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(aka Bike) Part 895 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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“I can’t believe you told Leon without discussing it with me first, young lady.”
“Why? You’re always telling me to behave myself because I can’t deliver the goods I’m like offerin’, so I thought I’d tell him first and see what ‘appened.”
“Well please don’t tell anyone else without speaking to me first–okay?”
“It’s nothin’ to get your knickers twisted over,” she cheeked back at me, “I’ve done more or less what you asked me to do–so why are you so cross?”
“Do the other boys know?”
“I dunno–don’t care much–they’re only little kids anyway.”
“They’re nine and ten, and remember we have Trish here as well–I hope you haven’t blabbed her secrets all over the place have you?” If she had, I’d be absolutely livid.
“Not as far as I remember, why?”
“Trish won’t tell anyone unless she checks with me first, she’ll carry your secret to the grave if you ask her to. I hope you’re able to reciprocate?”
“Natch, she’s my little sis, in’ she?”
“I hope so. Just be careful with Leon, I’m not sure how trustworthy he is.”
“He’s alright, he thinks you’re Mrs Wonderful, his mum is walking a bit since you helped her.”
“Is she?”
“So he said, d’you think there’s any chance of me developing this healing power–I mean, I know you’re a woman, but Trish seems to be able to do it, and she says she got it from you.”
“I don’t know, Julie, it chooses you not the other way round. I certainly didn’t choose to have it–it’s a major complication at times.”
“So how come Trish got it?”
“She’s a lovely little girl with a very compassionate streak, like most young girls–however, in her it seems more pronounced and the energy seems to have noticed it.”
“What is it God, or something?”
“I don’t know, Julie–I prefer not to consider the G word, but I can’t prove it either way. One day science may understand it.”
“I’d love to have the power to make things happen to people. That’d be way kewl.”
“That would be more magic than healing, by the sound of it.”
“I don’t care what they call it, I just wish I could do it.”
“It isn’t about doing things to people, Julie–it’s about helping others in need.”
“Yeah, that’s what I meant,” she blushed.
“It didn’t sound like it, and I must ask you to keep all the healing stuff under your hat.”
“Yeah ‘course. Mummy?”
“Yes, Julie?”
“Could your power, like make me a proper girl?”
“I don’t think so, kiddo, or it would have happened. Being gender confused isn’t exactly a sickness is it–so there’s nothing to heal in the ordinary sense.”
“Yeah–but it isn’t normal, is it?”
“I don’t know, girl, one school of thought happens to believe it just a variation on the norm or that the norm is a spectrum rather than a single colour.”
She looked at me in some confusion.
“We’re very complex creatures, possibly the most complex on this planet and possibly even in the entire solar system. We have all sorts of variations in our genetic and physical bodies while still remaining identifiable as human beings, and probably as male or female ones, too. However, no one is entirely male or female, there are all sorts of variations of genetic mix and also degrees of intersex without it showing so to speak. In some, the influence might be so subtle as to only affect their psychological state–so they have a female or male mind in the opposite sex’s body.”
“But if it’s so normal, why do people want to beat me up?”
“I don’t know–I suspect because they think you’re one thing, and a particular form of that–a nubile, sexy girl who’s available for sex and then they find you’re not quite what they were expecting. It confuses them, it annoys some because they think you’ve deliberately deceived them–which in a way you have–and others it threatens in some way–perhaps their own sense of masculinity isn’t as secure as they thought.”
“But, if I feel depressed ‘cos I’m not female–why doesn’t the power work then?”
“If it did, it would be to lift the depression.”
“Like, make me a real girl?”
“No, make you feel better. You are a real girl–or shall we say, you have the opportunity to become one if you really want to.”
“What, I can have the op?”
“If you go through the process that Dr Cauldwell prescribes, that could be the outcome if it’s what is most suitable for you.”
“But that’s like years away–I wanna be a girl now–I want boobs and a thingy.”
“You mean you want sex with boys?”
She blushed–“It’s alright for you, I heard you and Daddy shaggin’ the other night, so you don’t care that I like, have needs, too.”
“I do care–how on earth did you hear us?”
“I went down to get my book–I couldn’t sleep.”
“Look, Julie, this is outside my sphere of expertise. As your foster mum, I’m very concerned that you have these very strong urges, so young...”
“I’m bloody sixteen, Mummy.”
“Keep your voice down, girl.”
“Well, I am–it’s not normal to not have them? Or can’t you remember that far back?”
I gave her a Paddington hard stare, which she ignored. Maybe it’s me who isn’t normal? God, I hope Trish isn’t like this. It just wasn’t an issue for me at her age–jeez–I’d better give Steph a ring and get her an appointment.
“Will you promise me that you won’t do anything until you’ve spoken to Dr Cauldwell, you’re seeing her next week aren’t you?”
“Yeah, day after tomorrow.”
“Will you promise me?” I asked forlornly.
“Yeah, I s’pose,” she sighed.
“Thank you, sweetheart.” I gave her a hug.
A little later after sorting out what we were going to have for tea and spending some time talking about life, the universe and everything with Pippa, I overheard Julie and Leon talking.
“So did you speak to her?” he asked her.
“Yeah, silly old fart–she can’t turn me into a regular girl.”
“Pity–still you got other places.” I nearly dashed out and thumped him as he said this instead I waited for her response.
“It wouldn’t be the same, would it, it would be like two boys doin’ it, an’ I’m a girl even with an outie instead of an innie.”
“Okay–but if you change your mind.”
“Nah–she wants me to bloody wait until they can do the op–could be years.”
“You could always tickle me with your hands...” he said seductively.
That was enough for me, “Isn’t it time you were heading home, Leon? Give my regards to your mother.”
“Um–can’t Leon stay for tea?”
