(aka Bike) Part 67 dozen (805) by Angharad |
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“Bloody hell!” I said feeling my whole body shaking, “You could have shot Simon.”
“Yes I could, but I thought you liked him?”
“I do,” I said feeling bemused.
“I thought so, so I shot the other one. In all fairness, he was the one calling me names, so I suppose it’s sort of a quid pro quo.”
“But you could have hit Simon,” I felt tears form as I contemplated that as a scenario, then I heard him groan and rushed to help him, dropping the gun as I ran. Unfortunately, it was cocked and discharged a shot which hit the Russian I’d decked, in the same place as my knee. I screamed, but not as loudly as he did.
I tended to Simon who was asking for a drink. “I’ve got some water in the car.”
“Water? I want brandy,” he croaked.
Myrtle went to examine the recently shot Russian who was still squealing. “He’s alright, you just shot his testimonials off.”
“The bullet shelled his nuts, if that doesn’t sound too corny,” observed Myrtle giving him a handkerchief to hold over the wound. “I think he’ll be sitting to pee, in future.”
She picked up the gun I’d dropped and passed it over to me, “Give it to Stephen, while we explore the house and make sure there’s no one else here.”
“What? Simon has been a hostage, he needs looking after.”
“Just give him the gun, I’m sure he knows more about using it than you do. Sidney, keep an eye on these two,” she indicated the two live Russians. Simon looked at her in astonishment but accepted the gun, whereupon, Myrtle grabbed me and together we searched the house–quickly.
There was no one else there, but Myrtle took sheaves of papers and carried them out to her car. Then she called Bill and told him to send an ambulance and a body bag. She spoke for a couple of minutes, then she broke the lock on the front door and Simon and I left with her and her flash car. Simon was most impressed with that.
“You know,” he said as we sped away, “I always fancied driving one of these.”
“Well buy your own, because you’re not driving this one,” said Myrtle and the look on Simon’s face was priceless.
I’d been doing some thinking while we headed back towards Portsmouth. “Bill knew where Simon was all along, didn’t he?”
“Probably, with the transmitter thing.”
“Why didn’t anyone tell me?”
“You’d have sailed in like the cavalry, wouldn’t you?”
“Where are my children?”
“How can I trust you when you deceive me?”
“You have to.”
“Do I?”
“If you want to see the children again.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means sit back and shut up. Your children are safe, so are Stella and the old man.”
“Professor Agnew.”
“Yes, him.”
“Why do you have this problem recalling men’s names but get women’s correct every time?”
“Do I?”
“You’re gay, aren’t you?”
“Oh sweetie, you’ve worked it out–I spent half the journey here rubbing your leg–for a scientist you’re not very clever.”
“I keep telling her that,” said Simon, smirking.
“Keep out of this, Sebastian, this conversation is between grown-ups.”
“I don’t think naíveté and cleverness are necessarily in conflict.”
“Think again, little girl, sophistication requires intelligence.”
“In which case I’m happy to remain stupid.” I folded my arms.
“It’s such a pity, I could have taught you so much–you’re so like I was when younger.”
“God, I hope not,” I said and sulked.
“What a shame,” she said and shrugged.
“I want to see my family as quickly as possible.”
“Sorry, little girl, we do things my way.”
“Don’t patronise me, Myrtle, you won’t live long enough to regret it.”
“Are you threatening me, Cathy? Threatening me, after seeing what I can do and the contacts I have.”
“If you think I’m impressed by some cheap fairground antics, you’ve got another think coming. I’m not threatening you, Myrtle, it’s unladylike, but I think you ought to know that I have a pistol pointed at your back and at this range, even I couldn’t miss.”
“Good lord, I’m impressed, but the folly is that you’ve revealed your plan and I can now negate it. You can hardly shoot me while I’m driving at speed and I also have a gun, and you’re hardly a moving target.”
“If you harm one hair of her head, I’ll break your scrawny neck,” I’d never heard Simon speak with such menace.
“I think you may well be dead too, sunshine.”
