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(aka Bike) Part 913 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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“You worry too much,” was Simon’s verdict when I tried to explain my concerns over Julie’s behaviour.
“I don’t–I can accept the challenging of boundaries and authority, that’s what adolescence is all about, but I do get worried by her sex drive.”
“Didn’t you ever sneak out for a quick fondle behind the bike sheds?”
“No, I didn’t.”
“Not even at uni?”
“No,” I was beginning to feel some sort of freak.
“I suppose you’d have had difficulty kissing the boys, but you could have groped the odd girl quite legitimately.”
“Simon, I didn’t grope anyone–and when we first went out, you did all the groping if you remember?”
I couldn’t see him in the dark, but I suspect he might have blushed–a little, but then knowing Simon, maybe he didn’t–I know I would have.
“Can’t remember that far back–anyway, what’s it matter. I suppose you’re going to tell me I was the first man you’d ever kissed?”
“I know I’m a saddo, but yes you were the first man I kissed–maybe not the first one who kissed me.” I recalled the explosive effect the garage mechanic had upon me, and my heart quickened.
“What are you thinking about?” he asked rubbing his hand on my thigh.
“How we’re going to deal with Julie.” I was half fibbing but he didn’t know that.
“I’ll leave that to you to sort out, good cop bad cop routine.”
“Which are you going to be?” I asked him
“Neither, I think you’re probably schizoid enough to do both–I’ll be the flying squad, I’ll deal with any noxious boyfriends.”
“How come, it’s always my problem when we have troubles with the kids?”
“It isn’t, but you’re better at it than I am. If you remember I did stop Trish making obscene phone calls.”
“What? Trish doesn’t make obscene phone calls.”
“See, I was quite effective.” I could feel the bed quiver as he laughed at his own joke. He fondled my breast and, I moved his hand away.
“I’m not in the mood–I’m still worried.”
“Just relax, it’s what Dr Simon ordered.”
“For whom?” I challenged.
“Okay, think about a silver grey A class.” He moved his hand back to my breast and I let him keep it there. Some example I was to my charges–whore in chief, selling my body for a new car. Should I lay back and think of Mercedes?
“Simon, I think you should have a chat with Julie and tell her off a bit.”
“What am I supposed to say? Cathy’s getting neurotic because you’ve developed faster than she did?”
“That’s not very nice.”
“I’m sorry–but just because you were anally retentive doesn’t mean everyone else is.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Well you were up-tight about sex for ages before it happened.”
“With good reason–my body didn’t fit with my aspirations.”
“Which were?”
“I wanted you.”
“You got me.”
“No, I wanted you as a woman, I wanted you to come inside me, and make me your woman.”
“Not sure what you mean.”
Is he completely stupid–he is a banker–so he could be? I thought I explained myself fairly clearly.
“I don’t understand how you can’t understand what I meant.” He can’t be that stupid can he?
“Nah–it’s no good, you’ll have to show me,” he said and the bed shaking very slightly made me realise he was winding me up again and trying to get his wicked way.
“Show you what?” Two can play the stupid card.
“How you meant–what was it, making you my woman?”
“Oh think you’ve done that–I’ve got a ring and a piece of paper to prove it.”
“Is that the one that says about love, honour and obey?”
I burst out laughing–“Which planet are you from? I’m emancipated.”
“Can’t the doctor give you pills for that–help you to shift the blockage?”
“Blockage?” I had no idea where he was going with this conversation.
“Yeah, laxatives or failing that call in a drain clearance company.”
“Laxatives?” I queried.
“Yeah, you said you were constipated, didn’t you?”
“Me? No, Simon, you’re the stuck up one.”
“You can be so hurtful, sometimes.” He seemed upset by my last remark–and I felt guilty.
“Oh c’mon, lovely man, don’t get upset, it’s just a bit of fun–I didn’t mean it.” I leant over to kiss him and he grabbed me shouted, ha ha, and began to ravish me. Damn, I fell for it again.
