Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 949.

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Wuthering Dormice
(aka Bike)
Part 949
by Angharad

Copyright © 2010 Angharad
All Rights Reserved.

I ’phoned the doctor, and he rang me back a little later, asking me to come down during the afternoon. I took my own digital camera and he examined me, then took a series of photographs. I felt a complete idiot posing while he took photos of my buttocks, and he kept chuckling while he did so.

“You’ve got quite a good female shape, haven’t you?”

“Have I? For a boy you mean?”

“Come on, Cathy, you know me better than that–but I’ve never knowingly looked at your bum before, and it looks very female.”

“Thank you––I think.”

“It’s meant as a compliment, young lady, and I really mean that. Have they ever done a chromosome test on you?”

“No–what would be the point? I mean officially I’m female and I’m married and have just adopted three kids, with possibly another three at some point in the future. When I had surgery, as far as I’m aware they didn’t find anything they didn’t oughta, so I’m lucky to be sensitive to oestrogens–hence the body shape.”

“Yes, good breast development too–you are so lucky, I have another transgendered patient and unfortunately, she, and it’s difficult to use that term simply because the poor bugger looks rather masculine no matter how many pills we prescribe–dark blue beard shadow, too.”

“Can’t they offer electrolysis or laser to help with that?”

“They’re unemployed–virtually unemployable because of their appearance.”

“Do they have a trade or profession?”

“I’m close to betraying confidences here–so I can’t say anymore.”

“Okay, let me put it another way–do they have any sort of skill that I could employ them for?”

“Dunno–to be honest.”

“If I gave you permission to pass on my mobile number; would you do it?”

“For what reason?”

“I’d like to meet this person, and if they have something I can use, a skill or whatever, then I might employ them, even if it’s only mowing my lawns or decorating. If they were a master baker or something, then it might be more difficult but–you know what I mean.”

“You’re prepared to do that?”

“I might be. Maybe the university needs cleaners or something–I could put a word in for her.”

“Okay–I’ll tell them someone I know might be able to help them get work. I won’t say you’re transsexual because I don’t think she has to know just yet.”

“How are you going to link my interest to them, then?”

“I could say you have a GID child.”

“No–definitely not–no, tell them I’m transgendered, or was.”

“You’re putting yourself at risk, Cathy.”

“But it’s the truth.”

“I know, but you’re at opposite ends of the phenotype spectrum–you’re very female looking and they’re not. You’re small built and delicate looking–she’s tall, dark and hairy.”

“But she possibly feels just as female as I do?”

“Okay–I’ll pass the message on, I think we have a contact number.” He clicked through his computer database. “Well there’s a coincidence–she’ll be here in an hour.”

“Bugger–I have to get back–hang on, I need to do some shopping, I’ll get some prints run off at the camera shop and you can use them to do your report. Eight by tens okay?”

“Yeah, fine.”

“What do I owe you for the examination and the report?”

“Cathy, if you can give your time and resources away so generously, how can I possibly charge you?”

“Quite easily, send me a bill–or tell me when you’ve done the report.”

“We’ll see.”

“I expect a bill, Dr Smith. Anyway, I’ll be back in an hour.”

“Okay–I’ll see if we have a room you can use to talk in private with her. I’m sorry, Cathy, but it’s a struggle to see her as female.”

“Okay, I’ll be back in one hour.” I left and dashed off to the local camera shop, I knew the owner, Nick, vaguely so I was confident he’d do the prints for me. He did but when he saw what they were, his eyes got very wide.

“They’re not porno are they, Mrs Cameron?”

“No, Nick, there are a few of my bum but not for the aesthetic content–rather the bruises. I was assaulted the other day and my GP is doing a report for the police.”

“Don’t they do their own, these days?”

“Probably, but this is in case my attackers sue me.”

“If they attacked you–have I misunderstood something?”

“No–they left the field with more bruises than I had.”

“Someone intervene on your behalf?”

“No, I defended myself.”

“You beat up some attackers–by yourself?”

“Yes, Nick, I’m not as defenceless as I look.”

“So I hear.” He did the prints and I paid for them. He placed them in one of those clear plastic punched pocket things to keep them dry.

I did the other bits and pieces I needed to do and returned to the doctor’s. I went in and waited. The receptionist called me, “Lady Catherine.” I looked around, no one else was rising and no one in the waiting room looked like a butch woman. I went to the desk.

“You called me?”

“Yes–the person you’re seeing after the doctor, is in with the doctor now. Would you like to go through to the counsellor’s room–across the way–and when they come out I’ll bring them across to you. Would you like tea or coffee?”

“For both of us?”


“Coffee would be nice.”

“Okay, I’ll bring some through after they come in to you. How shall I introduce you?”

“I don’t know–Cathy?”

“Okay. Shouldn’t be long, and the surgery will be running for at least another hour, so you’ll have plenty of time with um–you know who?” She smirked and I wanted to say something, but I bit my tongue–I needed all the support I could get for this unfortunate, who might turn me down and not come and speak with me.”

