(aka Bike) Part 810 by Angharad |
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“Has no one ever told you about me?” I asked Hilary, who was a little subdued by my revelations about the children and my religious beliefs.
“Only insofar as you were Simon’s partner and were marrying him and that you had three children, which he’d taken as his own. I believe I heard you were a teacher or scientist.”
“Well all of that is true. I’m a scientist and teacher, I lecture in ecology–I’m a field biologist by training and inclination, with a special interest in mammals, especially dormice.”
“Oh my goodness, it’s you, isn’t it?” She said bringing her hands up to cover her mouth.
“Sorry, but you have me at a disadvantage,” I informed her and felt a little embarrassed. A number of scenarios flashed though my cognitive processes, not least some article or television piece which would suddenly make me a pervert or the antichrist or both.
“The dormouse film, that was you, wasn’t it?” She seemed excited at her discovery.
“The one on BBC the other month, yes, that was my film.”
“You presented it so well.”
“I wrote, produced, edited and directed it as well.”
“My goodness, you are a clever girl. Wait until George finds out, he was most impressed with it. You didn’t do the camera work as well?”
“No, nor the sound, I left that to the experts.”
“And you’re not?”
“On dormice, perhaps, on the rest of it–definitely no.”
“She’s an expert on surveys, tae,” said a familiar baritone voice.
“Well, I would expect a proud father to advertise her success.”
“Hilary, she is very guid at whit she does, and richt noo, that’s being a mither tae three damaged wee lassies.”
I felt my cheeks burning. Then I noticed my three wains weren’t in sight any more. “Excuse me, I’d better find the girls.” I trotted out through the conservatory as quickly as I could. Then across the lawn and I was running almost flat out, whilst calling the girl’s names.
I heard barking and a moment later Kiki came running towards me, yelping in pleasure, so I thought, then I noticed the lead still attached to her collar. She ran up to me, she had what looked like injuries to her face and she was limping.
What on earth had happened? I carried on calling the girls and running in the direction from whence the dog had come. I felt frantic–at the same time trying to tell myself, there was probably a natural explanation other than something bad happened. Spaniels don’t always look where they’re going and trees and walls tend to hurt when you run into them. I was desperately hoping that was what had happened.
Gee whiz, I’d only just go them back, don’t say they were gone again. I ran even faster, wishing I was in trousers not a skirt and boots. Then I spotted it and screamed–Trish’s dormouse toy. She’d been holding it when she went outside. I’d almost commented on it, but then perhaps wondered if it was some form of comfort blanket. I knew she wouldn’t leave that behind easily.
Tears were running down my face as I ran around in circles, I saw two men running towards me–“What’s up?” called one of them.
“My children, they’ve disappeared.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, and the dog is hurt.”
“Okay,” he pulled out his mobile and dialled, “We’ve got a situation.” By this time the second man was with us.
“Do you know which way they went?”
“No,” my throat was hoarse from shouting and crying. He looked at the dog, who was wary of the stranger.
“Looks like she could have been kicked.”
“Please help me find them,” I pleaded with them.
“Don’t worry ma’am, we aim to do just that.”
Moments later a car arrived and Kiki and I were shoved into it and taken back to the house. As we arrived, all the men were either running around or getting into cars and in the distance I could hear sirens and then a helicopter. Yet with all this technology and manpower, it was my fault–I should have been with them, not bathing in compliments from Lady Edwards. I should have been with them–this was my fault–again. I felt like killing myself.
By the time I got into the house I was close to hysterical and I was half carried and half dragged up to bedroom and told to lie on the bed. I protested and something was jabbed in my arm–I swore at them, accusing them of all being in on it and I don’t remember anything else.
When I awoke, it was dark and my head felt quite muzzy–like a bucket which had been hit with a heavy hammer and was still vibrating. It took me a moment to work out where I was and why my throat felt so dry. Then I remembered and I felt sick and hopeless. I should let the children go, assuming they find them in one piece–please God–they needed someone who was more competent than I appeared to be. Someone who wasn’t so up her own arse, that they could actually spend time with the girls, looking after them not their career. I was too selfish and immature to be a mother. If the truth was known, I probably needed one as much as they did.
I lay there weeping–where could they be? The whole point of being here was it was considered safe–was it an underestimate of our enemy? Had Simon or I not actually dumped our trackers, or did they follow the car that picked us up?
The door opened and in slipped Hilary. “How do you feel?”
“Dreadful, I’m a complete failure–I just want to die.”
“It was my fault, I detained you from going with them.”
“No, it was me, I’m responsible for them, I should have been with them.”
“We can’t find any evidence of anyone taking them,” she said brushing my hair from my face.
“I’ll never forgive myself if anything happens to them.”
“Nor I, I bear some of the blame, too.” She absently stroked my forehead which was so relaxing, I just wanted to sleep, protected by this older woman–a mother substitute? “Would you like some tea, I’ve found the Lady Grey.”
“Thank you, that would be really nice, my throat is quite dry.”
“I’ll get some sent up. If we hear anything, I’ll let you know immediately.”
“Please do, whatever it is.”