A while later, after my little trip to the bathroom to clean up; I went back to bed and asked him again what we should do about Julie?
“Uh?” he said sleepily.
“Julie–you know, our teenage charge–her with the turbo libido.”
“She’s too young to drive,” he muttered, “I’ll get her a scooter.”
“How is that answering my question?”
“Yes,” he said and drifted off to sleep.
Bloody men–once they get what they want, they lose interest. I decided I’d try and discuss rationally with Julie what was acceptable and by converse the unacceptable to me. Yeah, I know rational conversation and teenager doesn’t exactly go together, and I know I was a bit slow in my own development, and maybe I am a bit anal about it all–but I do worry about her, which is clearly more than Simon does.
I suppose his argument is she can’t get pregnant so why worry? But she can catch all sorts of horrible diseases and get herself a bad reputation, not to mention violence from anyone who doesn’t appreciate her little anatomical problem.
In some ways I should be grateful for Leon, at least he knows and seems happy with it–I just worry about when the hormones get the better of them, will they lose control and–and what? That’s the problem. I need to speak with her.
I tossed and turned all night–why was this worrying me so much? Doesn’t it say more about me than her? Here I am, seven o’clock on a Sunday morning waiting to talk with my teenage ‘daughter’ about the facts of life. Oh boy, I must be a lousy mother.
I sat with a cup of tea in the kitchen–thinking that she wouldn’t be up for another three hours, so if I was that tired, why didn’t I go back to my bed? I couldn’t sleep if I did.
Much to my astonishment, I heard footsteps and Julie came into the kitchen. “Hello, Mummy–you’re up early?”
“Yeah, I couldn’t sleep, why are you up?” I said this whilst trying to suppress my surprise.
“I had another nightmare–the knife one, again.”
“Oh, sweetheart,” I felt tears in my eyes as I hugged her and felt her sobbing against my shoulder. “He can’t hurt you again, we won’t let him.”
“I know, Mummy, but it’s in my head and it won’t go away,” she sobbed, “How can your own father hurt you like that?”
“I don’t know, sweetheart, but we won’t let him do it again.”
“I love you, Mummy, you will protect me, won’t you?”
“Of course I will, we’re your family now–we all love you and will help to protect you. The police have told him to stay away from you, so they’ll pick him up in an instant if he doesn’t.”
“How can I get him out of my head, Mummy?”
“Only by realising that he can’t hurt you again.”
“But he’d have to be dead for that–wouldn’t he?”
“No–just keep in your heart and your head that you’re under our roof now; you’re part of our family; we won’t let anything happen to you–I promise.”
I held her long enough for my tea to go cold and my mind to realise that she was still a child, and despite her pretence at normality–she had a long way to go before she dealt with all her demons. Maybe, playing up to men is a way of keeping someone who might defend her, on board. Oh boy–this all gets more and more complicated–it puts the worry about changing my car into some sort of perspective–like bottom of the pile.
Let’s get Julie sorted out first before the next crisis looms–gee whizz, someone must have wished me an interesting life–but even by those standards, I’ve surely had enough, haven’t I? Maybe I should be teaching courses on crisis management–not that I’m very good at it–simply a survivor–so far.

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Next time you go for a ride by the coast
Try to find this spot:
Then you can post when you will be there GMT and you can wave to us all ;-)
I was there two weeks ago
or at the Oasis Cafe next door. You've got lots of waves from the sea--what more do ya want?
What more do you want?
Waving blond hair, oops a waving blond? Better yet, pretend its not cold, wear a bikini and dance about in the waves with a beach ball!
Second thought, don't do that, I'd rather there were more chapters of bike, not eulogies ;-)
Can't watch the video
Those of us using 64bit systems can not see the video, because "Adobe" haven't fixed a 64 bit flash player yet
I have trouble with it too but you click on the black image (make sure it is not nighttime) then when the play arrow shows in the middle of the image, click that. It always fails the first time around for me.
