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(aka Bike) Part 948 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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The next day after my run-in with the muggers, I was black and blue across parts of my back and bum. I also had a nice bruise on my shoulder. After breakfast, as I was clearing up, I had a visit from another plod–an Inspector Moss. Of course I kept wanting to call him Inspector Morse from the TV series, even though he was nothing like John Thaw, this chap was only in his thirties, tall, dark and handsome.
We ran through my statement once again, and he asked me a few questions. “You realise the two boys are going to try and charge you with assault?”
“What? They attacked me.”
“Which the film clearly shows. They argue that your response was overly violent.”
“I beg your pardon, one of them pulled a knife and threatened to stab me with it.”
“I know, but you know what these kids are like–it’s alright for them to beat up anyone, but they don’t like a taste of their own medicine.”
“I’m covered in bruises where they pushed me into the wall.”
“Could you get your doctor to verify that, preferably with photos.”
“I’m sorry, but no one gets to see piccies of my bum.”
“If there’s bruising there, it’s a good idea to do a photo. If they managed to get you to court–photos are a great advantage over written statements.”
“Despite the video evidence, these two little toads are going to try for damages against me?”
“Could be, I’m trying to dissuade them–as I think it’s wasting police and the court’s time.”
“Couldn’t you just hang ’em?” I asked, trying to save the courts money and time–I’d even pay for the rope.
“No, they won’t allow it, even with prima facie evidence against them.”
“What are you charging them with?”
“At the moment, assault with intent to rob.”
“What about the knife–doesn’t that constitute attempted armed robbery.”
“It could do–whatever we charge them with, they’ll be out in a few months and doing it again.”
“Not to me they won’t.”
“I doubt even they would be stupid enough to try that, where did you learn to kick box?”
“My sister in law taught me the rudiments, I read up on it and developed my own techniques.”
“The final one that put down the second kid, looked more karate than kick boxing.”
“Did it? I improvised, but it worked.”
“It did indeed, thanks for the coffee, is there anything else you can think of that happened you haven’t mentioned?”
“Only my kids throwing their shoes at the knife wielding one to distract him–it helped too.”
“Yes, that was quick thinking of them.”
“They’re a bright lot.”
“They obviously take after their mother.”
“I’m only their foster mother.”
“Hmm–we’ll keep that quiet in case they try to queer your status with the authorities.”
“How can they do that?”
“You’d be surprised what these lawyers manage to get them off with. One of my young PCs used a dustbin lid like a giant Frisbee to stop a suspect running away. He was charged with assault with a weapon.”
“What was the charge against the escapee?”
“Oh, rape and aggravated assault.”
“So these little scumbags can dish it out but cry for mummy when they meet some resistance?”
“Very much so, I’m afraid, but they have some very clever lawyers getting them off all but the most trivial charges.”
“If they get off, I’ll instruct my lawyers to initiate private prosecutions for damages for assault and attempted murder.”
“Attempted murder? That’s a bit much isn’t it?”
“You didn’t hear what he said to me when he waved the knife in front of me.”
“That’s true, I didn’t, I’ll have a word with the CPS and see if they’d like to up the ante a little.”
“From what I’ve heard, there’s more chance of the Crown Prosecution Service going for a conviction against me for littering because I dropped my shopping when they pushed me.”
“They’re not that bad, but they do like to go for maximum chance of a prosecution.”
“Isn’t a video, good enough evidence–plus your men arrested them at the scene. What more do they want–signed confessions? If so let me know, I’ll come down and see that they sign for you.”
“That sounds like coercion of witnesses.”
“No, I’d ask them nicely and my natural charm and beauty would see to the rest.” I smiled, then winced as I stood up.
“Go and see the doctor and get some pictures for us.”
“Pictures, my arse.”
“Yes–that as well.”
He left and I went back to clearing the kitchen.
“What did the plod want, Mummy?” Julie asked, coming into the kitchen.
“Oh it was about yesterday–seems the kids who attacked me are trying it on.”
“Trying what on?” she looked quite concerned.
“Prosecuting me for assault.”
“They have got to be joking–that one clown had a knife and was going to stick you with it–he wasn’t going to sharpen his crayons with it, was he?”
