.
Especially after the initial religion chat, it's interesting drawing comparisons. The protagonist of the Gospels apparently spent a lot of time talking in metaphors, and relied on the crowds to draw their own interpretation. There's also a theory that much of the narration may be metaphorical as well, which probably helps explain the number of different variations on the religion.
Metaphors are often used as a method of explaining a complex concept in comprehendable terms. During most healing events, Cathy's only aware of the energy rushing through her into the body of the patient. By learning that they usually perceive the healing as a blue or white light (which often happens to be visible to outsiders), she was able to use that metaphor in her patter. Of course, neither Cathy, the patients, or anyone else can describe exactly what's going on (especially in the case of Henry's bullet removal) - and as I doubt either Cathy or a patient could stay focussed if the necessary machinery was in place to measure what was actually happening, it's best to just think of it as "Cathy touches the patient, and somehow they start healing more rapidly than usual"
Actually, as Cathy's control of the healing seems to increase with each episode, you could describe it as a skill - in the beginning, she unwittingly did area effect healing and remote healing, but they both completely knocked her out. Now she can focus entirely on a single patient, at first contact discover the areas that need healing, and even direct the energy to specific areas.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Hmmm. Very interesting.
You do have a way with words. I could almost feel myself there, feeding energy to them, as they worked. I'll be curious to see what Maureen's memories of this event turn out to be. The scene "felt" like one or two I've heard described in "energy" healing... Interesting.
From Julie's comment, so far, it doesn't sound like SHE was the little SPARK that lead Cathy. One might almost wonder if Trish were helping, from a distance. That kid is sometimes too precocious for her own good. :-)
I'm glad Simon felt good about himself. :-) LOL
Another excellent read.
I've been a bit busy and so missed out on my daily dosage so I got to read the last 3 installments all together. As always the story is great, I love the realism in that in a household that sized there are squabbles and mundane stuff too. I think happy circumstances and posh food are lovely in a story but they lack...grit. These stories where sometime supper is an egg and chips, and where Cathy and Simon get in a row over the kids and discipline is great, It's great writing that makes the happy events actually more. There's lots of ways to analyse the dream thingy but what I got out of it was, Simon was there at the end of it and whether or not he was felt or a part of it, despite the rows and words he was still there for Cathy.
Oh and as it's May 9th today here in Canada...
"Happy Mothers Day to Cathy and Stella."
Bailey Summers
i'm a thinkin
that poor nurse is gonna be needing some blue light if she's @ all witnessed any of this. I sure do :-)
Thanks Angharad
My feeling is Maureen is a good person, perhaps better than most. Could it be there was some opportunism going on by the other side? If so this means Cathy had better watch her back.
Julie got a taste of why Cathy was warning her off. She also got in deeper than I suspect she would/could have without Cathy there though.
Will facial reconstruction happen ?
Wow, what imagination ! Are you sure you aren't related to Arthur C Clarke ?
"By the pricking in my thumb, something wicked this way come."
After this, maybe Julie will be less likely to fool with the light.
Simon, chill out !