Simon should get involved...
I think the lecturing on sexuality might be better from Cathy, as another woman, but I think Simon spending some time with Julie would show her she's got a new father who cares about her, and help allay her fears about her birth father. They need to do a bit of father-daughter bonding, I think.
Simon Is Being Unfair
Simon is being unfair to Cathy by not sharing the responsibility for disciplining the kids. It should not fall on Cathy's shoulders alone to have to deal with Julie and her issues. They need to be a solid team in this. I wonder if Henry had the same hands off attitude with Simon and Stella when they grew up? Come to think of it, there has not been much said about Simon and Stella's birth mother other than Simon was really close to her. Is there any background there that would explain Simon's reluctance to play disciplinarian? I have wondered about more of her history because Simon doesn't mention her even in passing.
Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 913
Me, I say that Julie will calm down, in time. Given time, she will find another boy who fancies her. Then, it's teenage angst and puppy love.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Turbo libido
I seem to remember Mark had one of them; he went from... DON'T EVEN GO THERE, SUSIE!
I just love the banter between Cathy and Simon, who seems to forget, either conveniently or really, Cathy's history.
Turbo Libido
...was a small Italian convertable, popular with middle aged newly singled men.
You've Nailed It This Time.
I can so understand the "need for security", mind set. There is not a single day that passes that I do not long for an intellegent and big man to protect me, fold me in his arms, and to make me behave; force me to do his will if need be.
Oh, I completely understand the origin of the need to be controlled, but it doesn't go away. There are certain aspects of ourselves that seem to be written in stone, though it is unwise to allow them to unduly influence our actions.
I will freely admit that a part of my attraction to Islam is the fact that the males are the powerful ones, and often women are expected to obey. It is sad to find that many of them are actually weak charactered, undisciplined sleaze balls.
weak charactered
Gwen, why do you think it is so attractive to men? When it is a covenant of the faith and they do not have to lift a finger to get this perk, why not? And we thought our beer chugging NFL fans were bad ;-)
Au Contraire mon Amie
What is Cathy saying, she isn't so good at crisis management. She darn well IS. Look at all she has been through, all she has done already. Simon, tell her, Please...
Cathy is more than a survivor
she's a fighter. She's the mama tiger who won't let her family be harmed. Just don't get between her and her cubs.
Perhaps Simon's upbringing
has as much to do with his lack of interaction as anything else, With a father away making pots of money for a lot of his childhood, It's not surprising Simon does not have much of a role model with which to base himself on.
So the role of father seems to be part of Cathy's life for the near future, And you have to say she is doing quite a good job....But a little help would be nice!!
Can anyone remember if Simon went to public school, (Be surprised if did'nt!) Because if he did, Would that not be another reason for his lack of experience where fathers are concerned.
Both Simon and Stella…
…went to Millfield School at Street in Somerset, a very exclusive and expensive co-educational public school which is renowned for its sporting prowess. Incidentally, Des went there too and fancied Stella something rotten. But then it seems that poor Des (RIP) fancied anything in skirts.
I suppose it's hard for those who hade low libidoes or possibly suppressed libidoes to understand the angst that goes with having a 'turbo-charged' libido.
Poor Cathy might be 'out of her depth' with Julie's libido but I think it's more a case of Cathy not understanding Julie's differing approaches to the whole sex thing.
Julie's hormone treatment might be driving her libido all over the place as her young body (read gland) takes her all over the place.
Just stick with it Cathy. Julie's libido is not the problem it's her nightmares about her father and mother that are the real issues. Julie's going to need lots of TLC to get over those hurdles.
Keep writing. I'm still enjoying.
Beverly Taff.
This is wierd. I haven't changed my password but the site wont dispayl all my thingies at the side like 'Submit Story'!
I think it's the Chinese with
I think it's the Chinese with the interesting life stuff.
The poor kid. That kind of trauma leaves lasting scars. Not unlike what our military goes through.