“I doubt it, he didn’t look clever enough to own a colouring book, did he?”
We both laughed then Julie said, “They’re not serious are they?”
“I have no idea; what’s interesting is that the Cameron name might serve us insofar as a lawyer might decide we’re too big to fight, or he might decide there’s money to be had.”
“What, ‘cos Daddy’s rich?”
“And your mummy’s good looking, but hush little baby , doooon’t you cry.”
“Eh?” Julie looked blankly at me.
“Summertime from Porgy and Bess.”
“Gershwin’s opera, Porgy and Bess.”
“Porky and Bess?” she incorrectly repeated.
“No PORGY and Bess.”
“Yeah, so?” she shrugged.
I shook my head, “Philistine,” I retorted.
“Weren’t they in the Bible, or is there somewhere in America, called Philis?”
“It was the Biblical context I was alluding to.”
“For someone who doesn’t believe in God, you sure know a lot about the Bible an’ things.”
“It was hammered into me when I was in school.”
“We didn’t do much at all–bit of all faiths, and know bugger all about any of them.”
“Language, Julie–you know that Trish and Livvie copy you.”
“Who do I copy?” asked Trish strolling into the kitchen.
“Guidness, ta’k o’ th’ De’il, as Gramps would say.”
“What would Gramps say?” Trish shot back at me.
“Wee piggies hae muckle lugs,” I responded and Julie creased up with laughter.
“You’re a horrible, Mummy.” Trish frowned and stalked out of the kitchen, followed by Julie’s and my laughter.

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Nice bunch
I just LOVE those kids!
Absolutely I can believe the
Absolutely I can believe the two cretians trying to confuse the real issue by filing suit against Cathy. That is also done here in the 'colonies', far more often than should be allowed. This comes from a society that has become exceedingly suit happy and will sue over anything 'at the the drop of a hat'. Maybe when they all get to court, Cathy can shoot a large beam of white light towards the two and change them into donkeys or some such. Jan
It might depend on the Judge...
...if he's a distinguished-looking gentleman with gold-rimmed glasses, and starts chanting in Latin, you just might get what you want!
Pantheological Surprise
Bike Archive
Bike Resources
I like that thought
Hard to send them to Oklahoma for prosecution though.
Was driving through Oklahoma yesterday but stayed on the main highways. Don't want to find myself in a certain court.
overly violent?
“What? They attacked me.â€
“Which the film clearly shows. They argue that your response was overly violent.â€
Sitting in court we have sweet Cathy in a nice innocent looking dress reminding the court that they threatened her and her children with a knife. What's a mother to do in that situation? She had to make sure they couldn't harm her kids.
(I do hope Cathy gets her doctor or the police to take some pictures - including her bruised bum - for use in evidence.)
Sadly, it's all too true
If you are judged to have used excessive force to dissuade or counter an assault, you can be prosecuted. It often seems that you really do have to die at their hands before you can claim that they unlawfully killed you. And if the miscreant did it with a car while under the influence of drink or drugs, there's a good chance that he or she would be banned for a month and have a wrist smacked.
Sorry to be cynical, but 'justice' seems to be more interested in preserving the 'rights' of the criminal than dealing with the adverse effects of the crime on the victim.
I think that's because...
it's a "legal system" not a "Justice System". There IS a difference.
Slap on the Wrist
Not in my neck of the woods. NY will prosecute as high as 2nd degree murder, for "perverse disregard of human life". NJ will prosecute as high as aggravated manslaughter. Decades in the "big house" is the result in either state.
The change in attitudes is due in no small part to the activities of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD).
Bike pt 948.
I hope that those kids TRY to cause trouble, they'd learn just how dum it is to trifle with Cathy.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
...and the livin' is easy.
Or not as the case may be with that tribe! Well, I suppose it is easy in between attempted muggings, rules lawyers posing as bank staff or police officers, clueless armed robbers, paedophiles, homicidal cyclists, homicidal parents, the Press, over-enthusiastic doctors, the Russian Mafia, depressed sisters-in-law... (err...have I missed any categories?)
In fact, about the only member of the tribe who hasn't had an eventful life since Cathy appeared on the scene is Kiki...
