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(aka Bike) Part 876 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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Livvie was standing in my kitchen, smirking, Tom looked as if he was about to become apoplectic and my tummy did a flip and this shiver ran right up my spine.
“Whit?” said Tom, his look of astonishment hadn’t changed.
“Dr Gareth’s car won’t start.”
“We’ll hae tae call the RAC or AA,” said Tom.
“You have to be joking, Daddy, they wouldn’t be here until next week.”
“I’ll hae tae tow him in mine.”
“You’ll do no such thing. To start with, your car is still snowed in despite the boy’s best efforts, and it’s too dangerous. No, he can stay the night,” I smirked at Tom and if looks could kill, I’d have been stone dead before I hit the ground.
“I’m nae happy aboot this.”
“Daddy, don’t be ridiculous–Liv, ask him in, and take him into the sitting room, I’ll be along in a moment–you can’t refuse hospitality on a night like this, it’s going to freeze hard tonight, Daddy.”
He was still scowling at me and muttering in Lallans as I went into the sitting room. “If you could get your battery off, it could charge overnight and you could put it back in the morning.”
“I feel pretty stupid, the car’s only a year old. I think I must have left the interior light on or something.”
“It happens–Danny pop your coat on and help Dr Sage get his battery off and show him the charger in the garage workshop.”
“Yes, Mummy.”
“I’m coming too,” said Billy and I shook my head–some days they were like Siamese twins.
“So am I,” said Julie, fluttering her eyelashes.
“Ah no, Julie, I want you to help me.” I’ll stop your game, madam. She gave me a filthy look so I beamed back a huge smile.
“I’ll help you, Mummy,” volunteered Trish.
“You and Livvie can make some tea for us, Meems, you can tidy up the toys, please. C’mon Julie–we have a guest room to make ready.”
On the way to it, I grabbed a set of bed clothes from the airing cupboard–thankfully, like everything else in this house it was huge–it would need to be with half of Portsmouth seemingly living here.
Once in the guest room, I closed the door and as we made up the bed, I let Julie know, I had noticed her flirting and disapproved of it.
“Huh, you’re only jealous because I’m younger.”
“Julie, when are you going to learn–you don’t make promises you can’t keep. That’s why you were lying on a pile of rubbish bags when I found you.”
“Oh throw that in my face again.”
“It’s true, Julie–you are a sixteen year old, with a boy’s body.”
“But I feel like a girl.”
“I know, but you’re not one yet–not down there anyway–and even if you were, I’d be very angry if you tried to seduce any male guests we had staying here. Your behaviour at dinner was verging on flagrant.”
“What about you and Auntie Stella?” she riposted, “you were both undressing him with your eyes.”
“Don’t be ridiculous–I’m a married woman–a happily married woman.”
“I know what I saw.” The little besom was going to try and blackmail me.
“Do you now. It’s funny, at sixteen I knew everything–at twenty I wasn’t so sure–and nowadays, I know how little I actually do know.” Stick that in your pipe.
“Well I know what I saw, you and Auntie Stella practically raping the poor man with your eyes.”
“Gentlewomen don’t do such things,” I sneered, hoping my nose wasn’t growing any longer–I rubbed it to make sure. Then became aware that I’d just convicted myself by my own actions–apparently, our noses itch when we’re lying–watch Bill Clinton denying his fun with Monica Lewinsky.
“Huh, sez who?” she said as she left the room.
“Julie–Julie come back here this minute.” She of course ignored me and I fumed as I finished putting on the pillow cases and duvet cover.
Stella was pouring out a cup of tea for our guest when I got downstairs. “Where’s mine?” I asked.
“Oh, I didn’t make you one,” she said promptly ignoring me and returning to chatting with Gareth. Julie was in the background trying to catch his eye, pouting and pulling her skirt up above her knee. I shook my head and went to make my tea, Tom had at least left the kitchen, probably in his study having his dram.
It’s a pity Simon isn’t here, he’d enjoy meeting Gareth, whom I think he’d like–and I could wind him up something rotten. I chuckled to myself–I was such a bitch at times–hee hee.
I stayed in the kitchen–it prevented me from watching Julie making a fool of herself, or Stella for that matter. More importantly, it stopped me from doing the same. I filled the bread machine instead–we’d probably need an extra loaf for breakfast.