I went into the room and took off my coat–it was still quite cold out of doors. I was wearing a polo-necked jumper and jeans, with some beads, my gold bangle and earrings. I had slip on shoes and virtually no makeup on, and my hair was tied back in a ponytail. Oh well, they’d have to take me as they found me–looking as I did, they’d probably be able to tell I was TS quite easily. It’s something we do to each other, although I seem to be able to do it more easily than some read me.

I was texting Julie to say I’d be possibly another hour or so, when there was a knock on the door and it opened. Dr Smith opened it and said, “I’ve brought Maureen across to you–Maureen, this is Cathy. I’ll speak to you later, Cathy.”

“Fine, thanks, Dr Smith.”

I hope my jaw didn’t drop too far when in shuffled this large ponderous human, with hair like Worzel Gummidge and a beard shadow like an Italian Mafioso. They absolutely filled the doorway, and were dressed in a loose top and jogging pants with cheap Crocs copies on their feet.

“Hi, I’m Cathy,” I said holding out my hand which was swallowed in the large mitt of my guest. Having met them, I began to understand Dr Smith’s problem.

A moment later, the receptionist brought through two mugs of coffee and we sat down either side of a coffee table and looked at each other.

“Why do you want to help me?” Maureen asked.

“Do I need a reason?”

“Yeah–course you do, or are you into freaks?”

“Why do you know any?”

“Oh very funny.”

“I don’t think so. I’m not sure how the topic came up, but Dr Smith said you were looking for work.”

“Yeah–so far without success–who but a fairground sideshow would employ me?”

“I might, if you can give me a quick verbal resume.”

“Yeah, sure.”

“I’m waiting.”

“Okay–I used to be a welder, down the naval dockyard–did my training in the navy. Went to the dockyard afterwards. I decided I wanted to be myself an’ they sacked me.”

“I thought it was illegal to do that?”

“Yeah, well I ‘ad a few problems before that–with drink.”

“Are you drinking now?”

“Nah–can’t afford it no more.”

“I’m afraid that what I have to offer isn’t very feminine work–it would be doing jobs around the house and garden.”

“I’d be grateful for anything.”

“I want you to smarten yourself up…”

“With what?” there was an element of hostility in her voice and her eyes flashed.

“I was coming to that–I’ll give you an advance on your wages for you to get a couple of outfits and some overalls for working, can you do that?”

“Yeah–I s’pose so.”

“I’ll also make some enquiries at the university to see if they need any cleaners–it isn’t the best of jobs, but it’s a start and a chance for a reference if you get a sniff of something better. Interested?”

“Well–yeah, I can’t believe I’m hearing this.”

“You are–I’ll try and help you with your personal presentation as well.”

She started to cry and I sat silently. “Why are you doing this?”

“Why shouldn’t I?”

“You’re going to cancel at the last minute–aren’t you?” she sniffed.

“Maureen, I’m a woman of my word. If you keep your side of the bargain, I’ll keep mine. I have six youngsters, I hope that’s going to be okay?”

“I’ve been laughed at for the last couple of years, youngsters are the worst.”

“I think you’ll find my children won’t be anything but supportive–but if there’s a problem we’ll discuss it. They won’t cause anything…”

“So you think I’m some sort of paedo just ‘cos I’m a tranny?” the eyes flashed again.

“Not at all–but I have some youngish children, and I don’t know you yet.”

“Oh, yeah I see your point.”

“I also need you to promise me you’ll stay off the bottle.”


“I mean that, Maureen, I have no time to employ drunks, no matter how depressed they feel.”

“Okay–point taken.”

“I’ll need your full name and address, and I’ll give you mine. Here’s a hundred pounds–get some new clothes and tidy yourself up. When can you start?”

“When do you want me to?”

“Friday is Good Friday, come over for lunch–is that possible? I can show you round the place and we can discuss the sorts of things you can do.”

Maureen looked at the note I’d given of my address, “Yeah, I can get there, what time?”

“Any time after twelve noon?”

“Okay–I’ll be there.”

“You have my mobile number, if there’s a problem send me a text or call.”

“I’ll be there.”

“Good–anything you don’t eat?”

“I’ve been in the navy, ma’am–I’ll eat practically anything.”

“Good–I look forward to introducing you to my family.” I offered her my hand and it disappeared inside the large mitt again.

“I won’t let you down, ma’am.”

“My friends call me Cathy.”

“I know a lady when I meet one, Cathy, ma’am.” With that, Maureen walked out, with perhaps a little more spring in her step than she’d entered.

Dr Smith popped in a few minutes later. “How’d it go?”

“I’ve offered her a job.”

“Crikey, I hope she stays off the pop long enough to attend for it.”

“She will.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“I know about these things.”

He shrugged, “I hope you’re right,” then went back to his room.


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