Meanwhile, another reason to give the children self-defence lessons - all but Julie are below the age of criminal responsibility :)
And it's more 'above-board' than Simon offering to hire someone to remove them from the gene pool (which he's done on at least one previous occasion).
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I've heard of cases...
over here where burglars cut themselves on windows they'd broken open, and successfully sued the resident for damages to their body gotten climbing through the broken window. Amazing, sometimes, what a jury will buy. Sounds like Cathy'd best get the photos and such. Maybe the kids lawyers need to be sued for harassment? (Can you do that?)
Thanks for the episode.
Chances are
even if the two thugs are found guilty, Some judge will let them off with a community order and leave them free to attack some other poor soul...Perhaps like PS says a judge with gold rimmed specs and a predilection for Latin could punish them in the proper way.....After all doesn't Ovid have a shortage of little old ladies?
It Is Ridiculous!
It is ridiculous how the system works sometimes. My cousin graduated from High School with a group of guys who decided to skip school one day and go over to one of their grandparents house to go swimming. The grandparents were gone on vacation and had even locked the house and the gate leading to the backyard. The boys broke the lock on the gate and got in to the pool area. The pool was not deep enough to dive and had signs all over it warning not to do it. One of the boys didn't pay any attention and dove in head first and broke his neck. He was paralyzed from the neck down. His family actually took the grandparents to Court and sued them. They actually won a $3.5 million judgment. The boy later committed suicide. It makes absolutely no sense to reward someone who is injured while committing a criminal act. I think the boys who tried to rob Cathy may be looking at the name Cameron and thinking they can get a lot of money for this. It is time for our society to make a stand and quit rewarding people who violate the law and somehow think they are entitled to violate the victim a second time by suing them.
Bailey Summers I
Bailey Summers
I wholeheartedly agree with most of the comments about how these people keep getting off and as a security guard at a hospital I see a lot of it first hand which is people who do stupid, illegal and underhanded things and messing them up and suing us. One guy tried suing a doc for refusing a drug seeker and the guy went after him for pain and suffering. he even got off of a narco charge by claiming his addiction caused him enough stress to be considered by reason of mental defect.
Great story post though look how many of us are talking because of it. You're a really good story teller.
Bailey Summers
Perhaps the assailants parents have dealings with the
bank. Or the bank can buy their mortgages or something. Don't coerce the witnesses. Coerce their parents!
Hoping that the Cameron legal team is big enough and deep enough to hold off any difficulties.
English Torts and Courts -- Question
Who decides the results of a civil suit in England? Is it a judge or a jury? If it is a jury who makes the determination of liability, do they also set the amount of the award, or does the judge do that, or do they do that and then the judge modify it? And, who appears in court, solicitors or barristers?
Given Cathy's position, connections, and ability to afford decent legal representation, not to mention the police testimony and video tape of the incident, I can't see Cathy losing. Perhaps if she was a professional kickboxer, or a ranked amateur who competed, she'd have a harder time, but as a woman who is self-taught and using it for self-defense, there's very little for the plaintiffs to hang a hat on.
At the very least, her defense should be able to delay the trial until after the criminal trial of the attackers. Hopefully, Cathy's lawyers should be able to participate in that to "assist" the prosecution.
But Cathy has a history of
violence. Even though it's all in the interest of protecting herself and her family, that could make a difference. Believe also she has a rich media owner who would be in her corner. Make it difficult for the press to paint her in an unfavorable light.
Justice!! What's that?
Annette's absolutely right, in Britain we have Law not Justice.
After all, law is to make lawyers rich, justice can't be allowed to interfere with law, especially in Britain. Indeed, law is the only industry that is expanding in Britain, take a look at all the new courts that are springing up in every city. Not many steel mills, not many shipyards, not many car-factories but plenty of courts!
Makes me sick but I daren't puke anywhere. I'd get done for littering or summat! What's that now, £5,000 fine plus an ASBO plus an electronic TAG.
I'm all right Jack, -(Straw), pull up the ladder.
Sick to death of it!
They could be a baseball team too
The Philistines are from the city of Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love.
I bet the copper wants a photo of Cathy's butt.
So things are the same in old Blighty, as in the Colonies.