“Even dead I’ll wring your neck,” he snatched the gun from her and it went off making me jump until the seatbelt restrained me. Suddenly there was a draught howling from the broken side window.
“You’ve damaged my car, you brute.”
“Be thankful I didn’t damage you.” Simon snapped back.
Suddenly, friends or allies become enemies, unless you dance to their tune. The potty old biddy thing hid a nasty, selfish almost psychopathic personality–yeah, maybe she was a female James Bond–he’s not very nice either, a cold blooded killer. Hardly a role model–indefatigable but inhuman, at least in my sort of job spec for the species.
“You realise that I could have your family simply disappear?”
“I don’t think you realise just who we are, Lady Totnes?” Simon told her.
“Oh, but I do, Scottish bandits who supported Charles Stuart.”
“We’re a direct line of Mary Stuart.”
“Sure you are,” she sneered back, “What are you going to do, stage a coup on Buckingham Palace?”
“Certainly not, we have an allegiance to Her Majesty.”
“What? You’re as big a turncoat as Winston Churchill.”
“I don’t think anyone is as big a turncoat as a Churchill, it’s one of their nicer qualities.” Simon could sneer as well as anyone.
“Never mind this crap, what about the children,” I said loudly.
“You and your stupid children, you can see why I didn’t have any of the wretched things.”
“I thought it was because no self respecting sperm would come near you,” I ejaculated back.
“Very witty, for a dumb scientist,” she laughed, “double entendre, as well. Very good.” Admittedly I’d missed that. But so what, as soon as she stopped the car I was going to kill her–the bitch.

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She's now becoming just as suspicious as Bill. There may be perfectly good reasons for still keeping the family "safe" (e.g. while the handlers are rounded up and dealt with), but given how agitated Cathy (and now Simon) are, you think Myrtle would be able to explain why the family were still in danger without breaching the OSA (Official Secrets Act). Evidently they're not used to dealing with civilians - only the perpetrators and team colleagues, who'd do exactly what they said without question.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
You Have To Wonder Who Is Telling The Truth?
You have to wonder who is telling the truth? Myrtle helps rescue Simon, but for what reasons? It would seem that she and Bill may be looking for some kind of gain from the Cameron's. Cathy and Simon can't really do anything to her because she knows where the rest of the family are being stashed. It would stand to reason that if they had noble intentions, they would have told Cathy and Simon where the family is at. It will be interesting to see what comes next.
govt employees
As a government employee myself we do not get great pay or great retirement and since the economy went belly up then obviously they were using the russians to set up the Camerons in order to allow bill and myrtle to bilk a better retirement package from the Camerons. I think Myrtle has met the little screamer (meems) in the family and that is why she hates kids. Cathy should lock Myrlte and Bill in a room with a recording of meems screaming that should be torture enough just ask any dormice.
Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.
What are Bill and Myrtle up
What are Bill and Myrtle up to?
The calvary came to the rescue, now Simon and Cathy have to rescued from the calvary. Whose on whose side? Round and Round we go and where we stop only Angharad knows for sure, or does she?
What a way to keep the story interesting. Thanks.
~There is no reality, only perception~
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
Liar, Liar!
Now Cathy's on fire! I think people like Myrtle and Bill are so habituated to telling lies and/or concealing the truth that they do it automatically. "If you're gonna play in my sandbox you're gonna follow my rules. But she apparently only read Cathy's file quickly, Cathy isn't one for following rules when her family is at stake.
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Could Those Loonies Be
Working their own game and the Russians are their goons? If So, that could explain a lot. But if so, why all the drama?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
The interplay about lesbians, the overplay about royalists, still hiding the rest of the family,the spy car. This is playing into ALL of Cathy's fears and quirks. Is double 0h wild bill out to get every mafioso in Britain at the same time, cause they are tired of them? Or..????
You have me completely unfathomed!
I am simply going to sit here and pout. :( No matter what I guess, it will be wrong! GAH ! I just want her in a wedding dress!
Me, Too!!
I'ts still a great story but there's entirely too much testosterone flowing through these pages lately. I want the wedding! What is the dress going to look like?
