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(aka Bike) Part 842 by Angharad |
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I spent the rest of the evening, after putting the girls to bed, dealing with queries related to the mammal survey. I now had a backlog, which would take me weeks to clear, and as we were supposed to be going to Lapland next weekend, it would mean I’d be very busy until after Christmas.
Simon eventually noticed my absence and came looking for me. I was in the kitchen on my laptop. “Do I get the impression you’re avoiding me?”
“I’m busy, what do you want?” I was too, in the middle of trying to decide if someone saw a dormouse near Leeds, when evidence suggests they haven’t been seen there for years.
“My wife, is that too much to ask?”
“Your wife is busy.”
“So I see.”
“The desire to see your wife didn’t bring you home early from work, did it?”
“I was very busy.”
“There’s a coincidence.” I returned to my laptop.
“I’m going to bed,” he said walking away.
“Goodnight,” I replied and kept typing. I rejected the sighting on current evidence and without verification by another trustworthy and independent witness. As much of the evidence is taken from finding discarded shells of nuts and acorns, it is possible to fake it by taking the shells from somewhere else and scattering them. Too much like hard work–people will do all sorts of things to make a point, even a false one. The next phase would be more corroboration and nest boxes to estimate populations, which is usually when they really are found out.
An hour later I went to bed myself, Simon was reading some thriller. I washed changed into my night wear, cleaned my teeth and on getting into bed, pecked him on the cheek and lay down to go to sleep.
“Still mad at me are you?” he enquired.
I really didn’t want this discussion now, I was very tired. So I more or less ignored him.
“I’ve got more bad news, I’ve cancelled the trip to Lapland.”
“Fine, you can tell the girls.”
“So you are awake?”
“Yes, somebody close by keeps talking.”
“Very funny–I told you, you can use my cards.”
“I don’t need them thank you.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.”
“I think it was someone else who was being ridiculous earlier, so don’t lecture me.”
“You were only joking, anyway.”
“I was, you weren’t.”
“Of course I was, Cathy; besides, I apologised.”
“I heard you, and the patronising comments that accompanied it.”
“When did I patronise you?”
“You’re doing so now.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, I never talk down to you–you women see things that aren’t there.”
“See things or hear them?”
“What difference does it make, it’s all your bloody hormones anyway.”
“What is all my bloody hormones?”
“This paranoia.”
“I’m paranoid, am I?”
“Yes, if you want to know, you are.”
“Thank you Dr Cameron, world expert on mental health.”
“Very funny.”
“What is your reasoning for your diagnosis and this had better be good, because I am no longer sleepy–just very tired and irritable.”
“You’ve just identified one aspect of it.”
“Simon, that is total crap and you know it, but then these days you seem full of the stuff.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“Simon, shut up and go to sleep.”
“I’ll do no such thing.”
“Fine–I’m going to sleep somewhere quieter then.” I pushed back the duvet to get out of bed.
“Where do you think you’re going–I haven’t finished.”
“I have, goodnight.”
“Cathy, as my wife I insist you come back to bed.”
“Sit on this,” I said back giving him the finger–if you think that was rude, I could have told him what I really thought. To my astonishment, he jumped out of bed and ran to the door and shut it standing in front of it.
I couldn’t be bothered to fight him physically–last time he got hurt, so I turned around and picked up my cell phone and pretended to dial, then said, “Police.”
“Please, Cathy, don’t involve outsiders, let’s discuss this like adults.”
“Yes, my husband is keeping me against my will in the bedroom.” I said to the unconnected phone.
“Cathy, please?”
“Hold on,” I said to the phone and my imaginary policeman. “What?”
“I’m sorry, alright. I am really sorry.”
“I’ll call back later.” I pretended to disconnect the call. “Your apologies are just empty words Simon.”
“I love you, Cathy.”
“How about showing it then, by deed not just word. Words are cheap.”
“What do I have to do?”
“Why should I always have to be the one to show you where you get it wrong? If you were seriously thinking, you’d see it yourself.”