With my laptop on the kitchen table, I answered a few more emails–mostly about the survey–the weather was playing havoc with some of it and making it easier for other things. Someone had sent in a lovely photo of an arctic hare from the Highlands of Scotland. Part of me wished I was up there at this moment or the Lake District–sometimes I needed the contrast with the woodland or semi-urban environment I lived in most of the time, these days. Even woodland would be a change–mind you, it looked more like tundra outside at the moment.
Then I saw it, another email from Luke Perryman, now using a university address–
Hi Cathy,
I did enjoy your film–to say you’ve changed a bit since Sussex would be the understatement of the century. I’m impressed, even to the point of nearly fancying you–but, sorry, I can’t forget Charlie–and I’m not queer. I suppose it’s amazing what they can do with plastic surgery and silicone these days.
Sorry we didn’t get to meet again, I believe round two is at Southampton, so I look forward to seeing you then–yes I’m part of the mammal team from here, and as we’re the senior university, I feel we should be running things. It’s a man thing–oh, I forgot, you used to be one, sort of, didn’t you?Luke.
The bastard, I was right not to go and see him. I went and got Tom and showed him the email.
“Oh sae that’s his wee game–och weel, we’ll jes hae to play a little harder oorsel’s.”
“What d’you mean, Daddy.” I said to his disappearing back.
“Gareth, d’ye mind if I hae a wee word wi’ ye?” I heard him say and by the time I’d got into the hall, they were shutting the study door.
I continued answering emails and trying not to fume at that disgraceful email–plastic surgery and silicone, indeed. The only surgery I’d had was the gender reassignment, there was no silicone whatsoever inside me–it was all home grown, with a little help from some pills.
I got the girls to bed and read them a story. “Mummy, do you like Dr Gareth?” asked Trish.
“Yes, he’s very nice and very good looking, but it’s your daddy I love.” I hoped my answer had circumnavigated any further awkward questions.
“Mummy, what is libido?”
I nearly fell off the end of the bed. Blushing furiously while trying to think of an answer, I asked, “Where did you hear that?” desperately stalling for time.
“Auntie Stella said to Julie that hers was too high.”
“Oh it’s something inside you, don’t worry about it, you’ll understand when you’re older.”
“Julie said her sex drive was normal, and Auntie Stella said, ‘Yes, for an alley cat’. What did they mean?”
“I think they were just joking with each other, sweetheart.”
“It didn’t look as if they were joking.”
“Trish, go to sleep and don’t worry about such things. I’m not going to explain them to you because you won’t understand until you are older.”
“Does that mean after my doodah is cut off?”
“Not necessarily, but it involves things which don’t happen to your body until you’re at least eleven or twelve, in my case I was quite a bit older. When these things start to happen, you’ll be aware and we can talk about it then. Goodnight.”
I left the three of them giggling, although I thought I had escaped reasonably lightly. I sent the boys to bed and then confronted the two women who were the cause of my embarrassment.
“I’ve just had to answer questions on sex drive and libido. Now I’m not going to discuss it, but I don’t want to have to do it again, so please be careful where you have your cat fights.”
Before they could answer, I walked away and back to the kitchen the mumblings behind me tended to mention the word jealous at least once. I gritted my teeth and went back to my emails.
A bit later, Julie went off to bed and said goodnight and kissed me on the cheek as if I was her mother. Stella made some more tea and gave me a cup.
“So after a disgraceful display of unbridled lust, you’re taking the moral high ground are you?”
“Me? Yeah, that just about sums it up. He’s lovely chap with something special about him, but I happen to be married to your brother and would like to keep it that way, period.”
“So you’re leaving the way clear, then?”
“I suppose I am.”
“Hmmm, thank you, sis.”
“You still have a rival,” I smirked.
“What? I don’t think so–after all, she’s at a distinct disadvantage in a vital area. Besides it takes a mature woman to show a man a thing or two.”
“Well I suppose, if maturity is measured in grey hairs and wrinkles–you’ve got it, Stel.”
Watching her nearly choke on her tea was worth the thump on the arm she gave me.

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Oh Boy
Too many women in the same house I think. It could get interesting.
I see some trouble ahead for Cathy at home and at work. A lot of fun to read though.
