(aka Bike) Part 830 by Angharad |
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I took Puddin’ and her cot into our room, Stella went off to bed and I settled the baby down, did my ablutions and went to bed. Simon was watching some war film on telly, and as I don’t like the genre, having an early night meant I wasn’t missing anything. I went out like a light, the effects of the past few weeks perhaps exerting a toll upon me.
I didn’t feel or hear Simon get into bed, nor apparently did I hear Puddin’ crying. Simon did and had to get out of bed to comfort her. Apparently this happened twice, so when I woke the next morning, feeling very refreshed and ready to go–Simon seemed a tad grumpier than usual.
“What’s your problem?” I asked him wondering if he was still angry with Tom.
“That little baggage,” he nodded at Puddin’ who was gurgling to herself, even if she did smell less than fresh.
“What about her, she didn’t wake in the night–did she?”
“Twice. Twice I had to get out to calm her down–you were lying on your back catching flies.”
“Who me?” I was horrified.
“You sounded like a buzz saw, probably what woke her up.”
“Me? Come off it, Simon, I don’t snore.”
“You did last night.”
“That is ridiculous. I’ve never heard anything so stupid in all my life. Me–snore?”
“Yes you–you’ve woken me up loads of time.”
“Simon Cameron, may God forgive you for such an outright lie.”
“What? It isn’t, I’m telling the truth.”
“And you expect me to believe that?”
“Yes I do, because it’s true.”
“Yeah, sure.” I got up and switched off the radio. Puddin’ woke and began whimpering for food and a change of nappy–she was soaking and smelly. “I’d better see to the baby.”
“How come you’re doing it, what’s wrong with Stella?”
“She’s very tired, so I said I’d give her a hand.”
“Be careful it doesn’t become a long term one.”
“I will, besides I’m too busy to offer more than occasional support.”
“Yeah, make sure you are.”
“Look, I’m going into the university today after I drop the girls off to school.”
“On a Saturday?”
“Saturday? It’s Friday.”
“No it isn’t, it was Friday yesterday.”
“Simon, it wasn’t.”
“Cathy it was, and if you are going to be so argumentative, why not take smelly bum there for a dip in the washing machine.”
“Washing machine? Simon, you can’t put a baby in a washing machine.”
“Yeah, course you can, then dry her in the microwave.” Now I knew he was winding me up–so in all probability, the snoring bit was the same. I felt relief flood over me–the idea of snoring was so awful. Phew, he nearly got to me that time.
I bathed Puddin’ and gave her some breakfast after dressing her. Trish heard me up and about and came to help me. “Why are you looking after baby Puddin’, Mummy?”
“Auntie Stella’s very tired, so I’m letting her have a lie in. It is Saturday, today, isn’t it?”
“Yes, Mummy, can we go out somewhere nice today?”
“I suppose so, where would you like to go?”
“To the shops.”
“Why? What do you want to buy?.”
“I can’t tell you Mummy.”
“Why is everyone so strange this morning?”
“I’m not strange, Mummy.”
“Well you’re hardly acting normally.”
“I am acting normally.”
“So why won’t you tell me what you want to buy?”
“Because I can’t, Mummy.” She started to sniff and I could see that it was upsetting her.
“Hey, you don’t have to get all upset, I only wanted to know so I could take you to the right sort of shop.”
“I want to go to the bike shop.”
“Bike shop? Whatever for?”
“See you’re asking me nasty questions again.” She flounced off crying which started Puddin’ off and I felt like getting in the car and driving off into the sunset. Seeing as it was only just light, I’d probably get some distance too.
Stella came down and took Puddin’ off my hands, she looked a bit better than she had the previous night. “What’s the matter with Trish?” she asked.
“I don’t actually know, she was acting all mysterious about going shopping somewhere.”
“Yeah, so?”
“Well I wanted to know, where she wanted to go and what she was buying.”
“I’m responsible for her.”
“Oh lighten up, Cathy, she’s hardly likely to be buying class A drugs or weapons, is she?”
“No, but I like to know what she’s doing. She’s only five, so she hardly appreciates the value of money does she?”
“You know what she wants to buy?”
“If I did I wouldn’t have asked her would I?”
“Well think about it.”
“Whaddya mean?”
“Duh! Like whose birthday is it soon?”
“I can’t think of anyone off hand, least I hope not, because I think I used up my last spare card.”
“Cathy, are you losing the plot here somewhere?”
“No, why?” I felt myself blushing, obviously there was someone whose birthday I’d forgotten and she wasn’t going to tell me who. I flicked through my mental checklist–Trish, Livvie, Mima, Simon, Stella, Puddin’ and Tom; oh could it be Henry? No I’m sure it isn’t. Damn, who else is it?
“You really can’t remember whose birthday it is next week?”
“No, whose is it?”
“Yours, you silly moo. Now can you see why she didn’t want to tell you?”