“Help me here, will you?”
“Okay, latest antisocial, sexist remark, you insisted I came back to bed because I was your wife. I didn’t vow to obey you, nor would I. I thought our relationship would be one of equals and in the beginning it was, you were generous and courteous now you’re mean and arrogant. Next point...”
“Okay, okay...I didn’t mean it like that, I wanted us to talk–I need you, Cathy, you’re my whole universe.”
“And you said I was crazy?”
“I’m trying to make you understand why I do what I do.”
“Well you’re not making much of a job of it, if you really wanted to I’m sure you could.”
“Please help me then.”
Part of me wanted to just go and sleep with the kids, but he is my husband and I did agree to marry him, he didn’t just pluck me up onto his white charger and gallop off with me, like in a Mills and Boon story. Maybe we should try that approach–yeah sure–don’t give the silly man ideas. I could hardly walk away, could I, so here we go again–is this the worse I agreed to?
“Why did you cancel the holiday?”
“British Airways–looks like a strike is on for Christmas.”
“We’d be back before then, wouldn’t we?”
“Dunno–so rather than get stuck in Lapland, with you grumbling about lack of clean knickers or something, I cancelled it. The girls haven’t mentioned it anyway, have they?”
“Not really, no.”
“C’mon then help me to understand women...” he said and I nearly screamed.

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Well, Simon IS
Trying, This chapter wuld make a great episode of 'I Love Lucy. Seeing them butt heads can be very comical.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
What Is It With These Two?
We're a bit early in the game for needing a marriage counselor already.
I had higher hopes for the two of them, especially Cathy. Yes, Simon isn't too bright about his appearances of inconsideration and chauvinism. But, Cathy is being way too emotionally responsive, if she has any confidence in their love, and just succeeds in making things worse, imho.
Both of these people need to grow up. Either that, or we need Trish to come in and be the adult and give them a stern talking-to. Especially, Cathy.
not agree more, but then I have been with my SO for 49 years.
Hmmm! Well at least
they are still talking....Although i really do think they need their heads knocking together, Cathy seems way too touchy and Simon...Well like i said yesterday he needs to think before he speaks.
Is there someone who can get those two to
communicate like adults? Maybe it's the kids mom or someone like that. Totally uninvolved.
These two need to go with the flow. Cathy seems to take every thing Simon says too seriously. She needs to lighten up. And Simon, needs to think before opening mouth and inserting foot. There is no right or wrong, just different perspectives. Neither Cathy or Simon should feel like they are walking on egg shells when around each other. They are both under a lot of pressure from the outside as well as the change in their relationship. They are not communicating, which is essential to the survival of any relationship. Both must be open for meaningful dialog to occur. They need to listen to each other and not just hear the words.
As much as I love and admire Cathy, she does seem intent in avoiding addressing the issues. I understand she is tired, but she needs to loosen up and accept that Simon can be an ass sometimes. It is part of who he is at this time. Cathy too seems supersensitive. This seems part of who she is at this time. I believe Simon is right this time. He seems to want meaningful dialog to begin to understand the issues. I believe he wants to establish some common ground where they can begin understanding the dynamics of their new relationship.
His blocking the door is his means of making Cathy face the issues and not run away. He is not looking to force her to have sex or anything, just to listen and talk. He just wants them to communicate. When it comes to interpersonal relations, Cathy is very reticent and tends to procrastinate. She puts up barriers like taking care of the girls, her work etc. to avoid addressing the interpersonal issues. They need find a balance so they can grow their relationship in a positive nurturing way. This must start with open communication, not avoidance.
~There is no reality, only perception~
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
Ahhh but there is one element that Simon lacks
Simon is making decisions for the two of them WITHOUT consulting Cathy until after the fact. He does not allow her to be a part of the decision making process. Case in point, The wedding. Not once has he asked her what she truly wanted for a wedding.
True Cathy was putting it off, and putting off. That wasn't that good of her either.