LOL I nearly fell off my
LOL I nearly fell off my chair from laughter at Cathy's last comment haha, Cathy got Stella good with that one, Good job Julie isn't genetically female otherwise at the rate she's going Stella would be calling Cathy Grandma before long lol
Thanks for sharing another great chapter
Megumi :)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p
Maybe Dr. Gareth
Has a bit more sense then the women around him, think about the scandal of a ministry employee and a sixteen year old? If he's as devastating as all that, he likely gets his pick of legally available women.
Moral high ground, indeed!
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
It's also possible
that while he appreciates the attention, he's not interested... He could swing the other way, as I mentioned when we first met him. I've heard any number of girls complain about gorgeous men that are gay...
In that case . . .
If he is, then I withdraw my previous suggestion that he bunk with Tom. ;-)
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Actually ...
... AFIK in the UK 16 IS legal unless the older person is a teacher or similar in charge of the younger. Even then I think that the main threat is disciplinary action at work rather than illegal. It's certainly not a good idea and I suppose and few men would really want to get seriously involved with such a young woman unless she was exceptionally mature for her age.
The cat among the pigeons (or should that be 'rooster amongst the hens'?) effect here is really funny though it could turn nasty, I suppose. Cathy's acquaintance from her days as Charlie seems to be something of a jerk. Lets hope she puts him firmly in his place with a little help from her friends.
Glad to see Cathy
has finally got her sensible head back on....And not a moment too soon!.....And as for Luke, Well i hope whatever Tom is planning wiil knock some of the conceit out of him.....Silicone and plastic indeed!!!
Not bad going for Gareth - goes to visit Cathy to talk about the mammal survey, and ends up with three women of various ages fawning after him. Then there was the classic scene with Trish innocently asking for the definitions of libido and sex drive - "It didn't look as though they were just joking!"
If those pills Julie was prescribed a few episodes ago don't dampen her sex drive soon, I can imagine that Trish and Livvie will have to have a simplified overview of "The birds and the bees", in an attempt to sate their curiosity over the language used to discuss Julie's flirting...
Then onto Luke - by the looks of things a classic misogynist / male chauvinist pig, using his prejudices inform his argument about poaching the project from Soton's rival. OK, so Soton is slightly older and bigger than Portsmouth, but since Portsmouth have been running the mammal survey project until now - and have had significant press attention - in reality it's probably the old game of trying to poach the project plus associated finance and media exposure from their neighbours.
Background on the two unis from Wikipedia:
Portsmouth did only acquire University status (i.e. the ability to award degrees in its own name) in 1992, but it was established back in 1869 as Portsmouth and Gosport School of Science and the Arts. It has ~20,000 students.
Southampton has been a university for longer (1952), but it too started off as something else - Hartley Institution in 1862. It has ~25,000 students.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I sure hope that Cathy and
I sure hope that Cathy and the Prof, with Dr Gareth's help, are able to see those awful Southtampon people, especially that snide and evil sounding Periwinkle fellar, orf! What a nasty piece of work he is, to be sure!
Julie obviously started like she intends to go on. With such a high libido it may well transpire that her diagnosis will be that she is not truly transgendered at all, just homosexual! I can't see her as fitting in with the rest of the family. She has had two chances to change her attitude already and obvioulsy can't, (unless the young Trish with her enahnced berdachic shamanistic talent gets to transform her soon !)
Now there's a thought. But Angharad being who she is, something unexpected by us will happen.
Pretty much laughing
through the whole episode. Feel sorry for Julie. She can't help what she's feeling and is too young and inexperienced to supress it. Go Stella! Hoping the next episode starts with Stella and Cathy laughing together.
Julie's room door have an outside lock? (of course not) Can Cathy needs to sleep in the hallway outside it.
Ang, where do you come up with lines like these?
Some loved the end exchange but this was solid gold.
I quote
“Mummy, what is libido?â€
I nearly fell off the end of the bed. Blushing furiously while trying to think of an answer, I asked, “Where did you hear that?†desperately stalling for time.
“Auntie Stella said to Julie that hers was too high.â€
“Oh it’s something inside you, don’t worry about it, you’ll understand when you’re older.â€
“Julie said her sex drive was normal, and Auntie Stella said, ‘Yes, for an alley cat’. What did they mean?â€
“I think they were just joking with each other, sweetheart.â€
“It didn’t look as if they were joking.â€
“Trish, go to sleep and don’t worry about such things. I’m not going to explain them to you because you won’t understand until you are older.â€
“Does that mean after my doodah is cut off?â€
Where do you find something like this and can I steal it?