“Very well.”
“Where’s Simon?”
“He’s out with all the men searching the estate–the problem is it covers a few square miles.”
“But you had a helicopter, I heard it.”
“The police, they’ve been very helpful. Just rest, when we bring them back, you’ll have a lot to do.”
“Please,” I said and felt my eyes swollen with tears.
“We’ll find them, don’t you worry, you just rest and I’ll bring up some tea quite shortly.”
I drifted off to sleep and dreamt all sorts of awful things, mostly related to the girls but not always so. I dreamt I was with Kiki and we were being hunted by helicopter. It was so real I could hear the rotor blades swishing and see the brightness of the searchlights on the machine.
I awoke with a start, the helicopter was outside, I could hear it, plainly. I jumped out of bed and nearly fell over, my head and feet didn’t seem connected. I staggered to the window and the helicopter blades were just stopping and an ambulance was racing towards the house, blue lights flashing–I was out and down the stairs in half a second.
“Where are they?” I shouted at the first person I saw.
He looked exhausted and just pointed at the drawing room where’d we’d been united earlier. I charged inside it and there were my three girls. I screamed and fainted.

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Wow! not again!
Cathy and her family aren't safe anywhere. This had to happen just when she was starting to feel safe and unwind. Glad they found the girls, but you had to do a cliff hanger, again!!! Grrrr.....
~There is no reality, only perception~
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
At the rate Cathy is
At the rate Cathy is currently going, I would not be surprised to see her have an heart attack just from all the stress. Someone needs to get a doctor to sedate her a little bit so she can just relax. Jan
...screaming, and fainting. These are doubtless some clues as to where we pick up the next episode. Why do I find myself jumping to the conclusion that one or more of the girls are seriously injured?
Proactive actions
They might have called the ambulance for Cathy, guessing what she'd do as soon as the kids were returned. ;-) I would think if one or more of the girls was seriously injured they'd have had a helicopter fly them directly to the UK equivalent of a Level One Trauma Center rather than wasting any time bringing them back to the house and then transporting by ambulance. I'm sure there was enough money and rank available to have a medivac chopper on ground standby at the closest airport.
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
I Do Believe That
There is at least one traitor among them, or the ruskies have a bug on the girls, or Kiki. I can see Cathy becoming Maid Marion and shooting a few arrows at certain targets.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I just want to weep
Mostly Harmless
please delete
Cliffhangeritis claims another victim
Ang, Bonzi,
how could you!?
Did the kids come back on their own and were long back in the house and the lost dormouse doll/Kiki's injuries inocent or are they lying dead or injured in the room?
Is tha ambulance for Cathy, the girls, Tom?
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. I spent nearly half an hour trying to post this, Internet Explorer is being a real *$$^*((^ tonight
John in Wauwatosa
The Cliffhanger Queen does it again! Just when we thought everyone was finally safe, you go and drop this on us.
Then again, at least the three girls were found within a few hours - you could have been extra mean and given us days/weeks worth of wild goose chases trying to find them...
So now, the question remains - who attacked Kiki and the children? I'd say it's a toss-up between the Mafia and our rogue SIS agents. The Russians have a clearer motive, but the MO stinks of Ambrose/Myrtle.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
OMG !!!
At least another 24 hours to find out what happened next!!! Can i wait?...I guess i,ll have too!!!
I'm just wondering...
...a couple of things:
You’ve done it again Angharad: another *%$$@# cliffhanger. It will be quite good if Cathy and company do get back to some semblance of normalcy.
Practical Steps
Bike Resources
I think it very unlikely…
…for little girls aged five, five and three (or is Meems four?)to be allowed to have their own mobile ’phones. Children in UK tend not to be given mobiles until they are at least 10, and my own daughter never got one before she was 12. Occasionally one hears of an eight-year-old being given a mobile, but that is a fairy rare occurance.
There is a high incidence of older kids (usually teens) stealing mobile ’phones from younger children, particularly girls.
Wow, Ang, just as we were all settling down into our comfort zones you spring another ±@€£$%^& cliffhanger on us.
According To The Story...
...if I remember correctly, in a prior episode they were given cell phones to use in emergencies. Perhaps the meanie spook people took them away.
Poor Cathy
This thing with keeping the children safe is going to put her in the asylum before long.
Cathy Is Due For A Nervous Breakdown
Cathy is due for a nervous breakdown. She has had to deal with so much for so long and had to be the strong one for so long. She has even pondered whether it is worth marrying into the Cameron family if her kids will be in constant danger. You have to wonder how much more she can take before she winds up in the Psych Ward? I know she is a strong woman, but there is only so much someone can take before they break. Geeze!!!
They probably were NOT
They probably were NOT abducted at all, but were playing hide and seek!
Yes but...
Why was Kiki out, lead loose, and injured?
And someone's trying to do a number on the family; if they wanted them all dead, they'd be dead.
Has tried quite hard to set this up. We will have our surprise when she is ready.
Oh crap! Why did she scream !
Oh crap! Why did she scream !
Not your fault Cathy, where was security ??
Thanks for another cliff-hanger, Ang