OTOH, I admit to a certain liking for Myrtle. Any chance of a spin-off about her, Angharad?
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
P.S. It just occurred to me to ask: how do you pronounce the 'gh' in Angharad? Is it just a hard g or is it gutturalized (I'm sure there's a proper linguistics term for that but I have no idea what it might be. :( ) as in German? I believe that Scottish Gaelic does that, too; does Welsh?
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Okay, I am now thoroughly ...
... convinced that Cathy has been ill; and every bit of this - since episode 785 - is one of Cathy's wierd dreams.
By That Reasoning
...it could be every episode since 1. Cathy could be lying in the hedgerow, mashed by Stella's car, life oozing away slowly in the rain. Although, for the story to get told, she does have to survive. Or, is that old-fashioned thinking on my part?
Not that old chestnut!
We're on episode 805 now, and as it roughly follows 'real time', we've probably had over 2 years worth of timeline. Given everything that's happened in the meantime, I can't see how it could possibly be dreamed.
The events that are happening now are entirely consistent with Cathy's world. She's already had several encounters with the Mafia, plus an anti-cyclist nutter, several drivers who should know better, a TG-phobic psychologist, bullies and two sets of parents who've cared more about their own lives than their children.
Besides which, from Angharad's POV, these dramas, while highly improbable (but, crucially, not impossible!) in the real world provide something more meaty to write about than the trials and tribulations of domestic life in the madhouse (currently consisting of three and a bit adults [the bit being Simon, since he's rarely around], three under-fives and a baby to boot! Never mind a spaniel and occasional visits by a tame dormouse...)
Again, you'd have to have a pretty darn fast perception of time and be under the influence of some seriously weird medication to dream all that's happened so far...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
It could also be...
that you have dreamt it all, and we are all a figment of your weird imagination. Alternatively, you could all be a product of mine and I am actually fast asleep in bed--or maybe still in my mother's womb! How's that for lateral thinking or diseased existentialism?
Or the logical conclusion...
Solipsism, the notion that the self is all that is known, or can be known, to exist. Extrapolated to an extreme, this is the rough equivalent of the grandiose delusion, since it logically follows that the solipsist is God, perhaps dreaming, and will applaud One's Self for One's Infinite Creativity when One awakes.
I could be bounded in a nutshell, and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams.
--- William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act II, scene ii
There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
--- William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act II, scene ii
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
bleedin' 'eck
I feel I need to go and get drunk after reading Puddin's comment or perhaps sit on a rock and contemplate the infinite and say Om a lot. Too smart for me I mean if God's dreaming he's a bleedin' somnambulist and he better wake up safe and sound. Hell if he stubs his toe and wipes out the universe swearing whilst wandering some celestial stairwell I'll be royally pissed off. Oh does it look odd two dropped thingies with apostrophies in the title? Hey artistic something orright. Hey how often do you get enlightened reading a comment? Yeah okay learn a little then. Now where's my dictionary? Solip....
Continued wierdness
Still impossible to guess where this is going.
Cor !!!
talk about complicated....Bill and Myrtle, Agents... But for who ? The goverment? Themselves? Some nefarious criminal organisation?.... I suppose at this point you might expect having posed the question that i might try and put on my Sherlock Holmes hat and try to work out just what is going on...Well you might expect but the truth is i have'nt a clue, So like the rest of Angharad's readers, Im just going to sit here and wait to be surprised when the truth emerges....I'm sure i will be!!!
If I was Mrytle, I would be
If I was Mrytle, I would be very caution with Cathy and Simon, as they both have guns and are not afraid to use them if needed. Pretty good justice on the one Russian that Cathy's gun made a "rooster turn into a hen", as Dolly Parton stated in the movie "9 to 5". Jan
Myrtle, be careful, Cath's like a SAS squadie when she's hot.
Cathy, you haven't ejaculated since Simon rubbed your back before surgery. Remember ? It scared the Bejesus out of him.
Probably from jealousy.
Bendigedig stuff, Ang.