Ignore that last bit.
P.S. That guy at the other uni is a right bastard. Nail him to the wall gang. Or cut off his doodah.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
*sighs* Why...
Did Luke turn out to be such a pompous a**. At least he comes across that way in today's e-mail. *sighs* It would have been nice for Cathy to find someone from her past, that's a colleague today, that could accept the changes in her and not try to twist them.
I'm glad Cathy's gotten hold of herself, with respect to Garth, and put things back into perspective as to her life.
As to little miss precocious repeating what her elders had to say about libido and such. So typical of kids. A smart one, like Trish, might have even been able to understand more of what those terms meant, than Cathy believes. Or, at least, have accepted a more complete answer. That said, if Cathy'd given the more complete answer, she should expect to hear it repeated to other people too. (Been there, done that... My older daughter asked my wife & I some questions that ended up delving into genetics. Her questions showed she seemed to be following our answers. As a result, she got a fairly clear, if simplified, explanation of genetic reasons people are different. The kicker - about a week later, I walked into our living room, where two five year old girls (one my daughter) were playing, and my daughter was explaining genetics to her friend, and getting MOST of it right!) NEVER underestimate a kid!
Thanks so much for keeping this story going, and for periodically twisting things so I can't plot the story in advance.
Bike pt 876.
If Gareth is gay, or bi, he just might have a go at Simon.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Not mention Gareth could be
unlikely as it may me, a Trans-Guy along with the usual combination of gay, bi and straight possibilities.
THAT would the foxes in the hen house a bit.
The main problem with children
is that the young ones often repeat what you didn't want them to hear. Oh, and rent a teenager now while they know everything. For goodness sake, make sure you can give them back when you finish with them. (I love my grandchildren but...)
Thanks Angharad, for another enthralling chapter in the 'Life of the Cameron Family'.
If I were Cathy, I would use
If I were Cathy, I would use Luke's own e-mail against him in the meeting. Most people, know about Cathy and her history, if they are functionally aware adult beings. I would also believe that Henry just might have a thing or two to say about who and what University gets the program(s) and funding, as his bank has funded Cathy's from the beginning, along with her film; plus he is a member of the Parliment. Seems like he would have a greater say in all this in the long run. Simon and Tom may well want to re-arrange Luke's nose and face for him for his uncouth and dastardly e-mail attack on Cathy, plus what exactly is he saying to others behind her back, now that he has seen her video/film and originally knowing her as Charlie? He could, unknowingly out Cathy to Livvie, Trish, Meems and Julie plus the two boys. Jan
It's illegal isn't it?
I would think his email is really stupid and a bad choice for his career. She could take it right to court couldn't she? Failing that, an arrow through his windsheild I suppose.
Email can very easily come back to haunt you.
Go Stella, Go!
Its about time our Stella got her love life back in gear. And best the of luck to her.
Another adult wouldn't go amiss
Currently there are three and a half adults, plus seven children and a dog in the household.
(The half an adult being Simon, who spends a significant portion of time over in London).
So an extra adult wouldn't go amiss - especially if he possesses the ability to calm down a teenager-sized bundle of raw energy...
And you never know, he might be able to give Stella a crash course in zoology - after all, being a nurse until a few years ago means she's already aware of mammalian biology (well, one species at least...)
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I Love It!
The new wrinkle about the new man, I mean. But I also like all the verbal fencing between the parties. You have a good wit, Ang!
Waht is "Lallans"? I'm guessing but could it mean Lowlands, as in Lowland Scots dialect/accent?
(We who've been gone several centuries, aka the colonials, don't know such terms, as a rule, even if we have some Scots* in our backgrounds)
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
* I have no idea, for sure, if my ancestors were Lowland or Highland. I'm guessing again, but probably Lowland, since they were Protestant and, back as far as we can trace them, were in County Armagh, N. Ireland.
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Tis one
Of the funnier episodes you done methinks. And yes, Julie is going to get over her head, and possibly break her heart. Which is the scheme of things, is as it should be.
There's enough oestrogen in the air to set Trish right
When a really good looking guy would walk by our stalls at a horse show, the teenaged girls would say 'wow too bad he's gay', I'd give them a look, and they'd look at me and say 'too good looking,he must be gay'
If that's the case, Simon better not come home. George Clooney? (Loved his mom, Rosemary)