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(aka Bike) Part 832 by Angharad |
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I walked down the aisle in a daze, encouraged by Tom and the girls. “We’s bwidesmaids, Mummy,” giggled Mima
“You look really beautiful today, Mummy,” said Trish and I felt her arm around mine. Before me, stood Simon, I recognised the suit and some other man. As I neared them, I could see it was Henry. I’d never heard of someone having their dad as best man. Beyond them stood Marguerite, did she know this was a surprise to me. Surprise party–difficult but okay; surprise wedding–I don’t know what I think.
I honestly would never have thought that Simon was capable of organising this. There weren’t more than a few other people there: Pippa, Dan, Neal and Gloria from the department, Erin and Alan from my film and Monica. Is that why she wasn’t down to see Henry? Surely not, and what if Henry had died? They surely wouldn’t have gone through with this then, would they? If they had, I’d have been legging it away from here double quick. As it is, I’m not sure if I’m going to stay.
We suddenly stopped and Stella popped a small posy into my hands. I took it without actually registering what it was.
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered...” Marguerite started to the small congregation. I kept thinking when she gets to the bit about anyone having just cause, I would say something.
My attention was taken by the building, it was a very pretty church–I looked up at the ceiling–big mistake. My head started to swim and instead of just cause, I just keeled over as everything went black.
Apparently Simon managed to grab my arm as I doubled up, which explained why I had some bruises on it the next day. I didn’t however hit the floor, which being stone would have hurt. He carried me out to the vestry and laid me in a chair.
Marguerite took over, “Cathy, are you okay?”
“My head feels funny,” I said, because it did and I felt sick. Someone, Stella I think, shoved a bucket in front of me and I threw up.
“This happens all the time,” said Marguerite’s voice, “Could someone tell the others, there’ll be a short interval.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I eventually forced out in between retches.
“I wanted it to be a surprise.”
“It was that alright,” I paused and upchucked again, “please note, I didn’t say nice one.”
“Cathy, do you not consent to this wedding?” asked Marguerite.
“I don’t know,” I said feeling the room slow to a gentler orbit.
“I can’t marry you unless you’re sure. I assumed because you asked me months ago that you were keen on the idea.”
“I am–keen on the idea–oh my head.”
“So she does consent, don’t you, Babes.”
“Do I?” I asked.
“No, Babes, it’s–I do.”
“Is it?” my head was swimming.
“Use your blue light, Mummy,” called Trish’s voice.
“I can’t find the switch, sweetheart,” I called back.
“Let me try,” Trish pushed her way through, “Come on, Mummy, feel the light.” She placed her hands either side of my head. I placed mine on top of hers and I felt my head clearing. I opened my eyes and she was surrounded by an aura of blue light–it was so beautiful, I wondered for a moment if I was looking at an angel. I hugged her, and she said, “Please marry Daddy, otherwise we can’t be bridesmaids.”
Her words caught me in my throat where a huge lump formed and it seemed to pain in my chest as well and for a moment, I wondered if I was having a heart attack. Then I realised I was, not of a physical sort, but an emotional one. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I hugged her. “Don’t cry, Mummy,” she said and hugged me tighter.
A few minutes ago, I felt anger and shock at what Simon had done. Everyone knew but me. For a moment I felt outrage–then I realised, he thought he was doing something special for me, for me and the children. It was certainly a surprise–initially a nasty one because it shocked me–then as I thought about it, and the shock wore off, I realised if I said no, that would be it–my little family would be over because they were all out of kilter with me. I always fully intended marrying Simon, but it was always tomorrow, why? I don’t know. I wasn’t scared of the commitment, except I worried that it would constrain me as an individual, yet I wanted the three children for whom I cared, to commit to me–so why couldn’t I to them? I felt the love of the embrace of this child and it was killing me, exposing the cowardice in my own heart. If I loved her, I needed to act like her mother not her guardian and I wanted to be her mother, more than anything. I wanted my family to stay together, to fight together for the sake of the children because in protecting and nurturing them, we’d do the same for ourselves–as we watched them grow, so we would grow with them.
Someone passed me a tissue and I gently dabbed my eyes. I kissed Trish and stood up. I looked Simon in the eye and said, “Don’t you ever try anything like this again without discussing it with me.” He went to speak and I shut him up with a glance. “Let’s do it,” I said and walked out to the nave holding Trish’s hand.
I can’t honestly say I remember too much of the service, Trish, Livvie and Mima surrounded me as I said, “I do,” and as Simon said the same. Suddenly a ring was put on my finger and we were pronounced man and wife. Unless this was a dream, I really was Lady Catherine Cameron.
We were led back out to the vestry and with Tom and Henry, signed the register. Now it was legal, my God. I was still in a slight daze, Henry, Stella, Tom and Monica surrounded us and we were hugged and kissed. Then three little girls led us back out to the church and the small group who awaited us applauded as we emerged.