He cancelled the trip to Lakland with out asking her. they could of discussed it and come up with some alternate ideas, but did he? No he didn't.
If he was my husband he would of been banned from the bedroom for a few days. The marriage is suppose to be a two way street, so far I see things only going one way, Simon's way.
Simon also is being a male chavenistic pig with his attitude of her being his wife and must do what he says. I thought slave labor was abolished in England too? I would kick him where it hurts for those remarks he made towards Cathy, being his woman and wife. I wouldn't wait on him if he was the last guy on this planet.
I trained my husband to be curtious and that I'm not his mother, so if he wants something, he can go very well by himself and get it. He isn't handicapped. He's got two very good working arms and two perfectly good legs.
The money situation and her spending on the child and he gets all worried about it, was totally crummy too. EEEEW I would have kicked him hard for that one. Selfish and tight wadded Bass-turd (must be a fisherman (yes I know how it is spelled, I spelled it phonetically thank you very much.)).
If Simon want's this marriage to work, he should remind himself that Cathy is still his best friend first, then his wife second and to treat her that way. Not as a galley slave or any type of slave, as he is presently treating her.
Good Job as usual Angharad.
Joni W
Not to mention
... he, as well as nearly his entire family, owes Cathy for their very lives.
Yes, Simon is showing his unsavory side after getting married. Again, I am SO glad I am not attracted to men.
Now, neither one of them...
Is without some wrong on their side. It's amazing they've stuck together so long. Must be one of those couples you hear about that thrive on the fight & make up bit. Or maybe it's just that it adds spice to the story, and our fearless authors use it to keep the excitement level up... I mean, how long would people listen to a couple bending over backwards caring for and understanding/anticipating each other - consistently...
While Simon may well have had good reason for his action, he's got a lot to learn about the marriage "partnership"... That said, Cathy gets ticked off too easily, and doesn't take into account the fact that Simon's a 100% male, and as a result, appears "hard wired" to expect straight answers / questions, despite ample evidence to the contrary.
Simon and Cathy
... both have to learn how to work things out BEFORE going to bed. The need to schedule a time together so that each is expecting it and the agenda is set. Hey, that is how corporations do it *shrug*.
Throwing grievances around just before going to bed is the perfect way to have one party or another stew about it while trying to go to sleep and then be unable to because *they are stewing about it*. Then you lack sleep and one gets cranky and the sitch just gets worst.
Simon in this episode has too much of the 'Wife attend me' misogynistic crap about him ( like that scene with Spock's mother and father on the original Star Trek series. ) He did not seem to think what Cathy is doing is as important as his work since he had such a 'hard' day and she should just drop whatever she is doing and bound up to him and lick him in the face or something.
Be careful Simon, get her too mad and the only lick on your face will come with a palm print on it.
Simon is Simon and acts as
Simon is Simon and acts as he does because of his upbringing. I have no doubt that as a MALE child, he was exposed to all the sexist, typical male, BS regarding how to deal with a female(s). Now that he is married to Cathy, he needs to LEARN how to really deal with and interact with women, including his sister Stella. Cathy is still learning to be a total woman and she has her own set of problems being "brought to the table". Not being raised female, she is incorporating both female and male thought processes in her dealing with Simon and sometimes the two don't connect well. Jan
She is a real piece of work!
GAD, she's got more baggage than a cruise liner and she is completely intolerable. This is one passive aggressive bitch. And she's adopting three children and magnanimously offering to care for two others?
What has needed to be said
has been said. Both need to set limits. Cathy needs to stop running from her problems. Simon needs to learn to talk about changes before he does things.
Gwen and I am on the same page on this.
I've been saying it for a while, Cathy's a bitch! Simon is a typical man, only a privileged one.
She jokingly gives people a hard time, but can't take a joke herself.
When Simon speaks, she takes him literally, intentionally giving him a hard time, provoking a caveman response from him.
This then gives her an excuse to throw a snit, jumping out of bed, and running off.
There is only one excuse for behaviour like this, pregnancy!!