“Oh bugger, I forgot all about it.”
“Well your children hadn’t. You look after Pud this afters and I’ll take ‘em out shopping.”
“Okay, seems like a fair deal to me and I won’t embarrass them. Just don’t let them spend too much, will you?”
“Do you honestly think I would?”
“No, but...”
“But you thought you’d better say so anyway?”
“Something like that.”
The rest of the weekend passed very quickly, it was cold and then wet again on the Sunday. Then Monday was a little better, Tuesday and Wednesday were back to wet and horrible. I took the girls to school each morning and collected them in the afternoon. Each time I did they’d giggle as soon as they saw me. “We knowed somefin’ you don’t knowed,” chanted Mima and they dissolve into fits of giggles.
It’ s now Wednesday evening, December 2nd and I still don’t know what they’re giggling about, presumably whatever it is they’ve bought me for tomorrow. Goodness is it really a whole year since the last one?
Simon came to bed a little while ago and he was smirking–now I am totally paranoid, I probably won’t sleep all night–the rotten buggers!

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Hmmm, let me think...
Who else has a birthday tomorrow????? I'm pretty sure it's someone we all know and love :)
Love ya Auntie A!!!
Never let it be said that I don't enjoy the occasional delusion of grandeur
Never let it be said that I don't enjoy the occasional delusion of grandeur
That's all right, sis
I promise we haven't bought you anything for your birthday tomorrow, wouldn't want to embarrass you. Or Cathy, who is no doubt feeling a right prat just now. ;-) Hopefully she found a way to make things up to Trish.
Karen J.
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
If it is Auntie A's birthday, she doesn't look a day over 25. But I would never dream of asking a lady her age.
I could tell you
But then my sis would kill ME! ;-)
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
It's my birthday tomorrow 3rd Dec. I thought it was mine alone.
Mostly Harmless
How Typical Of Cathy
To forget her very own birthday! but is it to celebrate her completion as a woman, or her physical birth?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Her birthday
She saw the plumber at New Year if you remember.
Never the doc referred to as a plumber before, but he does fix some plumbing, now you mention it... I wonder if I should consult our local plumber. He's union, and his rates are lower... Nah. He just works with iron, copper & pvc... And, I don't want to even imagine the results of that...
This coming weekend, I've got one of those birthdays about which the Beatles wrote a song.
I hope that our church administrator isn't on the ball this year; they play a silly song and sing to you. At least Cathy doesn't have that ignominy.
Cathy needs a holiday; not knowing what day of the week it is could result in her doing Simon some serious GBH. Or was she winding Simon up for a change?
I suppose it's because
very cute chapter
and we ALL know Cathy snores loudly. Happy birthday
Just a day in the LIFE.
I think Cathy also needs a break like Stella. Cathy needs to revitalize. Maybe a day at the hotel enjoying the spa amenities. She does know the owner and she just happened to be instrumental in saving his life. I know just how Cathy feels. You just keep going and going. (Isn't there a little pink bunny that does that?) A nice relaxing hot tub, a massage and serious pampering might be just the thing for her. Or just let her loose on her Bike.
Happy Birthday Cathy!
~There is no reality, only perception~
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
Happy Birthday, Cathy. Have
Happy Birthday, Cathy. Have a good one with all your little darlings, plus Simon, Stella, Tom and the lot. It was very nice to see them all enjoying just a normal few days. Jan
As it's now Thursday 3rd...
(OK, so 2 hours in, but I was busy reading Heaven & Hell parts 3 & 4!)
Hope Angharad ensures Cathy has a wonderful, trouble-free birthday in today's upcoming episode :)
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Im waiting to see
Cathy with a blue spandax suit with red booties and cape and a big red "C" in the middle of the front ^^
That or the russians bringing her a birthday cake and food to make peace with her.
Too concerned about others
to remember what day it is or her own birthday. Poor Trish - trying to be good to her mom but trying to obey her too. Cathy really ought to go give her a serious hug and cuddle and let her know she's loved and appreciated.
Well, it can't be..
Cathy's first bear. A girl remembers her bear (or, I do any way). It's not likely to be a Bike. A bike ornament for the tree they don't have yet?
How come the middle generation is having so much trouble.... I ask innocently. :-)
Thanks for this pleasant diversion.
Shades of Normalicy!
Cathy is starting to think something like a normal woman. By jove, I wonder if it is dangerous? Perhaps she's growing out of her Drama Queen phase.
It is funny
Watching girls try to keep a secret. I'm surprised Cathy hasn't figured it out. I agree, life has been crazy busy for her.
One definition of marriage is that it's a relationship between two people, each of which thinks it is only the other one who snores.
Love Bev xx
Dum dum de dum no not Dragnet
Ooh, ooh, I know ,I know, call on me , me, me. Aah, rats. Whizz told me to be quiet.
With zipped lip,