I didn’t eat much of my lunch but I certainly won’t forget my twenty sixth birthday in a hurry, nor the precious looks on the faces of three little girls who’d sort of fulfilled an ambition for the first time. At Trish’s age, I’d have killed to be a bridesmaid. We didn’t do the job properly now, and over lunch I told Simon that I assumed we’d be doing a very public ceremony sometime in the spring. I enjoyed telling him that–he spilled soup in his lap–but he agreed and I also recalled that we had to invite another little girl to take part if she wanted.
Tom said he’d happily pay for his daughter’s formal wedding blessing, but Henry told him it would be his pleasure to lay on the service at Stanebury, and Marguerite was asked if she’d do it again for us.
“I’d be delighted, if your local priest doesn’t mind.”
“Stella, you can help me organise it, and this time I want the works, white dress, long dresses for the bridesmaids, the men in formal dress–kilts, perhaps?”
“Only if it’s a warm day,” said Henry.
“Och ye big Jessie,” said Tom, and everyone laughed.
We did have a couple of photos of the day, the best one was of Simon and I with the three girls–were becoming a family, a proper family. On Monday, I was going to ask our solicitor to start the process to adopt these girls–dammit, I was going to become their mother if it took me the rest of my life.
“Whit aboot a honeymoon?” Tom asked Simon.
“We’ve just been away for a couple of weeks–I think, Cathy, I mean Lady Cameron, my wife, would prefer to get back into her routine with the girls–oh and we’re going to see Father Christmas in Lapland in a fortnight, just for the weekend–with the girls of course.”
As you will imagine, that went down very well with three school girls. Personally, if I get to meet him, Father Christmas, that is–I’m gonna ask him what happened to the doll I requested every year from age three to eleven? That should fix the fat bastard!

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words that brought tears
Sometimes Cathy says inspiring things.
"I wanted my family to stay together, to fight together for the sake of the children because in protecting and nurturing them, we’d do the same for ourselves—as we watched them grow, so we would grow with them."
Thanks Angharad (and Bonzi)
It's taken so long . . .
. . . that I never thought I'd read it. Call me a skeptic though, are we sure that this was Cathy's dream day, I for one hope it was.
Mostly Harmless
dream day ?
remember, she said her dream day spectacular is in the spring with all the trimmings :-)
Sniff, sniff
That was a lovely piece of pathos.
It's been a long time coming, but Cathy is finally married. Yes!
I chuckled about the kilt comments.
Phony Scotsman
Bike Resources
ah yes
I was pretty sure after a bit of hiss and spit Cathy would realise she was lovingly outnumbered and with perhaps a tear or two would surrender. Very nice Ang and good job Simon. Oh yeah... stick it to Santa, hah.
Neaarly wet meself...
"Personally, if I get to meet him, Father Christmas, that is—I’m gonna ask him what happened to the doll I requested every year from age three to eleven? That should fix the fat bastard!" - so I'm not the only one with these thoughts then?
That which does not kill me only serves to delay the inevitable. My blog =>
That which does not kill me only serves to delay the inevitable. My blog => <= note new address
It wouldn't be a complete episode
... without a blue light being there would it ? :).
However, that said, it was not frivolous to my eyes. It is interesting that Cathy still cannot directly heal herself but her blue light has to be channeled through another person (Trish) first. She should know now that only in healing others she is also healing herself.
And she is finally married ! sooooo
All together now Bike Fans: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww !
And about time Cathy put aside childish things...
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
For one horrible moment
i began too think i t was all golng to fall apart ....Thankfully Cathy was able to see the love everyone has for her and finally became Lady Catherine Cameron.....Sounds good does'nt it!!!....
That last line was Absoulutely priceless....Bet you won't get any presents from the fat B****** Angharad!!!
At last!
Now I can get some sleep.
I did get a bit worried when the new Lady C. started throwing up, but it all came right in the end.
Judging by the previous episodes, young Simon hasn't signed up for a boring life by any means.
Love, honour and oh, shit!
Am I imagining things?
Or, after 832 episodes, has Cathy finally tied the knot?!
I somehow suspected they'd draft in Marguerite to officiate, and Cathy would initially be in shock.
But...Trish assisting with a blue light healing - of Cathy herself! That was certainly unexpected - and with Trish being surrounded by an aura of the blue light, I can't help but wonder if she's going to pick up the gift as well...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
That Might Not Be All She Picks Up...
A number of readers have asked before why Cathy didn't just use the blue light to zap Trish into genetic girldom. I'm not saying it just did, but wouldn't that be... interesting?
When Trish helped with the
When Trish helped with the blue light I sort of wondered if Cathy might find herself pregnant in the future lol (wishful thinking)
I too have issues with that meanie Santa :(
Megumi :)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p
Absolutely Beautiul!!!!