“Not tonight, Julie–oh, can you help me lay the table?” I stared quite hard at her and she decided discretion was the better part of valour–or she’d better keep the silly old fart happy.

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Looks like Cathy needs to
Looks like Cathy needs to keep a bucket of cold water handy for those two!
Thanks for keeping this going Angharad. I check every day for the new episode (sometimes more often) and it's always a delight.
Young Love???
Julie's already a randy little bitch. Cathy's got her work cut out there!
Teenagers are always a handful.
Stick to your guns cathy.
Beverly Taff.
This is wierd. I haven't changed my password but the site wont dispayl all my thingies at the side like 'Submit Story'!
Hi Bev, do you know whether
Hi Bev,
do you know whether Bromide in the tea works with girls too? Well, as yet, physiologically, Julie is still a boy, so perhaps it would. (The UK Army used to put Bromide in the tea of soldiers to keep their libidos low, so that they a) would leave the French girls alone, and b) because back then homosexual lovemaking was a crime as well as "sin".) My Daddy was a soldier between the wars and he told me.
Hi Briar.
Yes the British army certainly dosed the soldier's tea with Bromide but there's no evidence that it worked. 'I mean how can you tell when the soldiers were exposed to such intense levels of stress. I should think that it would be,
a) Bloody difficult to enjoy sex after youve seen you're mates butchered by the hundreds and
b) blasted into catatonic shell shock by the most unbelievably intense artillery barrages,
c) suffered from sleep deprivation for days sometimes weeks at the time when you were 'up the front'.
I honestly think that it hardly needed bromide to make the men impotent. The stress and the fear did that admirably well.
The only people who might have needed Bromide were the staff officers playing leap frog and the medical staf, because they were well fed, well quartered, well off and well away from the bad stuff..
And of course thay had ample opportunity to meet the girls..
They probably thought that because they were all as horny as satyrs, then the poor bastards at the front had equally high libidoes.
Veterans of the first world war that I spoke to when I was in my twenties, told me that the only things they wanted were a warm dry bed and safety from the bloody shelling. They rarely thought of sex, just staying alive and helping their mates.
Think about it,
Beverly Taff.
This is wierd. I haven't changed my password but the site wont dispayl all my thingies at the side like 'Submit Story'!
A Real Pickle
When I was but a teenager, I used to be quite adept at putting my foot in my mouth so to speak and ending up in somewhat of a pickle. Now some 30 years later I'm pleased to say that I engage my brain!
Bike pt 895.
Oh, if Cathy could use that blue light to 'cure' those two with a STRONG dash of salt peter.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Ho boy...
Julie's in heat. I've never actually met a girl (human, that is) in heat, but I've heard about them... Wonder if a 17 year old boy were to show up, for some reason, whether Julie'd stay trying to do her thing with Leon, or jump to the new boy if he would "promise" to make her complete (whether he could or not)...
And, despite Julie being so helpful recently, she just doesn't get it where the blue stuff is concerned. What she, like most teens, is looking for is a "short cut". There are plenty of chat rooms around where you can find kids (some much older than Julie) that "claim" to have or be able to teach such "short cuts". Whether they call it magic or psionics or something else. Wonder if Julie'll go to one of them to learn and/or be "fixed".
Dealing with a teenager is NOT easy - specially when you've not had the opportunity to help them with a reasonable "grounding" as they grow up. I don't envy Cathy THAT issue. As interested as Leon is, I suspect HIS attention could be gotten if needed, even if Julie's not able.
Cathy'll still need to "mend fences" with Susex... Wonder how that'll work out.
And to Julie throwing Simon & Cathy's nocturnal exercising in Cathy's face, I'm surprised Cathy didn't toss back a rejoinder that she had a license to do that - or some such.
Julie should be careful what she asks for...
If Cathy COULD 'cure' Julie, maybe it would be to shift her sexuality to one that more closely matched her male body...
Life with a teenager
always interesting, lots of excitement, everything has to happen NOW.
Sky high libido
I can imagine that could cause problems for Julie if it isn't dampened PDQ. IIRC, she's been prescribed a very low dose of hormones. How about some anti-androgens - could they help?
Oh well, at least Leon is only supposed to come round once a week - if Cathy can minimise contact between them on weekdays that would help. And perhaps find something constructive for Julie to do until it's possible to enroll her into college, if only to give her something to think about other than Leon!
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Unfortunately I don't think
Julie's exclusive to thinking about Leon. Seems like almost any male slightly older than her "brothers" would do.
C'mon Julie
what were you expecting? A puff of blue smoke and hey presto! There you are, Transformed into a girl!!!....Sorry girl! But i'm afraid the path ahead for you, Might just have a few more twists and turns before you get your wish ...So lets hope Leon can remain faithful(Don't laugh, It does happen.....Sometimes!!!) But if i was you girl, I would'nt be buying my wedding dress just yet!!
EEK! Gad, they are both randy!
Cathy needs two large Oak Barrels right away.
Uh ... Oooooh!!!!
Obviously Leon knows that Cathy is a healer 'the healer' the Echo has been going on about.
That could lead to another round of conflict with them., and worse, her gender secret is not all that secret.
It was made public knowledge a long time back, I believe, though at the time it raised only a tiny splash.
But Perryman knew, and now, Dilly knows and Dilly still has a bone to pick.
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
Trifle young
but it wouldn't be the first marriage that started young. Four years later and Simon is marching Julie down the isle. If they put off the second wedding (Cathy putting off something!?) and it can be a double wedding.
That's not the laying Julie wanted.
Cathy, I'm starting a new group that you may want to join, since you don't like using the G word. It's called D.A.M.
Mothers Against Dyslexia. They worship Dog each Sunday.
I'm going to Hell for sure now.
Using logic with a teenaged girl, is like eating soup with a fork, you get the same results.