This chapter was absolutely beautiful and it was touching the way that everything came together in the end. The people they loved were all there and surrounding them just as it should be . I loved how Cathy told Simon that she was going to get the big fancy formal ceremony later.
Cathy And Trish
BOTH being T-girls AND Cathy having the Blue Light Gift, it's very likely that Trish was able to activate the Blue Light and possibly become heir to its power and heal her and Cathy, giving them BOTH female plumbing. If so, hopefully it takes a bit so that Simon can make Cathy a birth mum.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Thank you Angharad (and Bonzi too).
Glad Cathy and Simon's realtionship is formalized.
The wedding was a blue light special courtesy of Trish. She one smart 5 year old. I hope Trish has the 'powah' also. There seems to be closure in some parts of Cathy's life now. I think it will help her accomplish more.
My only concern, if my geography is right, is that Lapland is above the Arctic Circle in Finland, which abuts the home of our favorite villains the Russians. Kris Kringle may be able to keep the bad guys away. "Oh what fun it is...."
~There is no reality, only perception~
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
I'd be fairly sure the attraction would be fairly safe - given the visit's timed for mid December, it's fairly likely they'll be surrounded with crowds of other families paying a visit to the "big man" and filing any last minute present requests. They probably have very tight security as well - after all, any unfortunate incidents would quickly make international headlines.
But one thing's for sure - they're very unlikely to meet any dormice while up there!
On the other hand, the arctic tundra is home to another species of small mammal - one that, contrary to popular belief, does not have green spiky hair, wear a blue jumper, shout "Oh no!" or jump off cliffs...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I can die happy now!
She's sort of an Amazon isn't she?
I don't recall her saying she loved Simon; seems she was much more concerned with holding her family together. Well 200 years ago, women often Married men they did not love. It was their lot in life. I recall reading the journal of a woman in the late 1600's in Colonial America who was "Sold" to a man as his wife. Later her child was sold to another man as an endentured servant. I imagine that was a frequent occurance in the UK during those times.
I am far too romantic and I know it is tiresome for some of you.
Love for Simon
She may rarely show outward signs of loving Simon during the daytime (but then again, he's rarely around during the day!) - but night time's another matter. They've had many nights of "bedroom antics" together. OK, they haven't had many recently, but then again they've been preoccupied with things such as escaping the Mafia and healing (which, unsurprisingly, is rather energy draining).
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Oh, wow
Birthday, stroke and wedding -- and now it turns out Trish can do the blue light special too. What a chapter!
So now she's Lady Cameron of Somewhere-or-other (sorry, can't remember which place it was). Could she please get some time to work towards her Ph.D. one of these years? That was, after all, her primary ambition...
I am fortunate
in logging in now, when Cathy and Simon are, finally, joined in wholly headlock.
I am digitalising thousands of hours of language tapes for a friend's doctorate, and I am in the progress of reareading your exciting, thrilling, heartwarming--and half of Roget's--Story.
I tried Big Blue, on the premiss that all cats had some narrative gift, but all she did was lie on my keyboard and eat all my biltong.
But this shall not hslt my assault upon Parnassus! I have eyes upon the monkeys as they frolic about our pool in the morning! I shall have a stori in Topshelf!!! Mwaa-haaa-haaa!
But, seriously, Angharad, you are a writer of no ordinary literary social gifts, and we are tremendously grateful for being allowed to share your largess.
Oh, Goodie!!
Not only did we (finally!) get the wedding and Cathy is really Lady Cameron but there's a promise of being able to do it all over again with the white dress and everything next spring. Be still, my pounding heart! (I don't know if I can wait!! I sure hope she can make it through the next one without fainting halfway through but then she'll have known this one was coming, eh?)
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
becoming a parent
> —dammit, I was going to become their mother if it took me the rest of my life.
And if she does it right, it will -- especially to girls.
Daisy and her promise
Hi again,
Beverly here.
Obviously Daisy wasn't invited because Simon didn't know of Cathy's promise to make her a bridesmaid as well.
Pity really; I hope she gets an invite to the blessing in Scotland.
Lovely storey.
Ya'll do realize he cheated, don't you? Now instead of having to remember birthdays and anniversary he only has one date to remember, and people will remind him. I don't count merging the gifts, since they are all so wealthy they can have what they want when they want.
Still, it was a sweet chapter.
He brought the doll, but your Da got to it first.
Jeepers, there's the old Cathy, pukeing her guts up. Margarite says, 'this happens all the time' Huh, I've been to a lot of weddings, a few as an usher, the groom is the sick one, not the bride.
One of my pals fainted, we caught him before he hit.
They have got her now, 'once you're in, you can't get out.' Lady Catherine Cameron, has a nice ring, doesn't it ?
Poor Father Christmas !
that's last paragraph had me in stitches.
I love this story and cannot stop reading it.
im from the Fareham - Portsmouth area so im pleased its based around this area.
No. Words.
I just have no words, maybe a poet could describe how that made me feel, I can't.